Arid Zone Research ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (6): 1842-1851.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.06.14
• Land and Water Resources • Previous Articles Next Articles
YU Guangling1(),LI Kaihui2,ZHOU Jianqin1,3(
),LI Keyi1,CONG Mengfei1,HU Yang1,WANG Xuyang1,JIA Hongtao1,3
Jianqin ZHOU;
YU Guangling,LI Kaihui,ZHOU Jianqin,LI Keyi,CONG Mengfei,HU Yang,WANG Xuyang,JIA Hongtao. Effects of long-term enclosure on soil aggregate stability and erodibility in Bayinbuluk alpine grassland[J].Arid Zone Research, 2022, 39(6): 1842-1851.
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Tab. 1
MWD and GMD of soil aggregates under long-term enclosure conditions"
草地类型 | 处理 | MWD/mm | GMD/mm | |||||||
0~5 cm | 5~10 cm | 10~20 cm | 20~30 cm | 0~5 cm | 5~10 cm | 10~20 cm | 20~30 cm | |||
高寒草甸 | 围封 | 4.22±0.05a | 2.91±0.06b | 2.62±0.10b | 2.82±0.16b | 2.17±0.14a | 1.25±0.04b | 1.09±0.06b | 1.18±0.12b | |
放牧 | 1.75±0.14b | 3.04±0.15a | 2.79±0.13a | 2.68±0.21a | 0.67±0.05b | 1.22±0.08a | 1.22±0.05a | 0.93±0.15ab | ||
高寒草甸草原 | 围封 | 2.17±0.16d | 3.45±0.12b | 4.22±0.17a | 2.95±0.16c | 0.61±0.07c | 1.34±0.07b | 1.95±0.23a | 0.88±0.09c | |
放牧 | 3.13±0.16b | 3.89±0.07a | 3.71±0.15a | 2.80±0.10b | 1.02±0.14b | 1.72±0.04a | 1.52±0.16a | 0.80±0.05b | ||
高寒草原 | 围封 | 3.40±0.14c | 3.85±0.13ab | 4.04±0.08a | 3.63±0.11bc | 1.19±0.13b | 1.65±0.14a | 1.79±0.09a | 1.41±0.11ab | |
放牧 | 1.81±0.13a | 1.94±0.09a | 0.97±0.09b | 1.32±0.14b | 0.44±0.05b | 0.57±0.01a | 0.25±0.02c | 0.39±0.05b |
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