Arid Zone Research ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (10): 1670-1677.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2023.10.13
• Plant Ecology • Previous Articles Next Articles
ZHOU Xiang1(),WANG Peng2,3(),Bumaliyamu MAIMAITI2,3,WANG Qiuyan2,3,YUE Jian2
ZHOU Xiang, WANG Peng, Bumaliyamu MAIMAITI, WANG Qiuyan, YUE Jian. Calorific values of forest surface fuels in the eastern Tianshan Mountains of Xinjiang, China[J].Arid Zone Research, 2023, 40(10): 1670-1677.
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Tab. 1
Comparison of calorific value between different forest types of surface fuel with the same component"
可燃物组分 | 林型 | |||
针叶林 | 阔叶林 | 针阔混交林 | 灌木林 | |
灌木 | 18.59±0.10a | 18.19±0.13ab | 18.67±0.05b | 18.99±0.03ab |
草本 | 19.38±0.08a | 19.05±0.08ab | 17.83±0.04ab | 19.36±0.06b |
凋落物 | 19.55±0.05ac | 19.01±0.04ab | 19.50±0.08bd | 19.04±0.09cd |
腐殖质 | 11.66±0.02a | 12.23±0.11a | 13.37±0.23a | 15.76±0.10a |
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