Arid Zone Research ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (6): 1917-1929.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.06.22
• Ecology and Environment • Previous Articles Next Articles
CHEN Yusen1,2,3(),Akida ASKARL1,2,3,WANG Yongdong1,2,3(
Yongdong WANG;
CHEN Yusen,Akida ASKARL,WANG Yongdong,Talgat ABZHANOV,Dani SARSEKOVA,Zhazira ZHUMABEKOVA. Characteristics and drivers of the spatial-temporal change of net primary productivity in the capital area of Kazakhstan from 1994 to 2018[J].Arid Zone Research, 2022, 39(6): 1917-1929.
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Tab. 3
NPP values of different land cover types in different years"
年份 | 防护林/(g C·m-2) | 草地/(g C·m-2) | 水体/(g C·m-2) | 建筑区/(g C·m-2) | 裸地/(g C·m-2) | 地区年均值/总值/(g C·m-2) | |
1994 | 均值 | 317.11 | 195.73 | 150.75 | 185.65 | 198.34 | 218.50 |
总值 | 3.78× | 1.93× | 5.81× | 1.16× | 1.53× | 3.56× | |
2000 | 均值 | 272.27 | 186.61 | 187.09 | 198.66 | 167.06 | 202.07 |
总值 | 6.81× | 2.00× | 5.49× | 2.82× | 1.12× | 3.27× | |
2006 | 均值 | 214.10 | 198.76 | 125.12 | 204.67 | 192.68 | 216.72 |
总值 | 1.15× | 1.63× | 3.74× | 2.77× | 1.72× | 3.53× | |
2012 | 均值 | 266.13 | 212.43 | 191.42 | 196.88 | 206.60 | 235.35 |
总值 | 2.31× | 1.74× | 4.32× | 2.86× | 1.80× | 3.83× | |
2018 | 均值 | 302.81 | 241.14 | 189.98 | 163.86 | 216.99 | 258.42 |
总值 | 2.94× | 2.17× | 7.53× | 2.32× | 1.65× | 4.21× |
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