›› 2014, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (4): 709-714.

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Effects of Vegetation Regeneration on Soil Organic Matter Content and Water Stable Aggregates in the Weibei Dryland


  • Received:2013-05-20 Revised:2013-06-18 Online:2014-07-15 Published:2014-08-11

Abstract: The formation of soil water stable aggregates and their protective effects on soil organic matter content can be changed by regenerating vegetation. The content of water stable aggregates and soil organic matter under different landuse types in north Liquan County, the Weibei Dryland was analyzed. The results showed that the percentage content of soil water stable aggregates larger than 0.25 mm, mean weight diameter and soil organic matter content were higher in woodland and permanent wasteland than those in farmland, and the fractal dimension of water stable aggregates in farmland was higher than that in woodland and permanent wasteland. Moment method parameter [WTBX](Cs)[WTBZ] was negative in farmland and oneyear waste land but positive in woodland and permanent wasteland. There was a linear positive correlation between soil organic matter content and mean weight diameter of water stable aggregates. Moreover, the organic matter content in soil water stable aggregate with a diameter less than 0.25 mm was the lowest, and it was increased linearly with the increase of diameter of water stable aggregate. Which revealed that the mineralization of soil organic matter within soil water stable aggregate was reduced, and soil organic matter provided a good material base for the formation of larger soil aggregate. Soil organic matter content and water stable aggregates can be improved by regenerating vegetation in the Weibei Dryland.