Arid Zone Research ›› 2021, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 1031-1039.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.04.14
• Weather and Climate • Previous Articles Next Articles
LI Shuai1(),CHEN Yonghang1(),HOU Xiaogang2,WANG Junhai3,XU Zhide4
Yonghang CHEN;
LI Shuai,CHEN Yonghang,HOU Xiaogang,WANG Junhai,XU Zhide. Evaluation of FY-2F satellite cloud products in Xinjiang[J].Arid Zone Research, 2021, 38(4): 1031-1039.
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Tab. 1
Correlation between FY-2F/CTA and manual observed total cloud cover in different seasons and region of Xinjiang"
拟合方程(北疆地区) | R | 拟合方程(天山山区) | R | 拟合方程(南疆地区) | R | |
春季 | y=2.744+1.011x | 0.830** | y=1.005+1.320x | 0.793* | y=2.978+0.947x | 0.788* |
夏季 | y=1.305+1.313x | 0.899** | y=0.969+1.392x | 0.830** | y=2.151+1.207x | 0.861** |
秋季 | y=1.582+1.137x | 0.843** | y=1.042+1.215x | 0.761* | y=1.224+1.206x | 0.832** |
冬季 | y=2.557+0.690x | 0.466 | y=0.445+0.990x | 0.529 | y=2.406+0.883x | 0.737* |
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