Arid Zone Research ›› 2021, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 1590-1600.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.06.11
• Weather and Climate • Previous Articles Next Articles
LIU Lu(),LIU Puxing(
),ZHANG Wangxiong,SI Wenyang,QIAO Xuemei
Puxing LIU;
LIU Lu,LIU Puxing,ZHANG Wangxiong,SI Wenyang,QIAO Xuemei. Variation characteristics of extreme warm events from 1961 to 2017 and projection for future scenarios in Xinjiang, China[J].Arid Zone Research, 2021, 38(6): 1590-1600.
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Tab. 1
Information of 14 CMIP6 climate models"
模式名称 | 机构及所属国家 | 空间分辨率 |
AWI-CM-1-1-MR | AWI,德国 | 0.97°×0.93° |
BCC-CSM2-MR | BBC,中国 | 1.13°×1.12° |
CanESM5 | CCCma,加拿大 | 2.81°×2.79° |
EC-Earth3 | EC-Earth-Cons,欧盟 | 0.7°×0.7° |
EC-Earth3-Veg | EC-Earth-Cons,欧盟 | 0.7°×0.7° |
FGOALS-g3 | FGOALS,中国 | 2°×2.03° |
GFDL-CM4 | NOAA-GFDL,美国 | 1.25°×1° |
GFDL-ESM4 | NOAA-GFDL,美国 | 1.25°×1° |
IPSL-CM6A-LR | IPSL,法国 | 2.5°×1.27° |
INM-CM4-8 | INM,俄罗斯 | 2°×1.5° |
INM-CM5-0 | INM,俄罗斯 | 2°×1.5° |
MPI-ESM1-2-LR | MPI-M,德国 | 1.88°×1.87° |
NESM3 | NUIST,中国 | 1.88°×1.87° |
NorESM2-LM | NCC,挪威 | 2.5°×1.89° |
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