干旱区研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4): 846-854.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.04.12 cstr: 32277.14.AZR.20180412

• 气候与气候资源 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (1.东华大学环境科学与工程学院,上海  201620;2.中国气象局乌鲁木齐沙漠气象研究所,新疆 乌鲁木齐  830002;)
  • 收稿日期:2017-11-03 修回日期:2018-01-23 出版日期:2018-07-15 发布日期:2018-07-19
  • 作者简介:张小娟(1992- ),女,硕士研究生,研究方向为大气环境和资源研究.E-mail: zhangxiaojuan0726@163.com
  • 基金资助:

    科技部公益性行业科研专项 (GYHY201506009);国家自然科学基金项目(41675026、U1503181、41175026) 

Spatiotemporal distribution of cloud liquid water volume over three main mountains in Xinjiang

ZHANG Xiao-juan1, WANG Jun1, HUANG Guan1, CHEN Yong-hang1,2   

  1. (1. College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; 2. Institute of Desert Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration, Urumqi 830002, Xinjiang,China;
  • Received:2017-11-03 Revised:2018-01-23 Published:2018-07-15 Online:2018-07-19

摘要: 采用2003-2015年美国宇航局(NASA)发布的AIRS/Aqua L2 Standard Physical Retrieval (AIRS+AMSU) V006 (AIRX2RET)云数据集,选取新疆地区,特别是其云水量较丰富的3大山区为研究区域,研究其云中液态水的时空分布特征。结果表明:从空间分布看,北疆的云水量高于南疆,山区比沙漠盆地丰富,山区迎风面更为丰富,高达500×10-6 kg·m-2,呈西多东少的趋势。受大气环流的影响,整个研究区域、天山和阿尔泰山的云水量在春季分布较丰富,均高于350×10-6 kg·m-2,昆仑山在夏季分布较丰富;整个研究区域秋季的云水量分布均较少,在20×10-6 kg·m-2以下。近13a研究区域云水量的年均值为42.47×10-6 kg·m-2-455.32×10-6 kg·m-2,整个研究区域云水量总体平稳,3大山区则呈下降趋势;在2009-2010年研究区域的云水量总体呈上升趋势,天山变化较明显。3大山区云水量的年变化呈“单峰形”,阿尔泰山、天山和昆仑山云水量最高时段分别出现在2-4月、3-5月和4-8月,峰值分别为822.30×10-6 kg·m-2、869.75×10-6 kg·m-2和742.82×10-6 kg·m-2

关键词: 云中液态水, 大气环流, 时空分布, 阿尔泰山, 天山, 昆仑山, 新疆地区;


A case study on the spatiotemporal distribution of cloud liquid water over Xinjiang, especially over its three main mountainous with abundant cloud liquid water, was carried out using the cloud data set distributed by NASA (AIRS/Aqua L2 Standard Physical Retrieval (AIRS + AMSU) V006 (AIRX2RET)). The results showed that the cloud liquid water volume over north Xinjiang was higher than that over south Xinjiang, it was higher over the mountains than that over the desert basins, it over the windward slope of the mountains was as high as 500×10-6 kg·m-2, and it decreased from the west to the east. Affected by the general atmospheric circulation, the cloud liquid water over the whole study area, Tianshan Mountains and Altay Mountains was abundant in spring, and its volumes over these regions were all higher than 350×10-6 kg·m-2. The cloud water over the Kunlun Mountains was abundant in summer, but it was low over the whole study area in autumn and less than 20×10-6 kg·m-2. The average annual cloud water volume fluctuated between 42.47×10-6 kg·m-2 and 455.32×10-6 kg·m-2 in recent 13 years. The cloud liquid water was generally stable in the whole study area, but is was in a decrease trend in the three main mountainous. The cloud liquid water volume was in an upward trend in the study area from 2009 to 2010, especially in the Tianshan Mountains. The curves of annual cloud water volumes over the three main mountains were unimodal, and the highest values of cloud liquid water over the Altay, Tianshan and Kunlun mountains occurred from February to April, March to May and April to August, and the peak values were 822.30×10-6, 869.75×10-6 and 742.82×10-6 kg·m-2, respectively.

Key words: cloud liquid water, atmospheric circulation, spatiotemporal distribution, Altay Mountains, Tianshan Mountains, Kunlun Mountains, Xinjiang