Arid Zone Research ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (8): 1268-1279.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2023.08.07
• Land and Water Resources • Previous Articles Next Articles
JI Mingxin1(),FENG Tianjiao1,2(
),XIAO Huijie1,XIN Zhiming3,LI Junran4,WANG Dong1
JI Mingxin, FENG Tianjiao, XIAO Huijie, XIN Zhiming, LI Junran, WANG Dong. Effects of different farmland shelterbelts on soil water and nutrient storage in the Hetao Irrigation District[J].Arid Zone Research, 2023, 40(8): 1268-1279.
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Tab. 2
Vegetation attributes of different farmland shelterbelts"
样地 | 防护林 | 农田 | ||||||||
树高/m | 胸径/m | 冠层大小/m2 | 树冠体积/m3 | 枝下高/m | FRBD /(g·cm-2) | 植被盖度/% | 个体株高/cm | 作物产量 /(t·hm-2) | ||
4行 | 30.06±0.49A | 0.41±0.02B | 8.70±1.07A | 68.97±8.70A | 1.82±0.41A | 1.31±0.04A | 85.73±0.81A | 134.52±10.87A | 15.75±0.99A | |
5行 | 23.85±0.71C | 0.48±0.05B | 4.47±0.59B | 43.99±4.02B | 1.09±0.58B | 1.24±0.13A | 86.13±1.15A | 129.12±10.89A | 9.29±1.09B | |
8行 | 25.42±0.82B | 0.34±0.04A | 6.91±0.92A | 77.41±13.31A | 2.02±0.21A | 1.09±0.16A | 84.27±0.46A | 130.86±10.21A | 15.64±0.81A |
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