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    15 September 2018, Volume 35 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Morphology of the Lakes in the Badain Jaran Desert
    ZHAO Li-qiang, ZHANG Lv-lv, WANG Nai-ang, ZHANG De-zhong, NIU Zheng-min
    2018, 35 (5):  1001-1011.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.05.01
    Abstract ( 796 )   PDF (3275KB) ( 600 )  
    Lake morphometry is of fundamental importance for understanding the lake ecosystems, but it was previously neglected in researching the lakes in the Badain Jaran Desert. Here, a bathymetry survey of 10 large lakes in the desert was carried out using the ultra-sonic depth finder and RTK-GPS measurement system. Bathymetries was used to chart the relative hypsographic curves. Moreover, the morphometric parameters were calculated using the detailed lake depth data. In the lake size aspect, the Buerde Lake was distinguished from the remaining lakes because of its largest water area but the smallest maximum depth. However, the other 9 lakes were similar in their water areas, volumes, maximum depths and mean depths. In the lake shape aspect, the shorelines of the lakes were closed to circles expect the Buerde Lake, Yihejigede Lake, Sumujilin Lake and Yindeertu Lake. All the lakes could be considered as the shallow lakes. The method that the peripheral terrain is used to estimate the lake volumes is unsuitable for researching the lakes in the Badain Jaran Desert due to the location of the lakes and the endogenous travertine. Therefore, a mechanism-based empirical formula was presented in this study for estimating the volumes of the lakes in the Badain Jaran Desert in the future.
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    Dynamic Relationship between Lake Surface Evaporation and Meteorological Factors in the Badain Jaran Desert
    HAN Peng-fei, WANG Xu-sheng, HU Xiao-nong, JIANG Xiao-wei, ZHOU Yan-yi
    2018, 35 (5):  1012-1020.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.05.02
    Abstract ( 711 )   PDF (2010KB) ( 550 )  
    A large number of lakes are distributed in the Badain Jaran Desert located in northwest China. Water evaporation is a key factor in lacustrine water cycle and even an entire desert. In this paper, the dynamic relationships between evaporation and meteorological factors were analyzed based on the long-term meteorological and evaporative data monitored by automatic weather station at the Sumu Barun Jaran Lake from September 11, 2012 to March 26, 2013 and from May 8, 2013 to June 23, 2015 as well as the pressure intensity data at the lake bottom observed from September 13, 2012 to June 20, 2014. The multiple linear regression model, nonlinear aerodynamic model and Penman equation were used to simulate and analyze the hourly, daily and monthly evaporations. The results indicated that the correlations between evaporation and meteorological factors were enhanced with the time prolonging. At the hourly time scale, the correlations between evaporation and meteorological factors were poor, and the evaporation could not be simulated well by the multiple linear regression model. At the daily and monthly time scales, evaporation was closely correlated with air temperature and water temperature in the same period, and the evaporation could be modeled well by the multiple linear regression model and nonlinear aerodynamic model. The daily evaporation modeled by Penman equation was higher in summer but lower in winter. The results could provide a scientific basis for assessing the water consumption by lake surface evaporation in desert.
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    Optimized Redistribution of Water Resources in the Kaidu-Kongque River Basin
    WANG Wen-hui, HUAGN Yue, LIU Tie, MENG Fan-hao, LIU Jiao
    2018, 35 (5):  1030-1039.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.05.04
    Abstract ( 642 )   PDF (3922KB) ( 729 )  
    Water resources is the key factor to maintain a harmonious social,economic and ecological development in inland river basin. To establish an optimal plan of redistributing water resources is an effective method for improving the efficiency of water resources utilization and alleviating the contradiction between water resources supply and demand based on the current situation of water shortage in the study area. In this paper, the Kaidu-Kongque Watershed was considered as the research area, and the two-stage interval optimization algorithm was used to develop a model of optimizing water resources based on the historical, meteorological, hydrological, land use, social and economic data, and the optimized modes of redistributing water resources for the various industries were carried out. On which the uncertainties of inflow sources and water users could be exactly analyzed, and an optimized redistribution of water resources could be achieved. The results showed that the water consumptions for the urban residents, animal husbandry and secondary and tertiary industries could be basically satisfied, and the water shortage occurred mainly in agriculture, ecology and ecologic water conveyance to the lower reaches of the Tarim River. Regionally, the water shortage in agriculture occurred mainly in Korla City and Hejing County, the ecological water shortage occurred mostly in Bohu County and Korla City, and the water shortage is the most serious and as high as 0.27×108-0.92×108 m3·a-1 in high-inflow year in the lower reaches of the Tarim River. The highest and lowest water shortages occurred in July and January respectively; the most serious water shortage occurred in September, and the water shortage volumes for agriculture and ecology were 0.36×108-1.43×108 m3 and 0.90×108 m3 respectively. Different water management policies could lead to the significant changes of benefits in stream system. Compared with other policy scenarios, the system under the priority of economic benefits could obtain a high water use efficiency.
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    Pollution Load Characteristics and Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals Cr, Hg and As in the Jilantai Salt Lake Basin
    ZHANG A’long1 GAO Rui-zhong, ZHANG sheng,JIA De-bin, DU Dan-dan,QIN Zi-yuan,WANG Xi-xi
    2018, 35 (5):  1057-1067.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.05.07
    Abstract ( 733 )   PDF (2371KB) ( 604 )  
    The Jilantai Salt Lake Basin in an arid area in northwest China was selected as the study area. The total 120 soil samples were collected from topsoil and soil layers of 50cm and 100cm in depth, and the purposes of the study were to test the contents of heavy metals Cr, Hg and As and the contents of main chemical components. The pollution and pollution load characteristics, health risk and spatial distribution of Cr, Hg and As were analyzed by mathematical statistics, Tomlinson pollution load index and US EPA health risk assessment model. The results indicated that:① The soil samples from the Jilantai Salt Lake Basin contained Cr, Hg and As. If the background values in Inner Mongolia were regarded as the standards, the contents of Cr, Hg and As were overweight in some areas, in which the contents of Hg and As were 60% higher than the background values. The difference of contents of Cr, Hg and As among different soil layers was not significant. Compared with the values in whole Inner Mongolia, the contents of Cr, Hg and As in soil in the salt lake basin were high, but they were within the national standards compared with the second standard values in the “Soil Environmental Quality Standard” (GB 15618-1995);② Based on the background values of Inner Mongolia, soil pollution load in the Jilantai Salt Lake Basin was holistically slight, and the moderate and serious soil pollution occurred mainly in the Tugligol Valley and low-mountain area in the southwest. The pollution load of different soil layers was in an order of -100-cm soil layer>topsoil layer>-50-cm soil layer, and that of heavy metals in all soil layers was CFAs>CFHg>CFCr: ③ There was no cancer risk from Cr, Hg and As in the salt lake basin except that from Cr and As along the Bayan Ul-Helan Mountain zone;④ The study results could be referred in exploiting and utilizing the soil and groundwater resources in the arid areas in northwest China.
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    Effects of Simulated Temperature and Precipitation Increase on Soil Enzyme Activity in Typical Steppe
    CHAO Ran1,2, ZHANG Dong1,2, CHEN Ya-li1,2, WAN Zhi-qiang1,2, GAO Qing-zhu2, BAO Tie-jun1, YANG Jie1
    2018, 35 (5):  1068-1074.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.05.08
    Abstract ( 601 )   PDF (853KB) ( 532 )  
    The impacts of climate change on ecosystems will be expanded in the future. Soil enzyme is one of the active components in grassland soil, and it is closely related to soil nutrient content. In this study, the top-opened growth chambers were used to simulate the temperature increase and rainfall increase in a typical steppe in 2011 so as to explore the response of soil nutrient content and enzyme activity to climate change in semiarid area. The experiment was carried out under four treatments, i.e. the w CK (controlled), T (temperature controlled), P (rainfall increased) and TP(both temperature and rainfall increased) respectively. The values of soil nutrient availability and of activity of four enzymes were measured. It was found that the contents of soil nitrate nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen were increased by 40.2% and 129.1% respectively by increasing temperature. The nitrate nitrogen content was increased by 63.5% by increasing rainfall, but the ammonium nitrogen content was decreased by 63.6%. The activities of catalase and sucrose enzyme were decreased by 4.8% and 13.3% respectively by increasing temperature. Contrarily, the activities of alkaline phosphatase, sucrose enzyme and urease were increased by 7.1%, 35.7% and 14.9% respectively by increasing rainfall, but there was no significant effect of rainfall increase on catalase (P>0.05). The contents of nitrate nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen were in an increase trend under the interaction of both temperature increase and rainfall increase (P<0.05). The responses of four soil enzyme activities to climate change were different, which may be related to the change of nutrient cycling with climate change.
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    Relationship between Ray Tissue Features and Non-structural Carbohydrates in Xylem of Haloxylon ammodendron
    ZHOU Chao-bin,WANG Meng-yao, GONG Wei
    2018, 35 (5):  1105-1110.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.05.13
    Abstract ( 560 )   PDF (1049KB) ( 381 )  
    There are currently the inconsistent conclusions about the relationship between ray tissue and non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) content in xylem. In this experiment, Haloxylona mmodendron, adominant species in the Gurbantunggut Desert,was taken as the test material, the ray tissue, NSC, soluble sugar and starch in ecotypes of gravel soil (distributed in Jinghe), sandy soil (distributed in Shihezi) and loam (distributed in Caijiahu) were determined, and the correlations between the ray anatomical features and NSC as well as its components were analyzed. The results showed that the ray proportion of H.ammodendron varied in a range of 3.69%-7.06%, and that of NSC was in a range of 3.55%-5.87% in the three ecotypes. The values were lower compared with those of tropical and subtropical tree species. This may be caused by the limited photosynthetic process of H.ammodendron due to the lack of soil nutrients, severe drought and salinity stress in desert environment. The precipitation in gravel soil was the lowest, which was characterized by the highest values of ray density, ray proportion, NSC and its components, and was in agreement with the lowest values of ray height and wall thickness of ray cell. However, the values of ray density, ray proportion, NSC and its components in sandy soil were the lowest. The ray proportion was positively correlated with NSC (P< 0.01) and starch (P< 0.05), but the wall thickness of ray cell was negatively correlated with NSC (P<0.01)significantly. These results indicated that H.ammodendron improved the xylem nutrients, water storage and transportation efficiency to cope with the severe conditions by reducing the wall thickness of ray cell, increasing ray proportion and NSC. The results of this paper were of great significance to understanding the adaptation of the plant to the arid desert regions.
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    Stomatal Change in Leaves of Population euphratica under Drought Stress
    XIA Zhen-hua, CHEN Ya-ning, ZHU Cheng-gang, ZHOU ying-ying,CHEN xiao-lin
    2018, 35 (5):  1111-1117.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.05.14
    Abstract ( 890 )   PDF (1643KB) ( 1192 )  
    The study on stomatal characteristics of Populus euphratica leaves is helpful to understand the characteristics of water use and drought resistance mechanism under drought stress. In this paper, three typical profiles of P. euphratica, i.e. Yengisu, Aragan, Yikanbujima, were selected from the lower reaches of the Tarim River. The variation of stomatal density and stomatal length in leaves of P. euphratica under different drought stress gradients was investigated, and the response difference between staminiferousand female plants under drought stress was analyzed. Result are as follows: ① The stomatal density of P. euphratica leaves was increased but the leaf stomatal length was decreased with the increase of drought stress; ② Under drought stress, there were some differences in leaf stomatal density and stomatal length between staminiferous and female P. euphratica plants, which showed that the growth rate of stomatal density in leaf epidermis of staminiferous P. euphratica plant was low under drought stress.The stomatal length of lower epidermis of female P. euphratica plant was significantly longer than that of male; ③ The change of stomatal density and length of P. euphratica leaves reflected that the drought resistance of different sexes was different, and the water retention and drought resistance of staminiferous plant of P. euphratica were higher than those of female plant.
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    Effect of Drought Stress on Succession of the Zhalong Wetland
    LUO Jin-ming, WANG Yong-jie, BAI Lin, LIU Fu-gang
    2018, 35 (5):  1167-1172.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.05.01
    Abstract ( 460 )   PDF (3084KB) ( 578 )  
    In this study, the effect of drought stress on the succession of the Zhalong Wetland in northeast China in recent years was analyzed based on the data of precipitation, water storage and water area n the study area. The results indicated that the persistent drought was jointly affected by various factors. The rought or looding in the wetland was influenced by the natural factors before 1970, such as the fluctuation of runoff volume, EI Nino event and change of solar spots, nevertheless, it was jointly governed by both the natural environment change and human activities after then. During the period from 1860 to 1970, there were the 3-6 a and 20-30 a main periods of drought or flooding fluctuation. However, drought was dominant in recent 50 years due to the increase of human activities. The persistent drought stress resulted in the disappearance of wetland and soil salinization in large area, that is, the area of salinized soil was enlarged from 150 km2 in 1979 to 250 km2 in 2015, and some of which occurred in the core area of the Zhalong Wetland.
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