Arid Zone Research ›› 2024, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (10): 1789-1796.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.10.16
• Agricultural Ecology • Previous Articles
LI Na(), XIN Huinan, LAI Ning, LI Yongfu, LYU Caixia, GENG Qinglong, DUAN Jingjing, CHEN Shuhuang(
CHEN Shuhuang;
LI Na, XIN Huinan, LAI Ning, LI Yongfu, LYU Caixia, GENG Qinglong, DUAN Jingjing, CHEN Shuhuang. Effects of different land-use methods on the organic carbon composition and soil microbial biomass carbon of farmland soil[J].Arid Zone Research, 2024, 41(10): 1789-1796.
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Tab. 1
Physical and chemical properties of 0-20 cm surface soil under different land use methods"
土地利用方式 | SOC/(g·kg-1) | TN/(g·kg-1) | AN/(mg·kg-1) | AP/(mg·kg-1) | AK/(mg·kg-1) |
果园 | 11.58±4.85b | 1.12±0.38b | 82.43±1.43b | 12.58±3.47b | 136.83±4.44b |
水田 | 25.62±10.52a | 3.36±1.50a | 184.39±3.84a | 30.45±1.23a | 289.5±7.94a |
水浇地 | 12.19±4b | 1.33±0.79b | 108±0.78b | 21.48±0.78b | 187.08±1.64b |
旱地 | 13.80±8.45b | 1.16±0.41b | 98.93±2.72b | 15.85±8.90b | 142.83±7.71b |
撂荒地 | 8.81±2.12b | 0.96±0.41b | 77.31±2.15b | 12.26±1.71b | 112.14±3.84b |
Tab. 2
Correlation coefficients between soil organic carbon and its fractions"
指标 | TN | SOC | MBC | EOC | POC | LFOC |
TN | 1 | |||||
SOC | 0.993** | 1 | ||||
MBC | 0.011 | 0.019 | 1 | |||
EOC | -0.078 | -0.059 | 0.065 | 1 | ||
POC | 0.622** | 0.618** | 0.294** | -0.04 | 1 | |
LFOC | 0.36** | 0.336** | 0.224* | -0.002 | 0.402** | 1 |
DOC | 0.489** | 0.487** | 0.338** | -0.189* | 0.732** | 0.465** |
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