干旱区研究 ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (8): 1294-1303.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2023.08.10 cstr: 32277.14.AZR.20230810

• 植物生态 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.甘肃省治沙研究所,甘肃 兰州 730070
    2.甘肃河西走廊森林生态系统国家定位观测研究站,甘肃 武威 733000
    3.甘肃民勤荒漠草地生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站, 甘肃 民勤 733300
    4.甘肃农业大学林学院,甘肃 兰州 730070
    5.天祝藏族自治县哈溪镇畜牧兽医站,甘肃 天祝 733206
  • 收稿日期:2023-01-09 修回日期:2023-03-29 出版日期:2023-08-15 发布日期:2023-08-24
  • 作者简介:王理德(1969-),男,博士,研究员,硕士生导师,主要从事生物多样性及水土保持与荒漠化防治研究. E-mail: wldzy69@163.net
  • 基金资助:

Syndynamic and diversity of species during gangue treatment in Shuanglong ditch

WANG Lide1,2,3,4(),SONG Dacheng1,2,LI Guangyu1,3(),ZHAO Heran1,2,ZHENG Kewen5   

  1. 1. Gansu Desert Control Research Institute, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
    2. Gansu Hexi Corridor Forest Ecosystem National Research Station, Wuwei 733000, Gansu, China
    3. Minqin National Station for Desert Steppe Ecosystem Studies, Mingqin 733300, Gansu, China
    4. College of Forestry, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
    5. Haxi Town of Tianzhu Tibetan Autonomous County Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Station, Tianzhu 733206, Gansu, China
  • Received:2023-01-09 Revised:2023-03-29 Published:2023-08-15 Online:2023-08-24


为了探讨矸石治理过程中植物群落演替及物种多样性,本文运用时空替代法,选择甘肃省天祝藏族自治县双龙沟矸石治理不同年限 (2 a、5 a、10 a )和未治理的矸石作为对照(CK)样地,通过对植被调查,分析研究了植物群落演替特征及物种多样性,并揭示其随着矸石治理年限的增加呈现出的变化规律,为祁连山东段双龙沟及其相似地区矸石治理、生态系统修复及生态环境建设提供科学理论基础。研究表明:(1) 双龙沟矸石治理过程中,4个样地共出现24科40属55种植物,其中有15科是单科、单属及单种,菊科、禾本科、蔷薇科植物种数达到28种,占总科数的12.5%,总物种数达到50.91%。物种构成表现为:多数种属于少数科,大部分植物种为单科、单属。(2) 随着矸石治理年限的增加,群落优势种由一年生或多年生草本植物逐渐转化为多年生草本植物及灌木植物,植物种由对照(CK)的11种,增加到矸石治理5 a时28种,再降到矸石治理10 a的18种,最后垂穗披碱草、早熟禾及沙棘成为该样地的优势种,这三种植物重要值的总和达到48.107。(3) 随着矸石治理年限增加,物种数、Shannon多样性指数、Margalef丰富度指数从CK到矸石治理5 a时逐渐增加,分别达到最大值28、3.506及2.877;Pielou均匀度指数呈现“下降-上升-再下降”的变化趋势,变化幅度不大。Simpson优势度指数呈现出“上升-下降-再上升”变化趋势,矸石治理10 a时达到最大值0.359;(4) 矸石治理年限对植物种群数量特征影响较大,株高从CK、2 a到10 a显著增高(P<0.05),盖度从CK到治理5 a、10 a显著增大(P<0.05),植物株数从CK到治理10 a显著增大(P<0.05)。综上所述,祁连山东段双龙沟矸石治理过程中,在人工干预下,矸石治理年限对植被演替及物种多样性影响较大,植物群落逐渐变得单一、稳定。

关键词: 双龙沟, 矸石治理, 植物群落演替, 重要值, 物种多样性


In order to explore the succession and species diversity of plant communities in the process of gangue treatment, the text used the time-space substitution method to select the different years (2, 5, and 10 a) of gangue treatment in Shuanglong ditch, Tianzhu Tibetan Autonomous County, Gansu Province, and the untreated gangue as the contrast (CK) sample plots. The vegetation was surveyed, and the succession characteristics and species diversity of plant communities were analyzed. The results show that: (1) during the process of Shuanglong ditch gangue treatment, we identified 55 species of plants belonging to 40 genera and 24 families in 4 sample plots. Among these taxa, 15 families were single families, single genus, and single species. There were 28 species of Asteraceae, Poaceae, and Rosaceae, which accounted for 12.5% of the total number of families and 50.91% of the total species. Most of the species belonged to a few families, and most plant species belonged to a single family and a single genus. (2) During the years of gangue treatment, the dominant species of the community gradually changed from annual or perennial herbs to perennial herbs and shrubs. The number of plant species in the CK was 11, and after 5 years of gangue treatment, we identified 28 species, which decreased to 18 species after 10 years of gangue treatment. Finally, Elymus nutans, Poa pratensis, and Hippophae rhamnoides become the dominant species in the sample plot; and these three plants comprised 48.107. (3) With increasing gangue treatment time, the number of species, Shannon diversity index, and Margalef richness index gradually increased from CK to 5 years after gangue treatment, reaching maximum values of 28, 3.506, and 2.877 respectively. The Pielou evenness index changed little, although we observed a trend of “falling-rising-falling.” In contrast, the Simpson dominance index showed a trend of “rising-falling-rising,” reaching the maximum value of 0.359 after 10 years of gangue treatment. (4) The length of time of gangue treatment greatly impacted the quantitative characteristics of the plant population. Plant height significantly increased from CK, 2-10 a (P < 0.05). Coverage significantly increased from CK to 5 a and 10 a of treatment (P < 0.05). The number of plants increased significantly from CK to 10 a of treatment (P < 0.05). Overall, the results indicate that years of gangue treatment greatly impacted vegetation succession and species diversity in the Shuanglong ditch of the eastern section of Qilian Mountains; and the plant community has gradually become single and stable.

Key words: Shuanglong ditch, gangue treatment, syndynamic, importance value, diversity of species