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    15 January 2019, Volume 36 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    2019, 36 (1):  0-0. 
    Abstract ( 2080 )   PDF (1205KB) ( 104 )  
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    2019, 36 (1):  0-0. 
    Abstract ( 267 )   PDF (309KB) ( 159 )  
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    The High Cold Desert Zone and a Cold Arid Core Area of the Tibetan Plateau

    ZHENG Du, ZHAO Dong-sheng
    2019, 36 (1):  1-6. 
    Abstract ( 3313 )   PDF (1204KB) ( 555 )  
    The high cold desert zone, located on the northwestern region, is the highest part of the Tibetan Plateau. This region with extremely cold and arid climate belongs to plateau subcold zone, which is characterized with high mountains and plateau landforms tranversed by lake basins, widespread permafrost and periglacial process, young natural process with shallow cold desert soil, and landscape of high cold desert with interfused composition of biota. Due to the vulnerable eco environment, construction and administration of natural conservation should be strengthened in this region. The cold arid core, existed in the hinterland of high cold desert zone, is a unique geo eco feature in the plateau and alpine region on the Earth.
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    The Past,Present and Feature of the Aral Sea

    Ablekim Abdimijit, GE Yong-xiao, WANG Ya-jun, HU Ru-ji
    2019, 36 (1):  7-18. 
    Abstract ( 994 )   PDF (4937KB) ( 603 )  

    The Aral Sea was once the 4th largest lake in the world and shrank to about 10% nowadays,because of far from the world[JP8]’[JP]s major oceans and the fragile hydrological system.Several questions are urgent to be answered,namely,how the Aral Sea formatted,what it has undergone,and what[JP8][JP]s the evolution mechanism,which have always been a concern of related scientists all around the world.The Aral Sea basin (the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya),a main component of the complete Asian water tower system centered on the QinghaiTibet Plateau,which came into being after uplift of the QinghaiTibet Plateau,the retreat of the Neo Tethys Sea,and under the impact of regional and global factors such as the global climate cooling and sea level decline.The Aral Sea system has maintained a relatively stable level in water surface area and hydrology pattern from the formation to the middle of the last century.It has only experienced extensive exploitation and utilization of water resources,resulting in the shrinking surface water area,the increasing exposed dry lake bed and frequent salt dust storms in the context of climate change from the second half of the 20th century,which have caused the crisis in the Aral Sea basin.

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    Spatial Distribution of Precipitation Stable Isotopes in the Alpine Zones in Central Asia
    SUN Cong-jian, ZHANG Zi-yu, CHEN Wei, LI Wei, CHEN Ruo-xia
    2019, 36 (1):  19-28. 
    Abstract ( 559 )   PDF (2333KB) ( 241 )  
    As an input factor of water cycle,precipitation is a primary source of surface water and groundwater,especially in arid Central Asia.As a useful tracer,the precipitation isotopic composition has become as an important tool for researching the regional water cycle.In order to reveal the spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation stable isotope in arid area in Central Asia,this paper analyzed the precipitation isotopic composition samples collected from 18 stations in the Tianshan Mountains (Wuqia,Akqi,Shali Guilanke,Shenmuyuan,Bayanbulak,Balguntay,Huangshuigou,Urumqi River Hero Bridge,Barkol and Yiwu),Kunlun Mountains (Sharman,Xihexiu and Jiangka) and Qilian Mountains (Yeniugou,Dayekou,Daiqian,Jinqiangyi and Anyuan) in Central Asia.According to the results,a clearly seasonal variation of the values of precipitation isotopic composition could be observed,and the values were high in summer but low in winter in these three regions.The seasonal fluctuation of the values in the three study regions was significant.The slopes of the atmospheric precipitation equation of the Tianshan Mountains and Qilian Mountains were lower than that of the global one except that of the Kunlun Mountains,which revealed that the regional precipitation in these regions was affected by the strong evaporation.Precipitation at all the stations was mainly affected by temperature.The values of precipitation δ18O at the three stations in the Kunlun Mountains in spring and summer was obviously affected by altitude,and they were decreased with the increase of altitude but affected slightly in other regions.The d values of the alpine zones in Central Asia were holistically high in winter but low in summer expect at Xihexiu Station in the Kunlun Mountains.
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    Contribution of Moisture Recycling to Precipitation in the Arid Region in Northwest China Based on LMDZ Model

    YU Xiu-xiu, ZHANG Ming-jun, WANG Sheng-jie, QIU Xue, DU Ming-xia, ZHOU Sue, MENG Hong-fei
    2019, 36 (1):  29-43. 
    Abstract ( 530 )   PDF (4793KB) ( 286 )  

    As an important link in the process of land water cycle,the contribution of local moisture recycling to precipitation in the arid region in northwest China cannot be ignored although its absolute amount is relatively limited. Based on the isotopic data simulated by LMDZ simulations,the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics and mechanism of the contribution proportion of recycled moisture during the period from 1979 to 2007 in the arid region in northwest China were analyzed by the isotopic mixing model.Results showed that the monthly and interannual contribution rate of advection moisture to precipitation was obviously higher than that of recycled moisture during the study period,it was high in summer but low in winter,and increased gradually at annual scale.Oppositely,the monthly and interannual contribution rate of recycled moisture to precipitation was relatively low,it was low in summer but high in winter,and decreased year by year (the interannual contribution proportion of plant transpiration moisture increased in winter half year).Spatially,the contribution proportion of advection moisture was different,and it was high in mountainous areas but low in desert plains.The contribution proportion of evaporation vapor was lower than that of plant transpiration vapor in most areas,but it was opposite in some regions.The spatial distribution of the contribution amount of advection vapor and surface evaporation vapor was consistent with its contribution rate,while the contribution amount of plant transpiration vapor was higher in mountainous areas than that in desert plains.

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    Water Consumption and Industrial Structure in Different Regions along the Belt and Road

    HAO Lin-gang, ZUO Qi-ting, HAN Chun-hui, LI Jia-lu
    2019, 36 (1):  44-51. 
    Abstract ( 983 )   PDF (1651KB) ( 329 )  
    The research about water consumption and industrial structure along the “Belt and Road is of great significance for the regional development.In this paper,the geographical concentration ratios of water consumption and GDP of different industries in the regions along the Belt and Road were analyzed using the HerfindahlHirschman Index based on studying the regionalization of main water resources areas and the water consumption along the Belt and Road,and the values of water consumption structure index and the industrial structure index were calculated.The Lorenz curve and the Gini coefficient were used to study the matching degree of water consumption and GDP in the regions along the Belt and Road and to calculate the matching degree based on the data sequence of water consumption and GDP in different regions.The results are as follows: The geographical concentration ratios of water consumption and GDP in the primary industry in the regions along the Belt and Road were the highest among the three major industries,which was caused by the high water consumption and GDP in the developing regions,such as East Asia,West Asia,South Asia and Southeast Asia; The proportions of water consumption and GDP in different regions were in an order of primary industry > tertiary industry > secondary industry; Along the Belt and Road,the matching degree of water consumption and GDP of tertiary industry was the lowest,especially in South Asia.The research results are of significance to systematically understand the basic situation of water consumption and industrial structure in the regions along the Belt and Road and to provide a guidance for further analyzing the relationship between water resources and economic and social development.
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    Adaptability of Biology and Agricultural Technologies to the Water Heat Coordination in the Arid Oases in Central Asia

    PAN Xu-dong, WANG Jiang-li, WU Ling, ZHANG Jian-ping, LAI Xian-qi
    2019, 36 (1):  52-57. 
    Abstract ( 697 )   PDF (949KB) ( 249 )  
    The piedmont plain oases,the study areas in arid regions of Central Asia,i.e. the northern sope of the Tianshan Mountains in Central Asia,northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang,and northern slope of the Qilian Mountain in Gansu,are the important areas with the most prosperous society,economy and culture along both the ancient Silk Road and the modern Silk Road Economic Belt. Most of the previous researches focused on precipitation and temperature,but otherness studies on the coodination relationship between monthly precipitation and monthly mean temperature at each section (hereinafter referred to as waterheat match) were not enough. The emergence of a certain species in a region is inseparable from the characteristics of waterheat coodination besides the local unique precipitation and temperature. The mode of the ecological environment in the study area,waterheat match out of sync in the north Tianshan Mountains in Central Asianbetter waterheat synchronization in the north Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiangwaterhot strong synchronous coordination in Hexi Corridor in the north Qilian Mountains in Gansu,profoundly affected the wild animals and natural plant species as well as their growth and development there,and made some creatures in different sections of the region form the distribution regularity of Central Area,Diffusion Zone and Without Generating Area. The differences of agricultural technologies in soma oases also reflect their adaptability to the local waterheat matching characteristics.
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    Occurrence and Distribution of Throughfall under Caragana intermedia Canopy in Desert Steppe
    YANG Xin-guo, GU Jun-long, WANG Xing, CHEN Lin, WANG Lei, SONG Nai-ping, QU Wen-jie
    2019, 36 (1):  131-138. 
    Abstract ( 510 )   PDF (1435KB) ( 397 )  
    The rainfall redistribution through canopy is of important eco-hydrological significance for the survival of shrubs. The Caragana intermedia plantation in large area in desert steppe is mostly zonal,and the growth mode and morphological characteristics of natural sporadic C. intermedia plants are quite different. Whether this difference affecting the distribution of precipitation through canopy is necessary to be further verified. The eco-hydrological mechanism of vegetation stability of adult C. intermedia plantation in desert steppe should be further understood. The occurrence and distribution of throughfall under C. intermedia canopy in two different growth patterns (scattered and row distribution) were compared and analyzed by monitoring precipitation redistribution in 18 different rainfall events in 2016. The results showed that the throughfall percentage of scattered C. intermedia plants was 25.6%~96.5%,that of row ones was 25.4%~96.1%,and the coefficients of variation was 23% and 19% respectively. The mean values of throughfall were similar and for 7.55 mm and 7.40 mm respectively. Rainfall,rainfall duration,and rainfall intensity had a very significant linear relationship with thoughfall depth,but the relationship between throughfall percentage and characteristic parameters of precipitation was complex,which was dominated by power function,and the fitting significance of scattered C. intermedia plants was better than that of row ones. The distribution of throughfall under canopy was spatial heterogeneity. Generally,throughfall percentage was increased linearly with the increase of distance from shrub base. The dry area of throughfall was concentrated at the base of scattered C. intermedia plants,however,the distribution of row ones was more complex. Mosaic distribution of dry areas and rain pole was found for row C. intermedia plants. The different growth patterns of C. intermedia plants did not significantly affect the throughfall depth,but the spatial distribution pattern of throughfall under canopy was significantly changed,which might further affect the process of the conversion from precipitation to soil water.
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    Response of Herbaceous Plant Quantity to Different Water Input and Meteorological Factors in a Cold Desert #br#

    FAN Lian-lian, LI Yao-ming, Nataliia Terekhina, MA Xue-xi, MA Jie
    2019, 36 (1):  139-146. 
    Abstract ( 449 )   PDF (1353KB) ( 183 )  

    Rainfall and atmospheric dryness play an important role in plant growth, especially in arid area. The herbaceous layer is an important component of the plant community in the Gurbantunggut Desert, China, and it generally depends on snow melt water in early spring for germination and development, resultant with a short life span. However, few studies focused on the relationship between the growth of desert annual herbaceous plants and rainfall and atmospheric dryness. Therefore, our objectives were to determine how snow cover, precipitation and atmospheric dryness affected the ecological traits of the herbaceous plants in this typical arid zone. From 2009 to 2016,we applied four treatments of snow cover thickness (0,50%,100%,and 200% as well as 100% natural snow cover thickness) to investigate the species richness and density in 1 m ×1 m quadrats. The meteorological data and field data were used to analyze the relationship between the growth of desert annual herbaceous plants and rainfall and atmospheric dryness. It was found that thick snow cover could result in a high topsoil moisture content and then high seedling density. Although the snow cover regulated the seedling density, there was no significant difference between species richness and snow cover thickness within a year. During the period of 2009-2016,however,the species richness fluctuated inter annually. It was inferred through the analysis of meteorological data that the species richness was mainly regulated by the rainfall during the seedling construction period. Moreover, the species richness in wet year would return to the normal level after a drought year. Vapor pressure deficit (VPD) of the atmosphere reflected the degree of atmospheric dryness, and there was a significant negative correlation between the number of survival herbaceous plants and VPD under the 100% snow cover treatment from 2009 to 2016,with the R2 value at 0.611 (P<0.05).There was an opposite trend between the number of survival herbaceous plants and rainfall in growing season with R2 at 0.162 (P>0.05).Obviously, atmospheric dryness was more likely to determine the survival of herbaceous plants.

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    Synthesized Climate Change in the North Altay Mountains in the Past 2 000 Years
    ZHANG Dong-liang, LI Yin-bo, YANG Yun-peng, LAN Bo
    2019, 36 (1):  176-185. 
    Abstract ( 525 )   PDF (2167KB) ( 198 )  
    This study firstly reviewed the achievements about climate change in the north Altay Mountains over the past 2 000 years, and then summarized the geographical consistency of climate information contained in these documents. Mutil proxies (lake cores, tree rings and ice cores) recorded the five important climatic events in the Northern Hemisphere, including the Roman Optimum (0-400 AD),Dark Age Cold Period (400-600 AD),Medieval Warm Period (800-1200 AD),Little Ice Age (1400-1860 AD),and recent warming period (since 1860 AD).These climatic events were mainly modulated by solar activity dominated solar radiation variations in the past 2 000 years and recent warming period since 1860 AD, which were largely attributable to an increase of CO2 concentration in the past 150 years. The precipitation history in the north Altay Mountains over the past 2 000 years indicated that these periods including 0-450,600-800,1050-1300,1650-1860 AD were characterized by high precipitation, and those including 450-600,800-1050,1300-1650,1860-2000 AD were featured by low precipitation. In addition, the combination of temperature and precipitation in the north Altay Mountains over the past 2 000 years did not supported the “cold wet and warm dry” hydrothermal configuration in the arid zone in Central Asia.
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    Climate Change in North Xinjiang in Recent 56 Years
    ZHANG Yang, CHU Xin zheng, YANG Shao min, GUO Chao
    2019, 36 (1):  212-219.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2019.01.24
    Abstract ( 324 )   PDF (2160KB) ( 191 )  
    The mathematical statistics,trend rate method,Mann-Kendall mutation test and wavelet analysis were used to study the characteristics,trends and spatial difference of climate change in North Xinjiang in the past 56 years based on the daily temperature and precipitation data from 40 stations in North Xinjiang from 1961 to 2016.The results showed that,during the study period,there was generally a warming-wetting climate change trend.The annual average temperature increased by 0.34 ℃·(10a)-1,and the increase rate of annual precipitation was 12.05 mm·(10a)-1.MannKendall mutation test showed that the temperature increased after 1991,and the precipitation increased gradually after its mutation in 1987;there were the 6-,14- and 28-year periodical changes of annual mean temperature,and the 4-,12- and 22-year ones of annual precipitation.In terms of spatial differences,the temperature increase was higher in the east and west than that in the north and south,and the precipitation increase was higher in the mountainous regions than that in the plains and basins and higher in the west than that in the east.
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