›› 2011, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (6): 986-989.

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Influence of Crude Oil on Sorption of Dibromomethane in Soil Adsorbed Water

 SHEN  Ya-Qin, SU  Yu-Hong   

  1. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China
  • Received:2010-11-09 Revised:2010-11-24 Online:2011-11-15 Published:2012-01-16

Abstract: The sorption of dibromomethane in soil samples collected from crudeoil exploration area in Xinjiang was investigated to study the influence of crude oil on sorption mechanism. Results indicated that the sorption isotherms of dibromomethane in soil with or without contamination of crude oil accorded with the liner function, sorption mechanism was dominated by partition of organic phase (including organic matter in soil and crude oil phase). The sorption coefficients of dibromomethane in soil contaminated by crude oil with low concentration were lower than those in soil without concentration of crude oil. Sorption mechanism was dominated by partition of soil organic matter. However, the sorption coefficients of dibromomethane in soil contaminated by crude oil with high concentration were much higher than those in soil without concentration of crude oil, and there was a positive correlation between the sorption coefficient and the crude oil concentration in soil. The sorption mechanism was gradually dominated by partition of dibromomethane in crude oil phase in soil. The translocation of dibromomethane was decreased by high crude oil concentration in soil, but it was increased by low crude oil concentration.

Key words: dibromomethane, soil contamination, sorption, crud oil exploition, translocation, Karamay city, Xinjiang

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