干旱区研究 ›› 2021, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 919-929.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.04.03 cstr: 32277.14.AZR.20210403

• 水资源及其利用 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.中南大学地球科学与信息物理学院,湖南 长沙 410083
    2.兰州大学资源环境学院,甘肃 兰州 730000
  • 收稿日期:2020-11-02 修回日期:2021-04-28 出版日期:2021-07-15 发布日期:2021-08-03
  • 作者简介:李建江(1996-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事冰川能量-物质平衡研究. E-mail: 185012119@csu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Simulating surface energy and mass balance of the Puruogangri ice cap during 2012-2014 based on High Asia Refined analysis data

LI Jianjiang1(),LI Jia1(),WU Lixin1,WANG Yingzheng1,2,GUO Lei1   

  1. 1. School of Geosciences and Info-physics, Central South University, Changsha 410083, Hunan, China
    2. College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu, China
  • Received:2020-11-02 Revised:2021-04-28 Published:2021-07-15 Online:2021-08-03


采用高亚洲精细再分析数据(High Asia Refined analysis,HAR)以及Coupled Snowpack and Ice Surface Energy and Mass balance Model(COSIMA)模拟了青藏高原最大冰原——普若岗日2012-04-23—2014-05-11的能量-物质平衡,并分析了普若岗日冰原消融机理。模拟的2012-04-23—2013-05-23与2013-05-23—2014-05-11的物质平衡分别为-0.18 m w.e.、-0.36 m w.e.。在整个研究时段内,冰原西部、中北部等海拔低于5800 m的区域处于物质亏损状态,最大达到-2.69 m w.e.;冰原北部区域因为海拔较高的原因,处于物质积累状态,在东北部区域最高值达到0.85 m w.e.。2013-05-23—2014-05-11用于消融的能量相比2012-04-23—2013-05-23减少,冰川表面消融减速,但普若岗日冰原上空2013-05-23—2014-05-11的固态降水量少于2012-04-23—2013-05-23,因此冰川在2013-05-23—2014-05-11日的表面净物质平衡反而减少。

关键词: 普若岗日, 高亚洲精细再分析数据, COSIMA, 能量平衡, 物质平衡


Glacier mass balance is an important parameter for describing how glaciers respond to climate change. The Puruogangri ice cap is the largest ice cap on the Tibetan Plateau, and the retrieval of its mass balance is of great significance. In this study, the surface energy balance and mass balance of the Puruogangri ice cap between April 23, 2012 and May 11, 2014 were simulated from the High Asia Refined analysis data via the coupled snowpack and ice surface energy and mass balance model(COSIMA). Based on simulated surface energy balance and mass balance, we revealed the ablation mechanism of the Puruogangri ice cap and the reason why ablation accelerated between April 23, 2012 and May 11, 2014. From April 23, 2012 to May 23, 2013 and May 23, 2013 to May 11, 2014, the simulated mass balance values of the Puruogangri ice cap were -0.18 m w. e. and 0. 36 m w. e., respectively. These results were consistent with the previously reported result (-0.13 ± 0.03 m w. e. and -0. 34 ± 0.06 m w.e., respectively) that was derived by differencing the digital elevation models obtained at different times. The simulated mass balance indicated that the low areas, such as the western parts of the ice cap, experienced mass loss, while the high areas, such as the northern part of the ice cap, experienced mass gain. The maximum mass loss and gain during the observation period were 2.69 m w. e. and 0.85 m w. e., respectively. The energy used for ablation between May 23, 2013 and May 11, 2014 was less than that used between April 23, 2012 and May 23, 2013. Therefore, the surface ablation was weakened between May 23, 2013 and May 11, 2014. However, the solid precipitation between May 23, 2013 and May 11, 2014 was also less than that between April 23, 2012 and May 23, 2013; therefore, the net surface mass balance of the ice cap decreased between May 23, 2013 and May 11, 2014.

Key words: Puruogangri ice cap, High Asia Refined analysis, coupled snowpack and ice surface energy and mass balance model(COSIMA), surface energy balance, mass balance