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    15 May 2019, Volume 36 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    2019, 36 (3):  0. 
    Abstract ( 284 )   PDF (622KB) ( 80 )  
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    2019, 36 (3):  0-0. 
    Abstract ( 233 )   PDF (314KB) ( 112 )  
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    Relationship Between Surface Latent Heat Flux over the Qinghai Tibetan Plateau and Precipitation in Qinghai from May to October
    QI Yan, YAN Yu-qian, LI Jin-hai, CHEN Wen-jiang
    2019, 36 (3):  529-536. 
    Abstract ( 489 )   PDF (1809KB) ( 372 )  
    In this study, the ERA-Interim reanalysis data and the observation data from 43 meteorology stations in Qinghai Province from 1981 to 2010 were used. The purposes of the study were to analyze the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of the surface latent heat flux (short for slhf) over the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and its relationship with precipitation in Qinghai from May to October using the method of EOF (Empirical orthogonal functions), correlation analysis and composite analysis. The result showed that:   The spatial distribution of first order mode of slhf was different in the eastern and western regions of the plateau, the anomaly was positive in northeast Qinghai and the western and southern regions of the plateau but negative in other areas. The time coefficient of first order mode was in a significant downward trend, it was positive before 2001 but negative after that, which revealed that the slhf in northeast Qinghai and the western and southern parts of the plateau increased before 2001 but decreased after that;   There was a significant negative correlation between the slhf over the plateau and the precipitation in northeast Qinghai Province. When the slhf over the plateau was increased (or decreased), the precipitation in northeast Qinghai was reduced (or increased);   The area where it passed the significance test of 0.1 was regarded as the key area (35.0°-38.5°N, 98°-103.0°E) to study the relationship between the two, and 1 standard deviation was used to select the high-value years and low-value years of slhf. The results revealed that the slhf in the key area in recent 35 years was in a significant decrease trend, the precipitation in the key area was increased in the high-value years of slhf, it was decreased in the northeastern part of the key area but increased in other regions, and there was a 60-mm positive anomaly center in the south;  = 4 \* GB3 In the high-value (or low-value) years of slhf, the potential of the key area was low (or high), the wind speed was high (or low), and the water vapor convergence was weak (or strong) in the south of the key area. Analysis of the intensity of the 100 hPa South Asian High Center and the 300 hPa temperature field revealed that the intensity of the South Asian High and the 300 hPa warm center were slightly lower (or higher) in the years when the slhf was abnormally high (or low), and the establishment (or retreat) of South Asian High was earlier.
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    Effect of Short-Term Warming on Dynamic Change of Soil Moisture Content in Growing Season in the Permafrost Regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
    LI Yan-ping, SHI Li-jiang, XU Man-hou, LI Wen-gang
    2019, 36 (3):  537-545. 
    Abstract ( 394 )   PDF (1316KB) ( 329 )  
    The typical alpine meadow vegetation types in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau were taken as the research objects, the global warming was simulated by infrared lamp heating method, the values of soil moisture content at different depths of 0-100 cm in growing season (from May to September) 2012 were obtained by water probe, and its response to warming was analyzed. The results showed that:   Short-term warming increased soil moisture content in alpine meadow, but the increase was not significant (P≥0.05), and the average increase was 2.85%;  Soil moisture content decreased at first and then increased with the increase of soil depth, and decreased to the lowest value (13.8%) at the depth of 10-20 cm, and reached the highest value (20.57%) near the depth of 60-100 cm. Soil moisture content at 10-20 cm depth in the control group was significantly lower than that in other soil layers in five months, it at 0-20 cm depth in the warming group was significantly lower than that in other soil layers, which indicated that warming affected significantly the topsoil (0-10 cm deep) moisture content, but slightly the deep-soil moisture content, and the short-term warming had no effect on the vertical distribution of soil moisture content;   Soil moisture content was in an increase trend with the time from May to August, which indicated that the soil moisture content in growing season in Beilu River Basin in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau increased gradually and to its highest value in August, and it began to decrease from September, but the decrease was not significant. The change trend of soil moisture content with the time in the warming group was basically the same as that in the control group.
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    Spatial Distribution of Vegetation Coverage and Its Affecting Factors in the Upper Reaches of the Yellow River
    PEI Zhi-lin, YANG Qin-ke, WANG Chun-mei, PANG Guo-wei, YANG Li-hua
    2019, 36 (3):  546-555. 
    Abstract ( 1238 )   PDF (2831KB) ( 394 )  
    The ecosystem in the upper reaches of the Yellow River is fragile, and it is affected by the unique ecological environment and relatively simple vegetation types. The distribution of fractional vegetation cover (FVC) and its driving factors provide a reference for local vegetation protection. In this paper, the monthly data of MODIS1M NDVI (2000-2015) were used to calculate the maximum FVC in the upper reaches of the Yellow River and analyze its distribution and characteristics. Moreover, the corresponding proxy variables were used to quantitatively study the affecting factors of FVC by using the geographical detector (Geodetector) model based on the statistics theory and considering the topographical, geological and climatic factors as well as human activities. The study showed that:   The FVC in the upper reaches of the Yellow River was improved. The spatial distribution of FVC was stable even if there was a slight fluctuation;   The distribution of FVC was mainly affected by annual precipitation. There were some regional differences in the effects of other factors, for example, the distribution of FVC in the southwest of the study area was subject to the joint effect of topography and pressure, the effects of topographic factors in the central and northeast regions were relatively low, and the FVC was mainly subject to precipitation, humidity, land use types, soil types and underlying surface;   The interaction between the annual precipitation and the soil types and land use types was dominant to affect the spatial distribution of FVC;   Holistically, the factors affecting the spatial distribution of FVC were in an order of climatic environment factors > non-climatic environmental factors > human activities. The interaction of human activities with environmental factors (such as precipitation) could be used to fully explain the spatial distribution of FVC;   In the ecological restoration in this area, the full utilization of precipitation and the improvement of land use ways should be focused on.
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    Projection of Future Climate Change in the Kaidu-Kongqi River Basin in the 21st Century
    LI Xiao-fei, XU Chang-chun, LI Lu, SONG Jia, ZHANG Xi-cheng
    2019, 36 (3):  556-566. 
    Abstract ( 384 )   PDF (3039KB) ( 276 )  
    Climate change assessments on both global and regional scales rely strongly on the global climate models (GCMs) which are dominantly provided by the Coupled Model Inter Comparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5). Based on the grid datasets of monthly air temperature and precipitation from CRU (Climate Research Unit) and 31 CMIP5 GCMS data from the Downscaled CMIP3 and CMIP5 Climate and Hydrology Projections (DCHP), in this paper the performance of three Multi-Model Ensemble Mean methods (PLS, RR and EE) in simulating the historical climate change processes was evaluated, and the optimal ensemble method was determined and estimated for predicting the future climate change in the Kaidu-Konqi River Basin in the 21st century. The results indicated that the performance of the established Partial Least Squares (PLS) model was the best in simulating air temperature and precipitation in the study area. The R values of simulated temperature were all higher than 0.64, they were obviously better than those of simulated precipitation (R = 0.19~0.36). However, there was a spatial heterogeneity in both temperature and precipitation simulations. In the 21st century, the air temperature in the 4 sub-basins of Kaidu-Kongqi River Basin would be in a significant increase trend. The increase rates of air temperature [0.58~0.67 ℃·(10a)-1] under the RCP8.5 scenario would be doubled compared with those under RCP4.5 scenario [0.25~0.31 ℃·(10a)-1]. The significant difference between the two scenarios would begin from the mid-21st century. From the perspective of entire watershed, the warming rate increased gradually from the mountainous area in the northwest to the desert in the southeast. The distribution of change rates of precipitation was slightly different under different discharge scenarios, but both of them would be in a significant increase trend. The increase rate under RCP8.5 scenario [1.22%~1.54%?(10a)-1] would be holistically higher than that under RCP4.5 scenario [0.80%~1.32%·(10a)-1].
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    Soil Particle Size and Organic Matter Content of Different Land Use Types in the Mu Us Sandland
    MAO Li, SU Zhi-zhu, WANG Guo-ling, MA Yi-juan, LI Xiang
    2019, 36 (3):  589-598. 
    Abstract ( 646 )   PDF (1787KB) ( 395 )  

    In the Mu Us Sandland, the ecological environment is fragile, the soil wind erosion is serious, and the sandland is one of the key areas for desertification control in the sand source area of Beijing-Tianjin zone. In this paper, the soil granularity, organic matter content and their relationship under different land use patterns were studied so as to provide the basic data and the scientific basis for rational land use and desertification control. Through the field investigation in the Mu Us Sandland, the topsoil samples were collected from four land use types, i.e. the semi-fixed dune land, stubble land, ploughed land and grassland. The grain size and organic matter content of soil were analyzed, and the relationship between soil organic matter content and soil particle size distribution was discussed. The results showed that:   Silt (0.002-0.05 mm) was dominant in stubble land, ploughed land and grassland, and its content in topsoil was in an order of grassland (61.06%) > stubble land (53.09%) > ploughed land (48.28%), and that in sub-surface layer was in an order of grassland (61.25%) > ploughed land (49.43%) > stubble land (48.42%). Fine sand (0.1-0.25 mm) was dominant in semi-fixed dune land, its content was 52.69% in topsoil and 54.53% in sub-surface layer;   Soil organic matter content in topsoil was generally in an order of grassland (18.75 g·kg-1) > ploughed land (12.53 g·kg-1) > stubble land (11.25 g·kg-1) > semi-fixed dune land (8.13 g/kg), and that in sub-surface layer was in an order of grassland (13.36 g/kg) > stubble land (13.05 g·kg-1) > ploughed land (12.67 g·kg-1) > semi-fixed dune land (7.73 g·kg-1);   Correlation analysis of soil granularity and organic matter content showed that there was a significant positive correlation between organic matter content and silt content in stubble land and semi-fixed dune land, and a very significant positive correlation between organic matter content and moderate sand and fine sand in ploughed land, which revealed that the soil organic matter content in ploughed land was unstable and easily affected by other factors.

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    Soil Enzyme Activity and Its Affecting Factors under Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Plantation in Sandy Land
    YU De-liang, LEI Ze-yong, ZHANG Yan-song, YU Dong-wei, ZHOU Yan-ping, JIANG Ji-wen
    2019, 36 (3):  621-629. 
    Abstract ( 356 )   PDF (1057KB) ( 480 )  
    The path analysis was used to analyze the soil physicochemical factors and 5 kinds of soil enzyme activities under the Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica plantation with 10-60 year stand ages in the Zhanggutai area of Liaoning Province. The results showed that the 5 kinds of soil enzyme activities in the study area were significantly correlated with most soil physicochemical factors, so the soil enzyme activities could be used to characterize the comprehensive soil fertility in this region. The main factors affecting the different soil enzyme activities were different, and the main factors affecting the sucrose enzyme were the contents of organic matter, clay and available phosphorus as well as pH value. The main factors affecting the protease were the contents of alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen, available potassium and soil moisture. The main factors affecting the phosphatase were the contents of total phosphorus, available potassium and powder. The main factors affecting the catalase were the pH value, bulk density and contents of total phosphorus and total potassium. The main factors affecting the urease were the pH value and the contents of clay, total nitrogen and soil moisture. Compared with the simple correlation analysis, the path analysis could be used to better understand the relationship between soil enzyme activity and soil physicochemical factors. It is expected to provide a basis for soil improvement under Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica plantation through studying the main factors affecting soil enzyme activity.
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    Extremely High Temperature and Circulation Features in Xi'an in 2017 and 2014
    LI Bo, CHEN Ting, WANG Nan, HUA Deng-xin, WANG Qian
    2019, 36 (3):  645-656. 
    Abstract ( 668 )   PDF (4051KB) ( 483 )  
    A comparative study on the basic features and causes of high temperature in Xi’an during the period from 2017 to 2014 was carried out based on the observed and analyzed data from the meteorological stations and the National Center for Environmental Prediction. The main results were as follows:    High temperature occurred with a conventional modal in Xi’an in 2014. However, high temperature occurred one month in advance (unconventional) in 2017, and this was mainly because that the South Asia High (SH) was stronger than that in the same period in conventional years;   It was dry high temperature in Xi’an and different from the muggy high temperature in south China. Moreover, the diurnal-nocturnal temperature variation was low;   The typical circulation features related to the high temperature in Xi’an were described in detail, including mainly the simultaneously enhanced SH and Western Pacific Subtropical High (WH);   SH was an important heat source affecting northwest China according to this study. Under the favorable conditions of deeply meridional circulation, heat air was transported southeastward to the downstream region (e.g. Xi’an) by strong wind;   With the configuration of up-convergence and down-divergence, sinking airflow was clearly found under the 500 hPa level, and other meteorological factors were also favorable for the occurrence of high temperature in Xi’an.
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    Spatial Distribution and Formation Causes of Frequent Dust Weather in West Inner Mongolia
    LI Kuan, XIONG Xin, WANG Hai-bin, LI Gang-tie
    2019, 36 (3):  657-663. 
    Abstract ( 428 )   PDF (3227KB) ( 445 )  
    West Inner Mongolia is an important aeolian dust source in East Asia and even in the world. The data including regional geomorphic types, surface sediment composition, and days of sandstorm, dust weather and strong wind in recent 20 years were analyzed to characterize the spatial distribution and reveal the formation causes of dust weather in this region. The results showed that the exposed dried salt lakes rich in silt, sand and clay, deserts and sandy land, such as the Ejina, Guaizi Lake, southern marginal zone of the Tengger Desert and the northwest marginal zone of the Mu Us Sandland, were the sources of occurring dust weather. However, the occurring frequency of dust weather was relatively low in the areas where the silt, clay and moisture contents in topsoil as well as the vegetation coverage were high. Nevertheless, dust weather occurred frequently in the areas with high dust content in topsoil and moderate vegetation coverage. In summary, there was a spatial difference in occurring frequency of dust weather due to the variations of geomorphologic background and other natural factors, such as the surface sediment composition, soil moisture content, vegetation coverage and wind force.
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    Precipitation Effectiveness in Desert Steppe in Inner Mongolia: Based on Monitoring of Storm Precipitation in Sonid Right Banner

    FANG Ting-ting, YAN Yong-zhi, LIU Qing-fu, ZHU Ling, HAN Fang, ZHANG Qing
    2019, 36 (3):  691-697. 
    Abstract ( 470 )   PDF (1050KB) ( 264 )  
    Climate change has become as one of the global issues in common concern. Water is one of the main limiting factors in semiarid grasslands. The change of precipitation pattern results in the change of soil moisture status. The effect of precipitation events on soil moisture content in desert steppe was studied based on the analysis of the daily precipitation data from May 2015 to December 2016 and the daily continuous observation data of soil moisture content at different depths (0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm, 30-40 cm and 40-50 cm). The results showed that:   The effect of precipitation on topsoil (0-10 cm and 10-20 cm) moisture content was the most significant, and there was a significant positive correlation between the soil moisture content of these two layers and precipitation. The response of soil moisture content of other three layers to precipitation events was not significant; The minimum volumes of effective precipitation to 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm soil layers were 6.4 mm and 8.33 mm respectively;   Inferred the minimum effective precipitation, it was found that the conversion rate of effective precipitation to soil moisture in 0-10 cm layer could be as high as 95%, but it was mostly about 70%; it could be as high as 90% in 10-20 cm soil layer, but it was mostly about 50%.
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    Radial Growth of Trees in Response to Climatic Factors in the Altay Mountains, South of Kazakhstan

    LIU Rui, WANG Yong-hui, JIANG Sheng-xia, ZHANG Rui-bo, QIN Li, Bulkajyr T. Mambetov, Nurzhan Kelgenbayev, Daniyar Dosmanbetov, Bagila Maisupova, ZHANG Tong-wen
    2019, 36 (3):  723-733. 
    Abstract ( 833 )   PDF (1866KB) ( 334 )  

    The response of the radial growth of two tree species to climatic factors before and after a sudden rise of regional temperature in 1988 was analyzed based on the research of Picea obovata and Larix sibirica on the southern slope of the Altay Mountains in Kazakhstan. The results showed that there was a good correlation between the two standardized chronologies of the two tree species, and also a high consistency with the stage of low-frequency change and a high reliability of chronological series change. The GLK values of the two chronologies were high, which indicated that their radial growth was consistent. The radial growth of P. obovata and L. sibirica was faster at their young forest age but slower from the middle forest age to the mature forest age in the study area. The variation trend of tree-ring width index of these two tree species was consistent before and after the sudden rise of temperature. Before the sudden rise of temperature, the tree-ring width index of these two tree species increased unsignificantly with a slow decrease of precipitation and a slow increase of temperature. However, after the sudden rise of temperature, the tree-ring width index of P. obovata and L. sibirica was in a significant decline trend with the slow increase of annual precipitation and annual average temperature. This showed that there was a negative impact of climate change on the growth of trees, and the growth of these two tree species might be slowed down after the sudden rise of temperature. Under global warming, the radial growth of P. obovata and L. sibirica was mainly restricted by temperature, and the influence of precipitation was relatively low. The response of L. sibirica to temperature was slightly stronger than that of P. obovata. Holistically, there was a unsignificant difference in response of the radial growth of these two tree species to climate change. The response of the growth of these two tree species to climatic factors before and after the sudden rise of regional temperature in 1988 was analyzed. The results showed that, during the period from 1960 and 1988, there was a significant negative response of tree-ring width of L. sibirica to the precipitation in May that year, and to the temperature in August last year. There was a significant positive correlation between the radial growth of P. obovata and the precipitation in July of that year, but a significant negative correlation between it and the temperature in August last year. During the period from 1989 to 2016, the response of L. sibirica to the precipitation in May was no longer significant. Instead, there was a significant negative correlation between the growth of L. sibirica and the temperature in May of that year and in August last year. There was a weaker positive correlation and a higher negative correlation between the growth of this tree species and the temperature in growth season, or a change from positive correlation to negative correlation. The significant correlation between the radial growth of P. obovata and the precipitation disappeared. Instead, a negative correlation with temperature strengened, especially in August and October last year. The results showed that the positive response of the tree-ring width of P. obovata and L. sibirica to precipitation decreased but the negative response to temperature increased after the sudden rise of temperature. The response of the radial growth of P. obovata and L. sibirica to climatic factors might different after the sudden rise of temperature.

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