干旱区研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (1): 1-4.

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张百平, 张雪芹, 郑度   

  1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101
  • 收稿日期:2012-10-23 修回日期:2012-11-20 出版日期:2013-01-15 发布日期:2013-01-16
  • 作者简介:张百平(1963-),男,研究员,主要从事山地生态与干旱区研究.E-mail: zhangbp@lreis.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:


Countermeasures and Suggestions for Wasteland Reclamation Prohibition in the Arid Land in Northwest China

Zhang  Bai-Ping, ZHANG  Xue-Qin, ZHENG  Du   

  1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
  • Received:2012-10-23 Revised:2012-11-20 Published:2013-01-15 Online:2013-01-16

摘要: 中国西北干旱区最大的特点就是高山-绿洲-荒漠组成的复杂而完整的山盆地域生态系统。盆地内降水极少,地表不产生径流,主要依赖出山口径流量来维护脆弱的荒漠生态平衡和经济社会的可持续发展。在历史上,特别是近60余年来,上中游绿洲区大面积开垦和发展灌溉,使有限的水资源越来越集中地消耗在中上游,导致下游地区日趋缺水和荒漠化,彻底改变了干旱区原有的水资源格局和生态演化趋势。应用确切的数据,比较了耕地适宜规模与实际耕地面积,突出了干旱区过度开垦的问题,表明这是干旱区生态问题的总根源。在此基础上,提出5条防治荒漠化的对策:① 建议国务院制定相关条例,禁止干旱区荒地开垦,并对已经过度开垦的荒地实行“退耕(牧)还草(荒)”工程;② 制定并严格实施科学合理的内陆河分水方案,兼顾上中下游地区,确保西北干旱区水土资源的有效配置与利用;③ 调整绿洲农业结构,发展高效区域特色产业;④ 生态需水需要逐步得到保障;⑤ 强化立法管理,保障西北干旱区生态建设与可持续发展。

关键词: 荒地, 开垦, 水资源, 荒漠化防治, 对策, 西北干旱区

Abstract: Arid land in northwest China is characterized by three basic elements (mountain, oasis and desert) and their complex combination-many similar integral inland mountain-basin systems. There is little rainfall in the arid basins and almost no ground runoff, so the fragile desert ecological balance and socio-economic sustainable development in the basins depend completely on runoff from the surrounding mountains. In human history, especially in recent 60 years, large-scale reclamation and irrigation development have occurred in the upper and middle reaches of inland rivers, leading to intensive water resources consumption in the oases and more serious water shortage and desertification in the lower reaches. These completely changed the original spatial pattern of water resources and ecological evolution in the arid land. With the solid data and analysis, in this paper the suitable scale of cultivated land and actual area of cultivated land were compared, the problem of excessive wasteland reclamation was highlighted, and it was considered that these were the main causes of ecological problems in arid land in northwest China. On which some suggestions were put forward: (1) The State Council issued a ban on wasteland reclamation in arid land in China, and in the regulations it was requested to reverse the over-reclaimed land to wasteland; (2) Strict and scientific water resources redistribution schemes should be formed and carried out so as to effectively and rationally utilize water resources in upper, middle and lower reaches of inland rivers; (3) It is suggested to regulate the intra-oasis agricultural structure so as to develop the efficient and distinctive industries; (4) Ecological water demand should be gradually satisfied; (5) Legislation needs to be strengthened so as to ensure the ecological construction and sustainable development in arid land in northwest China.      

Key words: wasteland, reclamation, water resources, desertification prevention and control, countermeasure, Northwest arid China