Effects of deficit irrigation and film mulching on biomass and production of Cyperus esculentus in the southern Xinjiang Basin

  • Ya DING ,
  • Jianming YANG ,
  • Li LI ,
  • Zhihao ZHANG ,
  • Fanjiang ZENG
  • 1. College of Resources and Environmental Science, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, Xinjiang, China
    2. Xinjiang Desert Plant Roots Ecology and Vegetation Restoration Laboratory, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, Xinjiang, China
    3. State Key Laboratory of Desert and Oasis Ecology, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, Xinjiang, China
    4. Cele National Station of Observation and Research for Desert-Grassland Ecosystem, Cele 848300, Xinjiang, China
    5. Department of Ecological Protection and Restoration, Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Urumqi 830011, Xinjiang, China

Received date: 2021-07-27

  Revised date: 2021-11-30

  Online published: 2022-05-30


The effect of drip irrigation and film mulching of Yousha beans in the southern Xinjiang basin and the optimal irrigation system were explored to provide a reference for constructing a water-saving and high-yield management and cultivation mode. A 1-year experiment was conducted under conditions of film mulching (M) and no film mulching (NM). Addtionally, three water control levels were set, the irrigation frequency was 6-10 days, irrigation amounts of T1 and T2 were 3431.40 m3·hm-2 and 4133.85 m3·hm-2, respectively, and a local common irrigation amount was used as the control (CK, 5316.45 m3·hm-2) yield and water use efficiency. Results showed that the density of Cyperus esculentus. was significantly affected by water treatment (P<0.05), but the root: shoot ratio was not significantly affected by water treatment (P>0.05). Contents of crude fat, soluble starch, and soluble sugar of grass covered with a plastic film increased by 58.82%, 3.35%, and 17.20%, respectively, on average compared with those without plastic film. Contents of crude fat, soluble starch, and soluble sugar of tubers covered with plastic film were higher than those without plastic film and increased by 7.48%, 2.56% and 2.55%, respectively. Furthermore, there was no significant difference between water treatments (P>0.05) but they reached the maximum in the T2 treatment. The yield and water use efficiency increased first and then decreased with an increased irrigation amount. Under film mulching conditions, the yield of grass and tubers under the T2 treatment were the largest and were 3974.55 kg·hm-2 and 5253.85 kg·hm-2 and significantly increased by 6.45% and 36.95%, respectively, compared with the CK treatment (P<0.05). Compared with a condition of no film mulching, the average yield of T2 and CK significantly increased by 29.41% and 34.76%, respectively (P<0.05). The water use efficiency of grass and tubers in the T2 treatment was significantly higher than the CK by 38.63% and 34.33% (P<0.05), respectively. Compared with T2 (film mulching), the water use efficiency of grass and tubers treated with the CK and T2 under no film mulching conditions was significantly increased by 38.91% and 34.33%, respectively (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the water use efficiency of grass (P>0.05), but there was a significant difference in the water use efficiency of tubers (P<0.05). Therefore, under film mulching conditions, the irrigation quota was 4133.85 m3·hm-2, which improved not only the quality and yield of Cyperus esculentus but also the water use efficiency and saved water resources, that is, under conditions of film mulching, the irrigation mode with an irrigation quota of 4133.85 m3·hm-2 showed economic and water-saving benefits.

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Ya DING , Jianming YANG , Li LI , Zhihao ZHANG , Fanjiang ZENG . Effects of deficit irrigation and film mulching on biomass and production of Cyperus esculentus in the southern Xinjiang Basin[J]. Arid Zone Research, 2022 , 39(3) : 883 -892 . DOI: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.03.21


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