Arid Zone Research ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (3): 412-424.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2023.03.08
• Plant Ecology • Previous Articles Next Articles
SUN Qixing1,2(),YANG Xiaodong2,3(),LI Borui1,2,KONG Cuicui1,2,Elhamjan ANWAR1,2,ZHOU Jie1,2,LYU Guanghui1,2
SUN Qixing, YANG Xiaodong, LI Borui, KONG Cuicui, Elhamjan ANWAR, ZHOU Jie, LYU Guanghui. Effects of hydraulic traits on the species abundance distribution pattern of desert plant communities[J].Arid Zone Research, 2023, 40(3): 412-424.
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Tab. 3
Statistical of using Generalized Additive Models to predict the abundance change of desert plant community"
模型 | R2 | Dexp/% | GCV | |
a | s(Ψlmin*) | 0.13 | 13.30 | 32.73 |
b | s(Ψlmin**)+s(Ks) | 0.28 | 34.00 | 31.17 |
c | s(Ψlmin***)+s(Ks**)+s(Ψlpd*) | 0.43 | 51.70 | 28.07 |
d | s(Ψlmin***)+s(Ks***)+s(Ψlpd**)+s(Hv*) | 0.80 | 75.30 | 23.43 |
e | s(Ψlmin***)+s(Ks***)+s(Ψlpd**)+s(Hv*)+s(Ψsmin) | 0.80 | 76.50 | 22.41 |
f | s(Ψlmin***)+s(Ks***)+s(Ψlpd**)+s(Hv***)+s(Ψsmin)+s(SWD*) | 0.81 | 76.80 | 19.56 |
g | s(Ψlmin***)+s(Ks***)+s(Ψlpd***)+s(Hv***)+s(Ψsmin*)+s(SWD**)+s(Kwb**) | 0.87 | 86.40 | 15.62 |
h | s(Ψlmin***)+s(Ks***)+s(Ψlpd***)+s(Hv**)+s(Ψsmin**)+s(SWD***)+s(Kwb***)+s(Ψspd**) | 0.93 | 92.80 | 14.45 |
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