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    15 July 2018, Volume 35 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Sensitivity of Runoff to LUCC and Climate Change in the Heihe River Basin
    LUO Kai-sheng,TAO Fu-lu
    2018, 35 (4):  753-760.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.04.01
    Abstract ( 942 )   PDF (1109KB) ( 685 )  

    The purposes of this study was to quantitatively assess the sensitivity of runoff to climate change and land use/cover change (LUCC) in the Heihe River Basin during the period of 1980-2009. The study was based on the multiple data sources including the data of land use, digital elevation, soil, weather and runoff during the study period using the SWAT model. The results indicated that the sensitivity value of runoff to LUCC during the period of 1980-2009 was 0.020 mm·km-2. Moreover, the runoff changes caused by the variation of 1 mm precipitation in the upper, middle and lower streams were 0.49-0.288, 0.006-0.038 and 0-0.002 mm, and those caused by the variation of 1℃ temperature in the upper, middle and lower streams were 13.413-78.902, 1.105-6.500 and 0.461-2.710 mm, respectively. It was further found that the sensitivity of runoff to temperature was much higher than that to precipitation. The sensitivities of runoff to LUCC in the upper, middle and lower streams were 0.108, 0.004 and 0.001 mm·km-2 during the period from 1980 to 2009. Temporally, the sensitivity of runoff to LUCC in the whole drainage basin was holistically in a downward trend, and it was in a decrease trend in the upper stream but an increase trend in the lower reaches. The sensitivity of runoff to temperature in the drainage basin was in an increase trend during the period of 1980-2009.

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    Effects of Water-retaining Agent and Microbial Agent on Soil Moisture and Nutrient Content
    SONG Shuang-shuang,SUN Bao-ping,ZHANG Jian-feng,WU Yi
    2018, 35 (4):  761-769.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.04.02
    Abstract ( 964 )   PDF (1671KB) ( 725 )  
    As a high efficiency of water absorption material, polyacrylic acid potassium water-retaining agent and microbial agent can be mixed to significantly improve soil fertility. In this study, the polyacrylic acid potassium water-retaining agent was mixed with microbial agent to investigate their effects on soil moisture content, soil fertility and plant growth. Pot incubation tests were conducted to observe the growth of Pinus tabulaeformis and Medicago sativa. The contents of soil available N, P and K and soil moisture under these 2 plant species were tested and analyzed. Moreover, drought stress test was also carried out in the study. Results showed that the polyacrylic acid potassium water-retaining agent could be mixed with microbial agent to increase the contents of soil available N, P and K and soil moisture in varying degrees. Change trends of the contents of soil available nutrients under P. tabulaeformis and M. sativa were similar, but the optimal mix method was different for different plant species. For the annual P. tabulaeformis, the effect of high-concentration mix method on soil available N content was significant, and the effect of low- and moderate-concentration mix methods on the contents of soil available P and K was also high, and they were increased by 12%, 35% and 36% respectively. For M. sativa, the effect of high-concentration mix method on soil available N and P contents were significant, and the effect of low-and moderate-concentration mix method on soil available K was also high. The conditions of P. tabulaeformis and M. sativa growth and soil moisture level might be significantly improved when the moderate-concentration mix method was applied. For a defined area, it was needed to consider the actual conditions when using the water-retaining agent and microbial agent because of the different soil conditions, soil moisture level and nutrient level.
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    Surface Energy Balance Closure of Summer,Autumn and Winter in the Northern Margin of Taklimakan Desert
    CAO Huan-qi, HE Qing, JIN Li-li, LI Zhen-jie, YANG Xing-hua, HUO Wen
    2018, 35 (4):  821-829.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.04.10
    Abstract ( 655 )   PDF (2310KB) ( 531 )  
    Energy balance in the terrestrial ecosystem plays an important role in regional climate and water balance. In this study, the characteristics of surface energy balance were researched using the ordinary least square (OLS) method and energy balance ratio (EBR) method based on the surface flux data observed at Xiaotang land-atmospheric interation observation station in the northern marginal zone of the Taklimakan Desert during the period from July to December 2014. The results showed that, except for the latent heat flux, the daily variation curves of other energy flux components were inverted “U-shaped” and unimodal, which were characterized by seasonal variation and in an order of summer > autumn > winter. The energy balance was in an order of whole day > daytime > night and in a degressive trend. The energy closure degree of 5 cm deep soil heat flux was significantly higher than that of topsoil heat flux. The energy closure ratio fluctuated sharply at the sunrise and sunset, it was negative at night, and apparently higher in the afternoon than in the morning. Under the different weather conditions, the energy closure ratio was in an order of sunshine day > cloudy day > sandstorm day > rainfall day.
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    Spatiotemporal distribution of cloud liquid water volume over three main mountains in Xinjiang
    ZHANG Xiao-juan, WANG Jun, HUANG Guan, CHEN Yong-hang,
    2018, 35 (4):  846-854.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.04.12
    Abstract ( 739 )   PDF (6396KB) ( 432 )  

    A case study on the spatiotemporal distribution of cloud liquid water over Xinjiang, especially over its three main mountainous with abundant cloud liquid water, was carried out using the cloud data set distributed by NASA (AIRS/Aqua L2 Standard Physical Retrieval (AIRS + AMSU) V006 (AIRX2RET)). The results showed that the cloud liquid water volume over north Xinjiang was higher than that over south Xinjiang, it was higher over the mountains than that over the desert basins, it over the windward slope of the mountains was as high as 500×10-6 kg·m-2, and it decreased from the west to the east. Affected by the general atmospheric circulation, the cloud liquid water over the whole study area, Tianshan Mountains and Altay Mountains was abundant in spring, and its volumes over these regions were all higher than 350×10-6 kg·m-2. The cloud water over the Kunlun Mountains was abundant in summer, but it was low over the whole study area in autumn and less than 20×10-6 kg·m-2. The average annual cloud water volume fluctuated between 42.47×10-6 kg·m-2 and 455.32×10-6 kg·m-2 in recent 13 years. The cloud liquid water was generally stable in the whole study area, but is was in a decrease trend in the three main mountainous. The cloud liquid water volume was in an upward trend in the study area from 2009 to 2010, especially in the Tianshan Mountains. The curves of annual cloud water volumes over the three main mountains were unimodal, and the highest values of cloud liquid water over the Altay, Tianshan and Kunlun mountains occurred from February to April, March to May and April to August, and the peak values were 822.30×10-6, 869.75×10-6 and 742.82×10-6 kg·m-2, respectively.

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    Significance of Photoinhibition Response Mechanism of Sabina vulgaris Ant. in the Mu Us Sandland
    ZHANG Jin-ling, CHEN Hai-peng, CHEN Da, LI Yu-ling
    2018, 35 (4):  882-890.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.04.16
    Abstract ( 648 )   PDF (1075KB) ( 393 )  

     Photoinhibition is common in plants which grow under natural conditions. For the duration of species, plants have developed a variety of photoinhibition defense mechanisms during their long-term adaptation and evolution, such as the exercise to avoid light by leaves and chloroplasts, photorespiration, active oxygen scavenging system, conversion of light harvesting pigment, protection by phenolic compounds (anthocyanin, for example), increasing non-photochemical dissipation, depending on the xanthophyll cycle thermal dissipation, and accelerating the turnover of D1 protein. Sabina vulgaris Ant. is the only natural evergreen coniferous shrub in the Mu Us Sandland, it has a strong vitality, a wide range of adaptability, good ecological function and high medical value. The photoinhibition defense mechanisms, such as the heat dissipation mechanism, play an important role during the natural regeneration of S. vulgaris in the desert with strong light environment. In this paper, the photoinhibition of plants and the main photoinhibition defense mechanisms in plants under strong light were reviewed. Light energy is the power source and the basic driving force of photosynthesis, energy shortage restricts photosynthesis, and photoinhibition of photosynthesis caused by light energy exceeds the photosynthesis need.Under strong light stress, photosynthetic pigment antenna absorbing the excessive solar light causes photoinhibition, and then affects the photosynthetic metabolism. Although the light is the direct reason of plant photoinhibition,drought and low or high temperature stress caused by saline and seasonal change lead indirectly to plant photoinhibition. There are two situations for photoinhibition: one is that plant can recover after suffering from photoinhibition, strong light provides more photochemical effect than the leaf photosynthesis, and photosynthesis process overload could cause lower photonutilization and lower photosynthetic quantum yield, this situation occurs often in the sun plants, which depends on the energy dissipation mechanism occurring mainly in photosystem II (PSII) reversible inactivation and relating to the light harvesting complex LHCII (Light-harvesting complex II) reversible detachment. The other is that plant cannot recover after suffering from photoinhibition called photodamage, extremely high radiation damages the photosynthetic pigment and thylakoid structure, this case occurs often in ombrophytes, which causes a photosynthetic organ damage dominated by the PSII’s irreversible damage. The present research and prospect of the photoinhibition defense mechanisms of S. vulgaris were briefly summarized. In recent years, although there are many research reports about S. vulgaris, the research on photoinhibition defense mechanism of S. vulgaris is less. In general, the research about photoinhibition defense mechanisms of Sabina vulgaris still remains at the preliminary exploration stage, and how S. vulgaris defenses the photoinhibition by photosynthetic physiological and molecular mechanisms is not clear.

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    An overview of stomatal and non-stomatal limitations to photosynthesis of plants
    2018, 35 (4):  929-937.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.04.22
    Abstract ( 4286 )   PDF (953KB) ( 1557 )  

    External stresses affect the plant growth and metabolism in a number of ways, especially the photosynthesis (Pn). As Pn is an important factor affecting productivity, the study on its mechanism is still a hot issue in the field of plant physiology and ecology. Pn, however, is mainly restricted by stomatal or non-stomatal factors, and it has not been determined yet. This paper mainly discussed the methods for calculating the stomatal and non-stomatal limit values (Ls and Ci (sub-stomatal CO2 concentration)/gs (the stomatal conductance)), stomatal and non-stomatal limitations under different stresses and the effects on Pn: (1) We summarized the methods for calculating the (relative) Ls and Ci /gs values, which could be the basis for judging the main restriction factors; (2) We classified the external stresses and summarized the achievements from the aspects of manual controlling conditions (water, salt-alkali and multi-factor stresses) and natural conditions of the previous studies; (3) We analyzed the impact ways of stomatal and non-stomatal factors on Pn. The features of the Ls and Ci /gs, values and the mechanisms of one species at different growth and development stages and in different habitats (hydrothermal, salty, nutrient, and artificial and natural conditions) were explored and discussed, and this will be the key trend and direction for researching.

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    The Study of Two Typical Land Use Model in Manas River Basin
    HE Ke, WU Shi-xin,ZHOU Hong-fei,YANG Zhong-hui,YANG Yi
    2018, 35 (4):  954-962.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.04.25
    Abstract ( 695 )   PDF (3198KB) ( 557 )  
    Xinjiang has two basic management modes, “farm management mode” developmented by Xinjiang Production and Construction Gorps and “local mode” foremd by local goverments. The comparison and analysis of the differences between the two types of two typical land use changes is of great significance to the understanding of the impact of different human activities on land use. This paper takes the Manasi River Basin in Xinjiang as the research area, the corps and the local areas as the research object. Using the land use data set of Manas River Basin is constructed. In this study, we investigated the different between farm management mode and local mode on land use change pattern and landscape pattern by using land use index and Landscape pattern index. The results are as follows: ①The land-use process are some differences in different modes. The difference of the land use change of the corps and the local land is mainly reflected in the cultivated and the construction type. The change of arable land in the Corps is more significant, and the change of local construction land is more significant. ②BINGTUAN is different from the local area. The Corps carry out large-scale unified management of land use mode, with higher land consolidation frequency, land constantly concentrated and landscape pattern tends to be simple. The local model of small scale independent operation is carried out, the scale of land block is limited and the degree of breakage is high. ③compared with the local communities, there are significant differences in land use change degree and landscape pattern. The difference is mainly due to the difference between the corps and the local land management mode. The comparative analysis of the differences in land use change between the corps and the local government plays an important role in the rational use of land and the sustainable development of the region.
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    Evaluation on Ecological Security and Analysis of Influence Factors of Oasis in Northwest Arid Region
    He Zhen-zhen,Wang Hong-wei,YANG Sheng-tian,Liu Xiang-yun,Wang Pan,Wang Hui
    2018, 35 (4):  963-970.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.04.26
    Abstract ( 578 )   PDF (1401KB) ( 532 )  
    It is an important precondition for the sustainable development of the region to maintain the ecological security of oasis. This paper taked Ugan-Kuqa river oasis as the research site, and constructed the evaluation index system from the structure, function and benefit of oasis ecosystem. The ecological security status and trend of the oasis in 2005-2014 were calculated and analyzed with the triangle model, and the affecting factors were analyzed by grey correlation analysis. The results showed that: (1) The non-structural index (NSI) of the ecosystem was decreasing year by year, it is indicated that the components of the ecosystem structure system became more and more reasonable in the decade from 2005 to 2014;The non-functional index (NFI) of the ecosystem was in a fluctuating trend, this was mainly because the natural population growth rate of the vigor index and the per capita water resources ,the soil-water coordination in stability index had great change; The ecosystem beneficial index (BI) has generally continued to rise from 0.08 in 2005 to 0.69 in 2014,it indicated that the economic benefits, social benefits and ecological benefits of the oasis ecosystem continue to improve in the 10a area, and were developing towards a healthy and harmonious direction. (2) From 2005 to 2014, the ecological security of the Ugan-Kuqa river oasis experienced two states: insecure and weak security;Ugan-Kuqa river oasis ecological system is not safe in 2005-2010 years, non-functional index (NFI) has been in the high range, non-structural index (NSI) has been in the medium range, beneficial index (BI) has been in the low range, the index value reflects Ugan-Kuqa river oasis ecological system presents poor structural characteristics, weak function and low benefits at this stage; In the 2011-2014 years, Ugan-Kuqa river oasis ecosystem was in a state of weak security. The non- structural index (NSI) of oasis ecosystem was in a relatively low range, showed a decreasing trend year by year. The non-functional index (NFI) was in a relatively high interval, showed an upward trend, and the beneficial index (BI)was in a low range, rising gradually. Based on the analysis of the change of ecological security status in the 2005-2014 years, we can see that the oasis ecosystem's safety level was changing from unsafe to weak safety state and toward a stable weak security trend. (3) Two factors that affect the ecological security of ecological Ugan-Kuqa river oasis in 2005-2014 were soil-water coordination and afforestation area, their correlation degree and weight were relatively large, and indicated that these two factors were the main factors that affect the ecological security of the oasis, and also the important content of the early warning of the oasis ecological security.Therefore, in order to realize the oasis stability and the sustainable development of oasis society and economy, it is necessary to settle the land with water and return farmland to forest and grass according to local conditions. The results will provide scientific basis for maintaining and further improving the ecological environment of the oasis.
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    Ecosystem Carbon Density and Its Distribution Pattern in Saline Region
    LI Dian-peng,SUN Tao,YAO Mei-si,LIUSUI Yun-hao,WANG Li-ping,WANG Hui,JIA Hongtao
    2018, 35 (4):  984-991.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.04.29
    Abstract ( 583 )   PDF (1263KB) ( 497 )  
    Saline vegetation in arid areas are widely distributed and the species is numerous, which plays an important role in the ecosystem carbon balance and regional climate regulation. This paper uses the method of combining the field investigation and indoor analysis, Dabancheng saline lake in Xinjiang as the research object, to study the characteristics of carbon density distribution of saline vegetation and soil in arid areas. The results showed that, soil organic carbon density distribution decreased with increasing soil depth, which is between 7.55~15.75 kg·m-2 within 0~100 cm, average value is 12.54 kg·m-2, that accounts for 97.84% total organic carbon density of plant community and soil. Black fruit wolfberry and bell thorn are dominant species for saline communities, their ground biomass is 261.38g·m-2, which accounts for 70.49% of the total biomass. Herbaceous plant community biomass is 109.45g·m-2 that is significantly higher than aboveground biomass of shrub (84.81±9.22) g·m-2 and herb layer (79.76±8.61) g·m-2. Halophytes underground biomass decreased with increasing of soil layer, underground total biomass is 77.74 g·m-2 within 0~100 cm soil layer. Halophytes total biomass carbon density is 276.48 g·m-2, ground, litter and underground biomass accounts for 62.09%, 25.75% and 25.75% respectively. The ground vegetation and litter carbon density is significantly higher than that herb, root biomass carbon density distribution in the section, 96.55% concentrated in 0 ~ 50 cm soil layer. The average (it contains underground, ground, and litter) carbon content of halophytes is 43.09%; carbon density by experience conversion coefficient (50%) is higher 13.80% than the actual, which will produce larger deviation in estimating vegetation carbon. Arid saline vegetation, soil carbon density of exploration for plant protection and enhance the carbon sequestration potential in arid areas to provide data support.
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    Quantitative Evaluation of Adaptive Capacity to Drought Resistance of Different Types of Farmers in Semiarid Area in Central Gansu Province:A Case Study of Yuzhong County
    2018, 35 (4):  992-1000.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.04.30
    Abstract ( 443 )   PDF (1240KB) ( 351 )  
    Drought is one of the scientific issues of concern in the context of global climate change, not only affecting agricultural production, threatening farmer livelihoods, and even hindering rural sustainable development. Studying farmers’ adaptive capacity to drought can help to improve farmers’ livelihood sustainability. Chooseing the Yuzhong County as the study area, the evaluation model of farmer's adaptive capacity to drought resistance was established by means of the concept of adaptability under the social-ecological system framework (SES);Based on the livelihood characteristics of farmer survey data, the farmers were divided into subsidy-dependent,agriculture-oriented,worker-oriented,concurrent and professional type,quantitatively assessed of the adaptive capacity of rural farmers in Yuzhong County, and analyzed the influencing factors of farmers’ adaptive capacity.The results show that:①The types of farmers’ is diversification, of which the most is worker-oriented farmers, the least is professional farmers.②The overall stability of farmers’ adaptive capacity to drought resistance is poor, and there exist larger internal differences;The stability of different types of farmers’ adaptive capacity to drought resistance from high to low is: subsidy-dependent>agriculture-oriented>worker-oriented>concurrent>professional.③The barriers of farmers’ adaptive capacity to drought resistance are mainly concentrated on the five dimensions, including drought loss, natural capital, farmers’ cognition,water saving irrigation and social capital.
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