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    15 January 2024, Volume 41 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Weather and Climate
    Diurnal variation characteristics of warm season precipitation in Gansu Province
    ZHOU Zihan, WANG Jixin, LIU Weicheng, WANG Yong, ZHANG Junxia, GUO Runxia
    2024, 41 (1):  1-12.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.01.01
    Abstract ( 327 )   HTML ( 38 )   PDF (12273KB) ( 225 )  

    Based on hourly precipitation observation data from 340 meteorological stations in Gansu Province from April to October 2013 to 2022, the refined evolution characteristics of warm season precipitation in Gansu Province on a diurnal variation scale were revealed. Discussions and analyses were conducted in different regions, providing a scientific reference for the study of extreme precipitation events in Gansu. The results show the following: (1) the daily peak of precipitation and precipitation intensity in the warm season in Gansu mainly occurs between 10:00 and 13:00, the daily peak of precipitation frequency primarily occurs between 22:00 and 01:00 at night, and the daily precipitation variation has obvious seasonal differences. There is a relatively concentrated distribution of autumn rain in the central and southern parts of Gansu. (2) The diurnal variation of precipitation has distinct regional characteristics. Precipitation in the Qilian Mountains and the plateau slopes of central Gansu mainly occurs during the day, with intense precipitation dominating around noon, marking the peak of daytime precipitation. Conversely, in western Hexi, the peak and frequency of daily precipitation generally occur at night, with occasional sudden heavy rainfall between 18:00 and 21:00. In southeast and eastern Gansu, the precipitation is nonuniformly distributed; nighttime rain is common due to the frequency of precipitation peaks during the night, but strong precipitation periods tend to occur in the afternoon and morning, respectively. (3) The precipitation characteristics of different durations are different. For short-term precipitation events with a duration of 6 h and below, the daily variation of precipitation is mostly “bimodal type.” Long-term precipitation events lasting more than 6 h are “unimodal type” and primarily begin in the evening, reach their peak at night, and end at noon.

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    Environmental parameters and forecast models of hail events
    YI Nana, SU Lijuan, ZHENG Xucheng, XIN Yue, CAI Min, LI Hui, JIN Yuchen
    2024, 41 (1):  13-23.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.01.02
    Abstract ( 198 )   HTML ( 26 )   PDF (8198KB) ( 190 )  

    Based on the hail observation records of 119 national stations in Inner Mongolia and ERA5 reanalysis data from 1959 to 2021, the differences in layer formation, water vapor, typical temperature layer height, vertical wind shear, and cloud microphysical quantities between hail and nonhail were analyzed. A hail prediction model was established to provide an objective and quantitative basis for potential hail forecasting. The results revealed that the K-index, pseudo-equivalent temperature difference, vertical wind shear, specific humidity, rain water mixing ratio, snow water mixing ratio, ice water mixing ratio, and liquid water mixing ratio were not well distinguished between hail and nonhail. The total index was >50 °C, temperature difference between 850 hPa and 500 hPa was ≥28.4 °C, precipitable water vapor was ≤24 mm, height of -20 °C was <7.05 km, and the height of -20 °C to 0 °C was ≤3.15 km. The above environmental parameter thresholds were able to identify >70% of hail samples, and the reverse condition can identify >70% of nonhail samples. Based on the analysis of the environmental parameters of hail and nonhail samples, the Fisher discriminant method was used to establish a hail prediction model using the total index, temperature difference between 850 hPa and 500 hPa, height of -20 °C to 0 °C, and precipitable water vapor. The accuracy of the model discrimination exceeded 80%.

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    Biophysical effects of the different underlying factors on land the surface temperature in the Qinghai Lake Basin
    LI Yongguang, YUAN Guanghui
    2024, 41 (1):  24-35.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.01.03
    Abstract ( 176 )   HTML ( 22 )   PDF (7756KB) ( 75 )  

    The micrometeorological elements, radiation budget, and surface turbulent data at two sites with land cover types of subalpine shrub and warm steppe in the Qinghai Lake Basin in 2021 were compared to investigate the differences in the land-atmosphere interaction between the various surface types and the biophysical effects of Land Use/Land Cover Changes on surface temperature. June to September was the growing, and January to April was the nongrowing season. There were marked differences in surface, air, and soil temperatures and relative humidity between the two sites. In the growing and nongrowing seasons, the peak temperatures of the topmost 5 cm of the soil in warm steppe were 295.4° K and 277.6° K, while those in subalpine shrub were only 288.6° K and 275.4° K, respectively. During the growing season, the peak surface and air temperatures of the warm steppe were 298.8° K and 288.2° K, and that of the subalpine shrub were 292.5° K and 286.5° K, respectively. In the nongrowing season, there was no significant difference in the daytime surface temperatures between the two stations, and the night surface temperature of the warm steppe was 2.8° K higher than that of the subalpine shrubs. The subalpine shrub had lower surface, air, and soil temperatures than the warm steppe; these differences between the two stations were more evident during the growing season, and the variations in the relative humidity in the nongrowing season were more obvious. Based on the Direct Decomposed Temperature Metric, the influence of radiation budget and surface energy distribution between the two sites regarding the surface temperature differences was analyzed. The subalpine shrub had cooling effects compared with the warm steppe. In the daytime of the growing and nongrowing seasons, the short wave radiation term promoted the cooling effect of the subalpine shrub, and the sensible, latent, and surface-soil heat flux terms inhibited the cooling effect of the subalpine shrub. At night, the radiation and nonradiation terms promoted the cooling effect of subalpine shrubs in the growing season. In contrast, the sensible heat flux terms had a warming effect, and the other terms demonstrated a cooling effect in the nongrowing season. The main contributing factors to subalpine shrub cooling during the daytime were shortwave radiation, surface-soil heat flux, and sensible heat flux terms. The main contributing factor at night was the surface-soil heat flux term.

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    Temporal and spatial variations in multi-year surface sensible heat flux in Qinghai Province
    SUN Kuan, SUN Xueyan, TANG Yan, ZHANG Yaling, LIU Fugang, FAN Kesheng, YANG Ziqiong, QU Zhiqiang
    2024, 41 (1):  36-49.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.01.04
    Abstract ( 185 )   HTML ( 17 )   PDF (17820KB) ( 66 )  

    Based on the Chen-Weng heat exchange parameterized scheme, the average sensible heat flux from 1980 to 2017 in Qinghai Province was calculated using the observation data collected from 35 stations. Temporal and spatial characteristics of the sensible heat fluxes and their impact factors in Qinghai Province were determined using wavelet analysis, Mann-Kendall test, and Empirical Orthogonal Function. The result shows that the seasonal and annual average sensible heat fluxes have risen since 1980. The primary cycle of the annual average sensible heat flux was 28 a, and the secondary cycle was about 18 a. A high correlation between the seasonal and yearly average sensible heat flux with average ground-air temperature difference manifested. The annual average sensible heat flux increased from 2004 to 2017 due to a rise in the average ground-air temperature differences. The correlation of average wind speed with annual, spring, and autumn average sensible heat fluxes was high. The average yearly sensible heat flux decreased from 1980 to 2004 due to a decline in average wind speed. A prominent negative correlation between summer precipitation and sensible heat flux was identified. From the perspective of space, spring and annual average sensible heat fluxes expressed a prominent east-west difference and partly indicated a north-south variation in the autumn and winter.

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    Land and Water Resources
    Evaluation of the environmental quality of surface water in Chengde using improved methods
    ZHANG Sheng, ZHANG Tao, DUAN Wenyu, XU Li, Gu Jinyang, ZHANG Wei, LI Simin
    2024, 41 (1):  50-59.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.01.05
    Abstract ( 139 )   HTML ( 6 )   PDF (6479KB) ( 147 )  

    To objectively reflect the surface water quality status, a combination of the Analytic Hierarchy Process Entropy Weight Method and the weighted average comprehensive evaluation principle were used to improve the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. The method was compared with the single factor evaluation, Nemero index, and traditional undefined extensive evaluation methods to evaluate the surface water environmental quality in the Chengde area in 2021. The results showed a significant spatiotemporal difference in the surface water quality. Except for some sections with poor water quality from July to September, the water quality in other sections was in Classes I-III; The main factors affecting surface water quality in the Chengde area were CODMn and TP; The single factor evaluation and the Nemero index methods could not reflect the overall water quality. Compared to the traditional fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, the improved fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method considers the interaction between various pollution factors and weakened the impact of individual water quality indicators on the evaluation results. It can also rank the category of water quality, making it more suitable for evaluating the environmental quality of surface water in the Chengde area.

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    Effects of micro-topography on water use characteristics of alpine sand-fixing plants
    FAN Mingyan, TIAN Lihui, ZHOU Hai
    2024, 41 (1):  60-70.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.01.06
    Abstract ( 163 )   HTML ( 15 )   PDF (5245KB) ( 119 )  

    Water is the most critical limiting factor for plant survival, and the study of water utilization in desert plants has become the key to ecological protection and vegetation restoration programs. This study focused on three typical sand-fixing plants: Pinus sylvestris, Populus simonii, and Hippophae rhamnoides, in the sandy land on the east shore of Qinghai Lake, as the research material. The potential water source (varying levels of soil water) and the primary water sources for plants under the influence of micro-topography were analyzed by hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope technology (δ18O and δD) and the IsoSource isotope mixing model. The results show that: (1) the soil water content demonstrated micro-topography-based differences, which manifested as the soil water content on the windward slope being higher than that on the top of the sand dunes and the middle of the windward slope and the soil water content was at its highest in September. (2) the δ18O value of the xylem water varied in the tree species under different micro-topographic conditions. The δ18O values of P. sylvestris in the lowland of the windward slope were the lowest, while those of H. rhamnoides and P. simonii were the least in the middle of the windward slope. (3) marked seasonal variations were observed in the primary sources of water for different plants. In June, P. sylvestris and H. rhamnoides used deep soil water as the major source under varied micro-topographic conditions, while P. simonii mainly used deep soil water at the top of sand dunes. The soil water of the middle-layer was utilized more in the middle and lowlands of the windward slope. Still, with the increase of precipitation, various tree species turned to mainly using the shallow and middle soil water in September. In summary, the water use patterns of sand-fixing plants in the alpine sandy land were influenced by micro-topographic conditions, and varying species showed different degrees of response to precipitation.

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    Effects of different nitrogen levels on the apparent soil nutrient balance and tuber yield of Cyperus esculentus farmland
    CAO Ziqi, LU Zhanyuan, REN Yongfeng, ZHAO Xiaoqing, WANG Jianguo, HOU Zhihui, HAN Yunfei, WANG Dengyun, SHANG Xueyan, DUAN Rui
    2024, 41 (1):  71-79.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.01.07
    Abstract ( 156 )   HTML ( 7 )   PDF (1678KB) ( 203 )  

    This study aimed to investigate the apparent soil nitrogen balance and tuber yield of Cyperus esculentus in sandy farmland under different levels of nitrogen application and provide a theoretical basis for increasing the yield of Cyperus esculentus in sandy farmland. Four nitrogen fertilizer treatments, 0 kg·hm-2 (N0), 75 kg·hm-2 (N1), 150 kg·hm-2 (N2), and 225 kg·hm-2 (N3), were applied to Cyperus esculentus in 2021 at the experimental site in Dengkou County, Bayannur City, Inner Mongolia, and Toketo County, Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hohhot, China. The effects of the four different N application levels on agronomic traits, tuber yield, and clear soil nutrient balance of Cyperus esculentus were analyzed. The number of tillers, plant height, and single leaf area of C. esculentus increased alongside increasing N application, but excessive N application caused above-ground growth of C. esculentus, resulting in lower yield. At the application rate of 150 kg·hm-2 (N2), Cyperus esculentus exhibited superior agronomic traits, including maximum root length and root volume, the highest whole plant dry weight and tuber yield, and a fresh tuber yield of 9298.87 kg·hm-2. The apparent nitrogen surplus rates in the two locations were negative at the levels of 0 kg·hm-2 (N0) and 75 kg·hm-2 (N1) and positive at the levels of 150 kg·hm-2 (N2) and 225 kg·hm-2 (N3). This pattern indicates that nitrogen reached a balanced state at the N2 level in both locations, signifying an optimal nitrogen application rate of 150 kg·hm-2. RDA analysis showed that tiller number, plant height, single leaf area, maximum root length, root volume, and nitrogen uptake were the main factors driving the formation of dry matter and tuber yield in C. esculentus. Therefore, in northern sandy soil conditions, the application of N at 150 kg·hm-2 can promote the absorption of nutrients by Cyperus esculentus and maintain the apparent nutrient balance of soil, which is conducive to the growth, development, and yield formation of Cyperus esculentus.

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    Mechanism of sludge alkaline thermal hydrolysis liquid on the growth of Brassica chinensis under drought stress
    BAI Ju, LIU Xiaolin, LI Shen, LIANG Zheming, XU Zihang, WANG Yongliang, YANG Zhiping
    2024, 41 (1):  80-91.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.01.08
    Abstract ( 148 )   HTML ( 7 )   PDF (10339KB) ( 42 )  

    In recent years, there has been considerable attention given to the utilization of urban domestic sludge through the production of sludge alkaline thermal hydrolysis liquid using alkaline hot water lysis. Drought is a major abiotic stress in nature, severely limiting crop production. To effectively mitigate the adverse impact of drought stress on vegetables and explore the potential of sludge utilization, this study used Brassica chinensis as the research object. Different levels of drought stress were induced by creating four soil moisture gradients. Equal amounts of nitrogen from alkaline thermal hydrolysis liquid derived from sludge and urea solution were applied under different levels of drought stress to examine the resistance mechanism of the sludge-derived alkaline thermal hydrolysis liquid to drought stress. The results showed that when exposed to different drought stress conditions, the use of alkaline thermal hydrolysis liquid derived from sludge significantly improved the root length density, root surface area density, and root volume density. This enhancement improved the ability of B. chinensis to absorb water and nutrients from the soil and increased the leaf’s relative water content, helping maintain the plant’s photosynthesis process. Based on the redundancy analysis, applying alkaline thermal hydrolysis liquid to sludge could increase the leaf’s relative water content and improve catalase activity, thereby alleviating the growth inhibition of B. chinensis induced by drought stress. In summary, the application of alkaline thermal hydrolysis liquid in vegetable production can help alleviate growth impediments caused by drought stress on leafy vegetables, provide a strategy for vegetable production in arid areas, and introduce a novel method for the safe and effective utilization of urban sludge.

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    Plant Ecology
    Morphological characteristics of the leaves and roots of Caroxylon passerinum seedlings in response to drought-induced stress
    YAN Qiaofang, SHAN Lishan, XIE Tingting, WANG Hongyong, SHI Yating
    2024, 41 (1):  92-103.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.01.09
    Abstract ( 183 )   HTML ( 8 )   PDF (5948KB) ( 174 )  

    Exploring the response of leaf and root morphological characteristics of desert plants to drought stress is helpful in understanding and predicting their growth regulation strategies under the climate change scenario. The seedlings of the typical desert plant Caroxylon passerinum were treated with slow and rapid drought, and the morphological indices of leaves and roots were measured. The morphological characteristics of leaves and roots of C. passerinum seedlings under drought stress were analyzed using slow and fast drought treatments. The results showed that: (1) with an extension in slow drought stress treatment time, thick-root diameter, fine-root specific length, and specific root area decreased; the leaf tissue density under rapid drought treatment increased; after slow drought treatment, the thick-root tissue density increased, while it increased at first and then decreased post-rapid drought treatment. (2) At the end of the growth period of 54 days, the thick-root diameter reduced markedly under the two treatments; the succulent degree and water content were significantly lower under rapid drought than those of the control and slow drought treatments, respectively. The thick-root tissue density of C. passerinum seedlings increased significantly after 37 days of stress, which was higher post-slow than fast drought. (3) The first four axes of principal components were mainly affected by coarse-root specific root length, thick-root tissue density, fine-root specific root length, and specific leaf area. Correlation analysis revealed that 29 pairs of characters were interrelated. In summary, the leaves, thick roots, and fine roots of C. passerinum showed varying adaptation strategies especially by reducing the diameter of thick roots under the two types of drought treatment. Under rapid drought, C. passerinum adapted to soil water deficit by enhancing the leaf tissue density and reducing fine-root specific root length and specific root area. Thus, C. passerinum seedlings adapt to drought through a coordination or tradeoff within and between leaf and root traits.

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    Leaf-soil stoichiometry and homeostasis characteristics of desert-related plants
    LI Min, SUN Jie, CHEN Xue, LIU Jiaqing
    2024, 41 (1):  104-113.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.01.10
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    To understand the relationship between C, N, and P contents of the leaves of desert plants and soil environmental factors, 14 desert plant communities in high and low water or salt environments in Xinjiang Ebinur Lake Nature Reserve were used as research subjects. The C, N, and P contents of the leaves were determined, their stoichiometric ratio, homeostasis characteristics, and their relationship with soil environmental factors were discussed. The results showed that: (1) There were significant differences in soil organic carbon (SOC), total N (TN), C:N, C:P, N, and P contents of leaves under varying water-salt environments. (2) Pearson correlation analysis revealed that the leaf C:P demonstrated a significant negative correlation with soil conductivity (EC), SOC, C:N, and C:P (P<0.05). Leaf C was remarkably negatively correlated with soil C:N (P<0.05). Leaf P was positively correlated with soil SOC and C:N; leaf N was positively correlated with soil C:N; and leaf C:N was positively associated with soil TN (P<0.05). Leaf P was positively correlated with soil C:P and leaf C:N with soil N:P (P<0.05). The redundancy analysis revealed that soil C:P significantly affected the C, N, and P contents and stoichiometric characteristics of the leaves of plants in the Ebinur Lake Nature Reserve. (3) The changes in soil water and salt levels, the contents of N and P in the leaves, and the results of the endostatic model simulation of N:P were insignificant. The internal stability index H was > 4, which belonged to the absolute steady state, indicating that the plants in this study area demonstrated good adaptability to soil nutrients.

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    Research progress on the mechanism of formation, absorption and utilization of condensed water on leaf trichomes of desert plants
    Alayi HANATI, LIU Yanxia, LAN Haiyan
    2024, 41 (1):  114-123.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.01.11
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    Desert plants have developed highly evolved water preservation and transportation systems for collecting and storing water through air under chronic water scarcity, the accessory structures such as trichomes on the leaf surface have important biological significance in collection, storage and transportation of the condensed water. Based on the current research progress, this review briefly summarizes the biological and ecological effects of condensate on desert plants, and expounds the theories related to leaf surface wettability and water collection capacity. Based on this, the important role of special structure of desert plants’ leaf surface (trichome) in the formation, transport and absorption of condensate is mainly discussed. The research methods of surface retention and absorption of condensate water were summarized, which may provide guidance for further study on trichome function and is helpful to understand the mechanism of condensate collection by desert plants driven by its structural characteristics in arid areas of China.

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    Effects of different grazing management strategies on plant diversity in the mountain grassland of Xinjiang, China
    LI Xiaofeng, HUI Tingting, LI Yaoming, MAO Jiefei, WANG Guangyu, FAN Lianlian
    2024, 41 (1):  124-134.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.01.12
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    Mountain grassland are an essential component of pasture resources in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. However, mountain grassland are highly vulnerable to human-associated disturbance and climate change. The responses of the mountain grassland plant community characteristics and diversity to different grazing managements in Barkol County, Xinjiang, are still unclear. In this study, three different grazing management treatments were set up in 2012 to investigate the response patterns of the plant community characteristics, diversity, and the relationship between the diversity and the aboveground biomass in the mountain grasslands. The three grazing management blocks were M0, M1, and M2, which represented the permanent grazing prohibition, winter grazing, and year-round grazing management, respectively. During the peak growing seasons of 2013, 2017, and 2022, the data regarding the number of species, height, coverage, density, and aboveground plant biomass were collected for further analysis. The results indicated that the different grazing managements had no significant impacts on the importance value of the dominant species, such as Stipa glareosa. However, the importance values of the nondominant species such as Neotrinia splendens and Achnatherum inebrians (Hance) Keng increased under winter and year-round grazing. As grazing intensity increased, plant height, coverage, density, aboveground biomass, and their response ratios declined significantly (P<0.05). There were no significant differences in the Shannon-Wiener diversity, Simpson dominance, and Pielou evenness indices in M0, M1, and M2. In contrast, the Margalef richness index elevated markedly (P<0.05), indicating that grazing provided more survival resources helpful for other species. In the permanent grazing prohibition block, the aboveground biomass was negatively correlated with the Simpson dominance, Shannon-Wiener diversity, and Pielou evenness indices. In the winter grazing block, aboveground biomass was negatively correlated with the Margalef richness index. Overall, the importance value of the dominant species showed no remarkable differences under varying grazing management, and its dominance remained unchanged. Except for the Margalef richness index, the other diversity indices were not significantly influenced by grazing. Winter and year-round grazing enhanced the vital value of unpalatable species, altering the composition of forage, which was not conducive to future animal husbandry development. In summary, as the enclosure time increased, permanent grazing prohibition was beneficial for restoring degraded grasslands, improving community characteristic values, improving grassland productivity, and maintaining community stability to a certain extent. Grazing would affect resource redistribution in the ecosystem, releasing ecological niches for more species, but year-round grazing led to intensified grassland degradation because of overgrazing pressure.

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    Ecology and Environment
    Characteristics of the wind-sand environment along the Tumshuk-Kunyu Desert Highway in the western Tarim Basin
    WEI Jinming, CHENG Jianjun, MA Benteng
    2024, 41 (1):  135-146.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.01.13
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    To find out the characteristics of the wind-sand environment along the under-construction Tumushuk-Kunyu desert highway, the wind-sand protection engineering practice was carried out based on the attributes of wind-sand elements along the desert highway. The wind-sand activity law along the highway was analyzed and summarized by a field survey, ERA5 wind speed data, and satellite image information. The annual average wind speed along the highway was 3.03-3.28 m·s-1, the average yearly sand wind speed was 5.85-6.10 m·s-1, and the annual sand wind frequency was 16.87%-21.41%. The sand-driving wind was concentrated in the spring and summer. April-August was the period with the highest frequency of sand-driving wind in a year. The easterly wind (NE, ENE, E, and ESE) was the main wind along the highway. The frequency of sand-driving wind in the south and west of the Mazatag Mountains was higher than in the north. The annual sediment DP along the line was 99.77-145.30 VU, which belongs to a low wind energy environment and medium variability. The volume and density of the sand dunes on the northern and southern sides of Mazartag Mountain were significantly different. The moving rate of dunes along the line was 1.19-3.69 m·a-1, which was a medium moving speed. There is a significant negative correlation between the moving rate and the vertical projection area of the dunes. The moving direction ranged from 171.76° to 192.53°, consistent with the RDD. The design of the sand control system in the north of Mt. Mazatagh was mainly based on the east, and the south should consider both the east and the west.

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    Changes in vegetation cover and influencing factors in typical counties of the Loess Plateau from 1990 to 2020
    ZHAO Yuqi, WEI Tianxing
    2024, 41 (1):  147-156.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.01.14
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    To explore the dynamic evolution of vegetation and its influencing factors in Ji County during the last 30 years, this study used Landsat images, along with meteorological, land use, and night light data. This study adopted trend, partial correlation, random forest, and residual analysis methods to explore the temporal and spatial variation-related characteristics in vegetation coverage and the influence of the climate and human factors on the vegetation changes in the County. (1) FVC in the study area demonstrated a significant upward trend from 1990 to 2020, with an annual growth rate of 0.49%, and the vegetation quality was distinctly higher. (2) The low and high rates of FVC had an obvious staggered spatial distribution. The proportion of areas with a marked enhancement in FVC was 51%, and a remarkable reduction in FVC was 7%. (3) Temperature and precipitation inhibited vegetation growth in the FVC high-value and built-up areas, but promoted vegetation cover in others. The contribution rates of climate change and human activities to vegetation dynamics were 53.43% and 46.57%, respectively, and were considered global influencing factors. When used as local variables, the relative contribution rates were reduced to 13.07%. Human activity was an essential factor affecting vegetation degradation in certain areas, such as the central and eastern parts of Jixian County, and the vegetation restoration in the west and south. This study can provide a scientific basis for the follow-up work of regional ecological restoration.

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    Vegetation feature type extraction in arid regions based on GEE multi-source remote sensing data
    YAO Jinxi, XIAO Chengzhi, ZHANG Zhi, WANG Lang, ZHANG Kun
    2024, 41 (1):  157-168.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.01.15
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    Nuomuhong region is an important Wolfberry cultivation base in Qinghai Province, China. Accurate and rapid extraction of the primary vegetation types is of critical significance for the sustainable development of agriculture in this region. However, the arid nature of the Nuomuhong area, characterized by sparse vegetation cover and significant soil background effects, presents challenges for vegetation extraction using only a limited number of remote sensing sources or partial features. Therefore, integrating multiple remote sensing data sources, exploring significant features for vegetation classification, and experimenting with different classification and optimization methods are paramount for enhancing the accuracy and reliability of vegetation classification in arid regions. Based on the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform, this study used Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar and Sentinel-2 optical data to explore the importance of red edge, texture, and radar features in extracting vegetation types in arid regions. Additionally, it verifies the feasibility of using the GINI index (GINI) to determine the optimal feature combination. The main geospatial types in Nomu Hong, Qinghai, China, in 2021 were extracted by combining them with the support vector machine algorithm. The classification results were processed using decision fusion methods. The results showed that: (1) Sentinel-2 red edge index, texture data, and Sentinel-1 radar band were beneficial for the extraction of vegetation-related information, with an overall classification accuracy and Kappa coefficient of 95.51% and 0.9406, respectively. (2) Based on the importance obtained by the GINI index, the features involved in the classification were reduced from 29 to 17, and the significance was radar polarization features > spectral features > texture features. (3) Using a simple noniterative clustering algorithm and neighborhood filtering voting decision fusion method not only achieved the optimal overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient but also had an excellent suppression effect on isolated noise. Using the GEE remote sensing cloud platform, multisource remote sensing data, and machine learning algorithms, this study can accurately, quickly, and efficiently extract large-scale arid region geospatial information, which can have great application potential.

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    Impacts of climate change and land use/cover change on the net primary productivity of vegetation in Hexi Region, Northwest China
    LIU Yidan, YAO Xiaojun, LI Zongxing, HU Jiayu
    2024, 41 (1):  169-180.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.01.16
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    The Hexi Region holds a dual significance in China, being both a pivotal area for ecological security and the core of the Silk Road Economic Belt. The assessment of the net primary productivity (NPP) of the region and a quantitative analysis of the driving forces behind these dynamics bears immense theoretical importance and practical implications. Based on MOD17A3 product, land use cover, and meteorological information, this study scrutinized the evolving characteristics of the vegetation-related NPP, the influence of land use cover changes, and climate fluctuations on the NPP of the Hexi Region from 2000 to 2020. This study employed R-contribution rate and biased correlation analysis methods. The results show that: (1) There was an overall increase in the area of arable land, waters, and residential land in the Hexi Region, while the grassland and unused land area was reduced. The overall dynamics of land use cover change (LUCC) after 2010 was significantly higher, with grassland, cropland, built-up land, and unused land dominating the inter-conversion of land use types. (2) The overall NPP in the Hexi Region increased, with rates of change of 0.86 and 1.29 in the periods 2000-2010 and 2010-2020, respectively. There was a significant regional variation in NPP, which decreased from southeast to northwest. (3) The influence of LUCC on NPP gradually increased from 2000 to 2020. While climate change contributed more to NPP than LUCC, their respective roles varied among land use cover types. Specifically, climate change dominated the influence factor of NPP on cropland, forested land, and grassland, whereas for unutilized land and residential construction areas, LUCC played a more significant role.

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