Arid Zone Research ›› 2021, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 1713-1721.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.06.23
• Plant and Plant Physiology • Previous Articles Next Articles
GAO Yanting(),ZHANG Rui(),LI Hongxia,WEI Pengcheng
GAO Yanting,ZHANG Rui,LI Hongxia,WEI Pengcheng. Effect of water stress on sugar accumulation and sucrose metabolism enzyme activities of greenhouse grape fruit[J].Arid Zone Research, 2021, 38(6): 1713-1721.
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Tab. 2
Effect of water stress on grape growth index"
处理 | 产量/(kg·hm-2) | 单果均重/g | 果形指数 | 植株径粗增长速率/(mm·d-1) | 植株径长增长速率/(cm·d-1) |
CK | 18008.33ab | 12.84±0.34a | 1.26a | 0.047±0.11a | 0.85±0.31a |
TM | 20197.22a | 13.24±0.27a | 1.28a | 0.054±0.15a | 0.88±0.30a |
TA | 17997.22ab | 11.79±0.28b | 1.23ab | 0.032±0.15a | 0.88±0.10a |
TS | 14658.33b | 9.91±0.97c | 1.19b | 0.029±0.15a | 0.74±0.10a |
Tab. 3
Effect of water stress on the quality of greenhouse grape"
处理 | 可溶性固形物含量/% | 花青素/(nmol·g-1) | 维生素C/(mg·kg-1) | 可滴定酸含量/% |
CK | 14.14±0.27b | 9.37±0.84b | 16.27±0.83bc | 0.46±0.06c |
TM | 15.71±0.49a | 11.93±0.55a | 26.13±3.52a | 0.41±0.02c |
TA | 15.11±0.67a | 10.85±0.81ab | 17.07±1.31b | 0.59±0.05b |
TS | 11.96±0.20c | 7.13±1.18c | 12.67±1.50c | 0.69±0.02a |
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