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    15 September 2024, Volume 41 Issue 9 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    The Third Xinjiang Scientific Expedition
    Changes in the salt content of the plow layer soil during cultivation from 1990 to 2022 on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains
    ZHANG Bin, ZHENG Xinjun, WANG Yugang, TANG Lisong, LI Yan, DU Lan, TIAN Shengchuan
    2024, 41 (9):  1435-1445.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.09.01
    Abstract ( 225 )   HTML ( 20 )   PDF (2746KB) ( 195 )  

    In recent years, with frequent changes in land use and extensive reclamation of farmlands, soil salinization has become an environmental factor leading to the degradation of cultivated land quality and hindering the development of oasis-based agriculture on the northern slopes of the Tianshan Mountains. However, an objective understanding of the current status of soil salinization in cultivated lands and its evolution is lacking. This study, based on detailed survey data, actual soil measurements, and the China Land Cover Dataset, compares the advantages and disadvantages of traditional interpolation models and random forest interpolation models for estimating the salt content in the topsoil layer (0-30 cm). The most accurate quantitative prediction model was selected to quantitatively predict as well as obtain the distribution and change characteristics of the salt content in the plow layer soil of the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains. By using space for time, the salt content in the plow layer soil of newly reclaimed farmland over 30 years was compared to understand the impact of cultivation duration. The results showed that: (1) Compared to traditional interpolation methods, the random forest algorithm could more accurately predict the soil salt distribution of salinized land. (2) In the northern Tianshan region, there was significant spatial heterogeneity in the salt content of the topsoil, with salt concentrations in the higher altitude areas leaching with runoff and accumulating in the lower altitude areas near rivers or in depressions close to the deserts. (3) With the extension of cultivation years, the overall salt content in the plow layer soil of the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains decreased, and the degree of soil salinization converged at a moderate level, trending toward equilibrium or “centralization.” This study has enhanced the understanding of the current salinization status of cultivated land and the alterations in soil salinity from the reclamation of virgin wastelands to cultivated lands. It provides theoretical support for the development, management, and effective use of reserve land resources in arid areas, and offers a scientific basis for the sustainable development of agriculture.

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    Spatio-temporal variation and attribution identification of natural runoff in the northern slope economic belt of Tianshan Mountains during the past 60 years
    LI Yuhang, YU Wenxue, YANG Yongjun, ZHU Yanfeng, MA Jing, CHEN Fu
    2024, 41 (9):  1446-1455.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.09.02
    Abstract ( 136 )   HTML ( 24 )   PDF (8365KB) ( 68 )  

    The northern slope economic belt of the Tianshan Mountains is located in the hinterland of Asia which faces severe drought. For regional development and ecological security, it is crucial to clarify the temporal and spatial changes of natural runoff and their causes. Therefore, Sen’s slope estimation method, the Mann-Kendall trend test, and others were used to analyze the temporal and spatial changes of natural runoff. The Budyko model parameter was applied to quantitatively evaluate the contribution of precipitation, potential evapotranspiration, and underlying surface to natural runoff changes. The results suggested that: (1) The natural runoff of the economic belt on the north slope of the Tianshan Mountains increased during the recent 60 years, and the annual change rate was 0.68 mm·a-1. The fluctuation was conspicuous from 1961 to 1986 and decreased from 1987 to 2012. The natural runoff elevated from 1987 to 2012 and declined significantly after 2013. (2) The natural runoff volume and the elevation change were highly superposed in space, the natural runoff in the west and south was larger, and the increase in the southwest and northwest was highest. (3) Abrupt change points in natural runoff occurred from 1980 to 2013, with precipitation being the main factor. However, the influence of the underlying surface elevated, and the contribution rate enhanced from 31.5% to 45.5% in the past 60 years. (4) Before 2012, the natural runoff was mainly dominated by precipitation, but the influence was region-specific. In 2013, the influence of underlying surface on natural runoff in the west, east, central, and southern regions exceeded precipitation to become the dominant factor. It deepens the understanding of natural runoff change in the northern slope economic belt of the Tianshan Mountains and provides scientific support for the high-quality development of the region.

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    Evolution characteristics of spatial and temporal distribution pattern and driving force analysis of reservoirs in the economic zone on the north slope of Tianshan Mountains
    WANG Ting, SHEN Ganhua, LIU Bing, SUN Yinglin, WANG Zaiguang
    2024, 41 (9):  1456-1467.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.09.03
    Abstract ( 132 )   HTML ( 18 )   PDF (14799KB) ( 42 )  

    The temporal continuity and spatial equilibrium of reservoir group construction in the north slope of the Tianshan Mountain Economic Belt was verified, by extracting the water area of each reservoir from the 1990-2020 remote sensing data. The variation process of reservoir quantity and storage capacity was also analyzed by combining statistical data. The Moran index was used to quantify the aggregation degree of reservoir spatial distribution, and geographically and temporally weighted regression was established to analyze the driving factors of the reservoir. The results showed that in the past 30 years, the reservoir water area in the study region first increased by 46.25% from 1990 to 2015 and then decreased by 1.63% from 2015 to 2020. The number of reservoirs and storage capacity enhanced by 64.94% and 71.06% respectively. From 1990 to 2020, the Moreland index of the reservoirs in each representative year was 0.81, 0.83, 0.79, 0.91, 0.66, 0.73, and 0.78, respectively, along with a positive correlation between the spatial distribution of the reservoirs. The high-value area of reservoir distribution was mainly concentrated in the agricultural irrigation region of the Kuitun River Basin, and the low-value area in the industrial region was represented by Urumqi City. The main factors affecting the variation in reservoir capacity were evaporation, rainfall, elevation, population, and GDP. Evaporation adversely affected storage capacity, and the effect of rainfall was not uniform in space. Altitude and population had a positive impact on the construction of the reservoir in the west section and a negative influence in the east section. The GDP had a positive association with reservoir construction in the eastern section and a part of the western section, but a negative correlation in the middle section. These results can provide a reference for reservoir planning, construction, and operation management in similar areas.

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    Weather and Climate
    Comparative study on climate characteristics of daily mean wind and daily extreme wind throughout China
    NAN Yukun, LIU Peng, WANG Wei, CHEN Yizhi
    2024, 41 (9):  1468-1479.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.09.04
    Abstract ( 142 )   HTML ( 6 )   PDF (15700KB) ( 64 )  

    Studies have identified a long-term decline in the mean surface wind speed in China under the background of global warming. However, whether the extreme wind speed is consistent with the mean wind speed is worthy of investigation. Through the comparative analysis of the daily mean wind speed data and daily extreme wind speed data from the national basic weather stations for the years 1951 to 2018, the following conclusions are drawn: Nationwide, the daily mean wind speed is mainly concentrated at approximately 2 m·s-1 and the daily extreme wind speed is mainly concentrated at approximately 8 m·s-1; both wind speeds are larger in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and Inner Mongolia. In addition, the daily mean wind speed is more likely to be smaller, whereas the probability distribution of daily extreme wind speed is closer to a normal distribution. From 1960 to 2010, the daily mean wind speed decreased by 19%, while the daily extreme wind speed decreased even more significantly, up to 20%. However, after 2010, with the intensification of global warming, both speeds slightly rebounded; in particular, the daily mean wind speed has increased more significantly. These findings emphasize the importance of continuous attention and research into wind speed changes in the context of global warming, which are extremely helpful in comprehending the characteristics of surface wind speed changes in China, as well as providing a scientific reference for wind speed forecasting and wind energy development projects.

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    Analysis of surface solar radiation under different cloud conditions in Xinjiang and the surrounding “Belt and Road” regions
    SUN Linlin, LIU Qiong, HUANG Guan, CHEN Yonghang, WEI Xin, GUO Yulin, ZHANG Taixi, GAO Tianyi, XU Yunhong
    2024, 41 (9):  1480-1490.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.09.05
    Abstract ( 126 )   HTML ( 7 )   PDF (19946KB) ( 42 )  

    The spatial-temporal changes in surface solar radiation from 2002 to 2022 in Xinjiang and the surrounding “Belt and Road” regions under cloudless and cloudy conditions were compared using the CERES Aqua FM3 Edition4A SSF data set. Under both cloud conditions, the annual mean surface solar radiation was highest in the southern Xinjiang, Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, and central and northern Pakistan. The maximum irradiance under cloudless and cloudy conditions was 1029 W·m-2 and 789 W·m-2, respectively. The regions of lowest solar irradiance, with the lowest values being 117 W·m-2 under cloudless and 314 W·m-2 under cloudy conditions, are primarily located in Tianshan Mountains, northern Pakistan, and northern Tajikistan. These figures indicate that the variation in solar radiation is relatively smaller under cloudy conditions. The average annual solar radiation in the study area for cloudless and cloudy conditions increased at the rate of 0.36 W·m-2 and 0.39 W·m-2 from 2002 to 2022, respectively. From 2003 to 2022, the highest values of annual average irradiance under cloudless and cloudy conditions occurred in 2005 (759.32 W·m-2) and 2016 (599.70 W·m-2), respectively. The difference in solar radiation between the nine ground stations under cloud conditions (excluding Turpan and Altai stations) ranged from 50 to 150 W·m-2; the irradiance values at the remaining stations ranged from 150 to 250 W·m-2. The irradiance in most areas was 100-200 W·m-2 higher without cloud cover, and the regions where the difference is significant are primarily the Tianshan Mountains, northern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, and Kunlun Mountain, with the largest difference of 505.76 W·m-2.

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    GCM-based stable isotope modelling of precipitation in the Mongolian Plateau
    LU Wenjing, QU Deye, YANG Mingyue, HUANG Hanlin, YANG Shanquan
    2024, 41 (9):  1491-1502.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.09.06
    Abstract ( 104 )   HTML ( 2 )   PDF (7944KB) ( 26 )  

    This study used five atmospheric circulation models (GCM) from SWING2 and the second stable water isotope comparison group, to analyze the atmospheric water line equations of precipitation isotopes, spatial and temporal variations, and temperature relationships in the Mongolian Plateau. They were compared with the data from the Global Network for Isotope Observation and Information on Precipitation (GNIP), to provide detailed precipitation isotope information for the Mongolian Plateau, which lacks measurement stations. The results show that the local atmospheric water equation δD=7.783δ18O+3.011 simulated by LMDZ (ECMWF) was closer to the measured values; the δ18O and δD simulated by the five GCM models had significant seasonal variations, and the best simulation of their average monthly values were LMDZ (free) and LMDZ (ECMWF); and the results are based on the latitudinal effect. Only the CAM2 (free), LMDZ (ECMWF) and MIROC (free) models demonstrated the latitudinal effect in the Mongolian Plateau. In terms of longitude, the LMDZ (ECMWF) and isoGSM (NCEP) models showed that the δ18O values during precipitation in the western section of the region (87°-107°E) were higher than those in the eastern section (107°-127°E). Except for LMDZ (free), which demonstrated a weak temperature effect, others showed a robust impact. The LMDZ (ECMWF) model simulated the highest correlation coefficient between δ18O and temperature during precipitation in the two areas, with the strongest temperature effect.

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    A preliminary study on the evolution of water temperature in the estuary of the Qinghai Lake
    XIE Gang, WANG Tiantian, YU Tao, DONG Jingwei, CHEN Shiqiang, WANG Mengxiao, ZHANG Shengjie, ZHANG Haoming
    2024, 41 (9):  1503-1513.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.09.07
    Abstract ( 108 )   HTML ( 12 )   PDF (3540KB) ( 84 )  

    Under the influence of global warming, the temperature of lakes and rivers in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau has increased significantly, and the change is closely related to the breeding of aquatic organisms. However, there are few studies on the water temperature at the estuary of rivers, which is an important place for the migration and spawning of Gymnocypris przewalskii in Qinghai Lake, and the influence of water temperature change on the spawning of G. przewalskii is still unclear. Therefore, this study is based on the observation data of Gangcha Meteorological Station, China Meteorological Forcing Dataset (CMFD), European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Reanalysis v5-Land (ERA5-Land) and Coupled Model Intercomparison Projects 6 (CMIP6). The Fresh water Lake Model (FLake Model) is used to simulate the water temperature at the estuary of Buha River, the largest tributary of Qinghai Lake, and evaluate its applicability. It also discusses the superiority of reanalysis and CMIP6 multi-model data to drive the collection of simulated historical water temperatures (1981-2014). The evolution and causes of water temperature under three scenarios in the future period (2024-2100) are estimated. The results show that: (1) Average water temperature simulated by CMFD and ERA5-Land was better than that of the single model, and the accuracy of the simulation results was better in both short and long terms, of the average simulated water temperature of CMIP6 multi-model was better than that of a single model, which reproduced the simulated water temperature of reanalysis data set effectively. (2) In the future, the water temperature at the estuary of the Buha River may increase significantly with the increase of emission intensity. The meteorological factors that were positively correlated with the water temperature are air temperature, specific humidity, downward long wave radiation and downward short wave radiation from the largest to the smallest, while the wind speed was negatively correlated is; except for the downward short-wave radiation of the long-term high emission scenario (SSP585), the meteorological factors of the others all passed the 95% significance test. (3) In the recent period (2024-2040), the water temperature under the three scenarios may elevate slightly, increased compared with the historical period, and there is little difference between the water temperatures. The spawning window period of G. przewalskii is slightly shortened, and the rising water temperature will have a slight impact on the spawning of G. przewalskii. In the middle period (2041-2060), the water temperature of the three scenarios increased further, and the difference between the water temperatures gradually appeared. The spawning window period of G. przewalskii was obviously shortened, and the rising water temperature had certain harm to the spawning of G. przewalskii. In the long term (2081-2100), the water temperature difference between the three scenarios is more significant, and the rise rate of SSP126 and SSP245 scenarios slows down. In the SSP585 scenario, the rate of water temperature rise was still accelerated, and the continuous rise of water temperature resulted in a significant shortening of the spawning window period of G. przewalskii, which limited the spawning activities of G. przewalskii to a certain extent.

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    Land and Water Resources
    Dynamic snowmelt process and its influencing factors in the eastern farmland region of Hulun Buir
    HUANG Kunlin, WU Guozhou, XU Weixin, LI Lidong, WANG Haimei, LI Hang, LI Zixiang, SI Jingke, LIU Hongbin, WU Chengna
    2024, 41 (9):  1514-1526.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.09.08
    Abstract ( 107 )   HTML ( 9 )   PDF (1753KB) ( 83 )  

    The spring snowmelt process is not only a key part of land surface processes and snow hydrology studies but also directly indicates climate, phenology, and their changing characteristics. Due to climatic conditions and limitations in observational data, the snowmelt process and its altering patterns in the snow-covered farmlands of the northern mid-high latitude regions have been long neglected. This paper, based on hourly snow depth data from two automatic snow depth observation stations in the eastern farmland area of Hulunbuir during 2021-2022 and synchronous meteorological observation data such as air and ground temperatures, analyzes the snowmelt process on the underlying surface of the northern agricultural area and the factors influencing it. The results show that: (1) In these areas, the snow cover period generally started in mid-October and ended in early March of the following year, with the snow cover period in 2022 lasting 116 days. The snow depth in autumn and winter was relatively shallow, generally 5-9 cm, and in spring, often exceeded 10 cm. The snowmelt period began in early March, and complete melting took 5-18 days. (2) The annual snowmelt process was characterized by a gradual decrease followed by a rapid melt. The daily snowmelt process started between 9:00 and 10:00 AM, with the maximum melting rate usually occurring between 11:00 AM and 16:00 PM. (3) Air and snow surface temperatures markedly influenced snowmelt, but the correlation between snowmelt and soil temperature was the most significant, with the 0 cm ground surface temperature between 9:00 AM and 17:00 PM being the dominant factor influencing the rate of melting. (4) A comparison of the different types of snowmelt processes suggested that the dynamic snowmelt characteristics in these areas were consistent with those under various cover conditions such as grass and forestlands, indicating that the snowmelt process was mainly influenced by differences in thermal conditions, with little variability in the snowmelt process under various land cover and use types.

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    Coupling relationship and spatiao-temporal differentiation of the water resources-ecological environment-social economic system in the Hexi Corridor
    ZHANG Wenrui, SUN Dongyuan, WANG Yike, YANG Jun, LAN Lijun, JIN Hujia, XU Yu
    2024, 41 (9):  1527-1537.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.09.09
    Abstract ( 180 )   HTML ( 9 )   PDF (3142KB) ( 162 )  

    Promoting the coordinated development of water resources, the ecological environment, and the socio-economic system provides technical support for enhancing regional economic growth, social progress, ecological harmony, and high-quality development. Based on the modified coupling coordination degree model, this paper evaluated the coupling coordination level of water resources-ecological environment-social economic system in the Hexi Corridor. The gray correlation degree model and Theil index were used to identify the driving factors and spatial heterogeneity. The trend surface was utilized to map the global distribution of the coupling coordination degree. The results showed that: (1) The comprehensive development level of water resources-economy-ecosystem driven by economic development increased every year, and the comprehensive development index enhanced from 0.29 in 2006 to 0.65 in 2021. (2) The coupling coordination degree between the water resources, economic, and ecological subsystems in the Hexi Corridor showed different trends, and the development of the coupling degree of the water resources-ecology-economy system was upgraded from the antagonistic to the running-in stage. The coordination degree experienced five stages of “mild imbalance recession-on the verge of imbalance recession-reluctant coordinated development-primary coordinated development-intermediate coordinated development”. (3) The spatial heterogeneity in the region first increased and then decreased. The spatial distribution revealed that the development of the southeast was better than that of the northwest. Jinchang and Zhangye have gradually become the dominant areas of development in Hexi. (4) Urbanization rate, total pollutant discharge, and water-saving irrigation areas played a remarkable role in driving the coupling development of water resources-ecological environment-social economy in the Hexi Corridor. These results have a certain reference-related significance for the coordinated development of the economy-ecology-water resources system in the five cities of the Hexi Corridor.

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    Spatial-temporal variation characteristics and attribution analysis of potential evapotranspiration in the Tabu River Basin
    WANG Jiashuang, GAO Xiaoyu, LI Weiping, CHI Zhaonan, ZHANG Jiapeng, WU Yixuan
    2024, 41 (9):  1538-1547.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.09.10
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    Potential evapotranspiration (ET0) has an important impact on the hydrological cycle of the Tabu River Basin. Temporal and spatial variations in ET0 values in response to meteorological factors can inform water resource management in basins. For this study, daily meteorological data were collected from 7 meteorological stations in the Tabu River Basin and surrounding areas from 1981 to 2023. The Penman-Monteith (P-M) formula was used to estimate the ET0 to analyze temporal and spatial distribution patterns. The Beven sensitivity formula was used to calculate the sensitivity coefficient of seasonal and annual changes in ET0 to key meteorological factors and to explore trends in the sensitivity coefficient. Quantitative analysis was performed to determine the dominant factors affecting ET0 changes based on the relative changes in meteorological factors over time. The annual ET0 in the Tabu River Basin increased by 4.09 mm·(10a)-1, with a multiyear average of 1024.51 mm. Spatially, the annual ET0 was lowest in the southeast and highest in the northwest. The absolute values of the sensitivity coefficient of annual ET0 to various meteorological factors in decreasing order are relative humidity>maximum temperature>wind speed>sunshine hours>minimum temperature. The coefficients for relative humidity were highest for spring, autumn, and winter, while temperature had the highest coefficient for summer. The main factors affecting the change in annual ET0 were maximum temperature and wind speed, with contributions of 4.86% and-4.37%, respectively. On a seasonal scale, the main factors affecting ET0 changes in spring, summer, autumn, and winter were maximum temperature, wind speed, and relative humidity. An increase in maximum temperature and a decrease in relative humidity in the basin are the main reasons for the rise in ET0.

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    Plant Ecology
    The spatiotemporal dynamics of drought and the cumulative impact on vegetation phenology in the Mongolian Plateau
    ZHANG Qiaofeng, YU Hongbo, HUANG Fang
    2024, 41 (9):  1548-1559.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.09.11
    Abstract ( 144 )   HTML ( 6 )   PDF (3497KB) ( 99 )  

    The Mongolian Plateau is a crucial ecological zone in northern China. The SPEIbase 2.9 dataset and the logistic curvature extremum method based on cumulative NDVI data were used to elucidate the spatiotemporal dynamics of drought and its impact on vegetation phenology in the Mongolian Plateau. The vegetation phenology dataset was inverted to explore the cumulative impact of drought on the start and end of the growing season (SOS and EOS, respectively) in the Mongolian Plateau from 1982 through 2022. Different time scales of Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) showed significant decreasing trends. With larger timescales, the drought degree intensified, and the area of drought increased significantly. The droughts were particularly severe in the central and western regions. Earlier and later SOS were observed in 50.03% and 49.97% of regions, respectively, and later and earlier EOS were observed in 67.85% and 32.15% of regions, respectively. Overall, SOS and EOS were delayed in the desert steppe. In contrast, the SOS occurred earlier significantly and the EOS occurred later both in the coniferous forest and in northern part of the forest steppe. Positive correlation values for SPEI and SOS were maximal during a 1-12 months timescales for 79.62% of the region in the Mongolian Plateau (excluding deserts); over an intermediate-term timescale, a drought duration of 7-9 months had a significant impact on the SOS. Negative correlations between SPEI and EOS over a 1-12 months timescales were highest for 54.15% of the study area, primarily over a 1-3 months timescales. Our findings can help elucidate the factors critical for drought prevention and predict its impact on vegetation phenology and productivity in the Mongolian Plateau.

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    Geographical distribution and dynamic change prediction of Hippophae rhamnoides subsp. sinensis under different climate scenarios
    CHEN Songqing, DONG Hongfang, YUE Yifeng, HAO Yuanyuan, LIU Xin, CAO Xianyu, MA Jun
    2024, 41 (9):  1560-1571.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.09.12
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    Explore the dominant environmental factors affecting the distribution of Hippophae rhamnoides subsp. sinensis and simulate its potential suitable distribution areas, to provide a theoretical basis for the cultivation, conservation, and development of its wild resources. Methods: The working characteristic curve and the area under the curve of the subject were used to evaluate the accuracy of the model. The dominant environmental factors were screened by comprehensive contribution rate and the knife cutting method and their suitable range were determined; The MaxEnt model was applied to simulate and predict the suitable (growth) areas and their dynamic changes under current and future climatic conditions. Results: (1) The model accuracy was high (AUC=0.953), which can effectively simulate the potential distribution of H. rhamnoides subsp. sinensis. (2) Annual precipitation (325-650 mm), altitude (1200-3850 m), the average temperature during the coldest season (-7.25-1.25 ℃), and precipitation in the driest month (1-4 mm) were the leading environmental factors affecting its distribution. (3) It was mainly concentrated in Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan, Xizang, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Hebei, and Inner Mongolia with sporadic occurrences in Yunnan and Guizhou; future climate change will not only force its expansion to the northwest high latitude, high-altitude area, and the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau but also remarkably shrunk the southeast low latitude and low altitude distribution area; the overall distribution area increased. Altitude and hydrothermal conditions were the leading factors affecting the distribution of H. rhamnoides subsp. sinensis. To cope with future climate change, the focus of its industry should be shifted to the northwest, middle, and high-altitude areas, and the reasonable development and utilization of its resources should be carried out to achieve sustainable development.

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    Effect of different slope characteristics on root nonstructural carbon of Quercus mongolica in the southern Daxing’anling Mountains
    LIU Yiwei, WEI Jiangsheng, HUANG Lidong, ZHAO Pengwu, SHU Yang, LI Huimin, CAO Lichun, ZHANG Ting
    2024, 41 (9):  1572-1582.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.09.13
    Abstract ( 129 )   HTML ( 9 )   PDF (5051KB) ( 63 )  

    The distribution of carbon within plant aboveground and subsurface organs is important for understanding the carbon storage systems in tree roots in semi-arid areas. In this study, coarse root samples of Quercus mongolica. were collected monthly during the growing seasons of 2021 (wet year), 2022 (dry year), and 2023 (normal year). The changes in nonstructural carbon and its components (soluble sugar and starch) were analyzed; the NSC (Non-Structural Carbohydrate) content of coarse root was primarily starch, and it increased significantly with seasonal changes (P<0.05). The NSC and starch contents were highest during the wet season, followed by the normal and dry seasons. The starch content was highest on the sunny slope, followed by the semi-sunny and shady slopes regions (P<0.05). Slope characteristics affect the NSC and component contents of coarse roots, as NSC and component contents change in response to potential evapotranspiration gradients. The findings provide a better understanding of the mechanisms controlling carbon distribution within plant underground organs in response to arid conditions.

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    Ecology and Environment
    A study on the potential for vegetation restoration in the soft rock area of the Ordos Plateau
    QI Zhao, YAN Feng, XI Lei, CAO Xiaoming, ZOU Jiaxiu, FENG Yiming
    2024, 41 (9):  1583-1592.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.09.14
    Abstract ( 112 )   HTML ( 9 )   PDF (11462KB) ( 32 )  

    Evaluating the vegetation-carrying capacity of the soft rock area in the Yellow River Basin can provide a scientific basis for vegetation restoration and land degradation management. In this study, a representative portion of the Ordos Plateau soft rock area was divided into habitat types based on the varying distribution of vegetation under different topographic factors. Changes in vegetation type within different habitats from 2000 to 2022 were analyzed, and the carrying potential was quantified by the aboveground biomass obtained from the inversion of vegetation coverage. Vegetation cover of the Ordos Plateau increased slowly at a rate of 3.7% per year, with the highest growth rate observed in the bare soft rock region and the lowest in the sand-covered soft rock region. The aboveground biomass of the entire area increased by 115.5% in 2022 relative to that in 2000, reaching 219.49 g·m-2, with the annual average aboveground biomass being highest in the overlying soft rock region (185.29 g·m-2). The changes in vegetation cover and the spatial distribution of aboveground biomass were similar, with high values in southeast and low values in northwest. Compared with the actual aboveground biomass, the aboveground biomass of vegetation in bare, sand-covered, and soil-covered soft rock areas accounted for 75.2%, 80.9% and 84.2% of the carrying potential, respectively. In general, vegetation increased in all regions over the study period, with remaining growth potential, particularly in the exposed arsenic sandstone region.

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    Identification of the key regions of spatial ecological restoration in the Northwest Shanxi based on the MSPA model and circuit theory
    LI Kexuan, ZHANG Lei, LI Hao, ZHANG Enyue, LI Yuzhen, SONG Caiyun, LIU Geng
    2024, 41 (9):  1593-1604.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.09.15
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    Ecological restoration of land space is an important measure to implement the national strategy of ecological civilization. The identification of key areas of ecological restoration is a key link to the ecological restoration of land space and is difficult to carry out scientifically. Maintaining regional ecological security is of great significance. However, at present, the research on the key region identification of ecological restoration in our country lags in practice. In this paper, based on the morphological spatial analysis (MSPA) model and the value of ecosystem services, the ecological corridor was identified and extracted by circuit theory, the key areas of ecological restoration were identified, the space-time evolution law was analyzed, and the corresponding ecological restoration strategies were provided. The results showed that from 2000 to 2020, the quantity and area of ecological source areas in Northwest Shanxi increased, and the total source areas enhanced from 1898.43 to 2026.17 km2 in 20 years. The number and length of eco-corridors first elevated and then decreased, and their spatial distribution was short and dense in the south, middle, and north. In the key areas of ecological restoration, the area of ecological pinch declined from 262.89 to 194.34 km2 in the past 20 years; the ecological barrier sites in Pianguan County, Pinglu District, Shenchi County, and Shuocheng District enhanced from 324.61 to 504.72 km2 and then reduced to 338.86 km2; the obstacle points were generally distributed in the middle of the ecological corridor, and their distribution changed from aggregation to uniformity. The paper studies the space-time evolution characteristics of the critical ecological restoration areas and the ecological background of the study areas. It also puts forward the targeted ecological restoration strategies, namely, strengthening the management of small watersheds and areas at pinch and obstacle points, and reducing human disturbance, to provide reference for regional land space ecological restoration.

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    Coordination characteristics between land use implicit forms and land ecological security in Xinjiang oasis: The Ili River Valley as a case study
    HAO Panpan, LIU Zhiyou
    2024, 41 (9):  1605-1614.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.09.16
    Abstract ( 125 )   HTML ( 9 )   PDF (4318KB) ( 129 )  

    The Ili River Valley, as a representative region of arid oases, serves as a crucial ecological safeguard area for maintaining the ecological security of land in Xinjiang. The coordination between land use and land ecological security holds significance for the sustainable development of the region. Based on remote sensing image data from 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020, this study utilized comprehensive index models, and improved coupling coordination and gray relational degree models to investigate the spatio-temporal characteristics of the implicit forms of land use and the coupling coordination features with land ecological security in the Ili River Valley. The results indicate that: (1) The implicit forms of land use index exhibited a “w” shaped variation from 2005 to 2020, showing a gradual overall increase. It generally appeared to develop with Yining City as the center, radiating outwards with reduced intensity. (2) The comprehensive level of land ecological security showed a fluctuating growth trend from 2005 to 2020, closely correlated with changes in implicit forms of land use. (3) There was a high coupling relationship between the implicit forms of land use and land ecological security from 2005 to 2020. The level of coupling coordination gradually enhanced, with the central cities exhibiting higher coordination than the peripheral ones. (4) The coupling coordination between implicit forms of land use and land ecological security was mainly influenced by factors such as land output benefits, land development intensity, changes in land property rights, and ecological environment. It is imperative to comprehensively analyze the historical and future trends of implicit forms of land use and land ecological security, propose tailored strategies, and further enhance the level of land ecological security. This can accelerate the development of a green ecological economy and advance the construction of ecological civilization.

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