›› 2011, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (4): 710-716.

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Analysis on Input of Atmospheric Nitrogen Dry Deposition in Urumqi

ZHANG Wei1,2, LIU Xue-jun1,3, HU Yu-kun1, LI Kai-hui1, SHEN Jian-lin4, LUO Xiao-sheng3, SONG Wei1,2   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Biogeography and Bioresources in Arid Land, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011 , China;
    2. Graduate University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;
    3. College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China;
    4. Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changsha 410125, China
  • Received:2010-07-08 Revised:2010-09-26 Online:2011-08-25 Published:2011-09-06

Abstract: Atmospheric concentrations of NH3, NO2, particulate NH4+ (PNH4+) and NO3- (PNO3-) were measured from the samples collected with passive samplers and particulate samplers in Urumqi and its suburbs during the period from August 2009 to March 2010 to estimate atmospheric dry deposition of nitrogen (N) in this region. The results show that NH3 concentration at the Institute of Soil and Fertilizer Research (ISFR, suburban site) was higher than that at the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography (XIEG, urban site), while the concentrations of other atmospheric reactive N compositions (NO2, particulate NH4+ and NO3-) were higher at XIEG than those at ISFR. The mean concentrations of NH3-N, NO2-N, PNH4+-N, PNO3--N and PM10 (particulate matters with aerodynamic diameter less than 10 μm) at XIEG were 4.49, 4.31, 2.52, 11.84 and 225 μg/m3, and those at ISFR were 4.63, 2.32, 2.34, 7.59 and 188 μg/m3, respectively. Based on the measured concentrations and the dry deposition velocities cited from the references, it was estimated that the atmospheric dry deposition of N was 28.7 kg/(hm2·a) during the sampling period at XIEG and 21.6 kg/(hm2·a) at ISFR, in which the proportion of NHx (NH3+ PNH4+) accounted for 65.7% at XIEG and 69.4% at ISFR, NH3 was dominant during the period from August to November, and PNH4+ was dominant during the period from December to next March.

Key words: atmospheric nitrogen deposition, dry deposition, reactive nitrogen, ecological effect, Urumqi

CLC Number: 

  • X511