Arid Zone Research ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (6): 1739-1752.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.06.05
• Weather and Applied Climate • Previous Articles Next Articles
CAO Yiqing1(),LONG Xiao1(),LI Chao1,WANG Siyi1,ZHAO Jianhua2
Xiao LONG;
CAO Yiqing,LONG Xiao,LI Chao,WANG Siyi,ZHAO Jianhua. Numerical study on the effect of low-level jet on two rainstorms on the east side of the Helan Mountain[J].Arid Zone Research, 2022, 39(6): 1739-1752.
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Fig. 2
Composition of geopotential height (contour, unit: dagpm, brown lines denotes tough and shear line, the grey shade is the terrain height) and wind field (vector, unit: m·s-1, the shaded represent the region of wind speed ≥12 m·s-1) on 500 hPa and 700 hPa at 18:00 on 18 July 2018 and 06:00 on 4 June 2017"
Tab. 1
WRF pattern grid design and parameterized scheme configuration"
模拟域 | D01 | D02 | D03 |
格距 | 27 km | 9 km | 3 km |
格点数 | 181×181 | 181×181 | 181×181 |
微物理过程 | WSM6/WSM5 | WSM6/WSM5 | WSM6/WSM5 |
长波辐射 | RRTM | RRTM | RRTM |
短波辐射 | Goddard | Goddard | Goddard |
积云参数化 | Grell-Devenyi | Grell-Devenyi | 无 |
陆面过程 | RUC/Noah | RUC/Noah | RUC/Noah |
边界层过程 | YSU | YSU | YSU |
Fig. 10
The vertical profile of the relative humidity (unit: %), divergence field (unit: 10-5 s-1) with wind field (unit: m·s-1) and pseudo-equivalent potential temperature (unit: K) with vertical velocity (unit: m·s-1) of control tests (a, b, c) and reduced jet stream tests (d, e, f), where W*10 at 04:00 on July 19, 2018"
Fig. 11
The vertical profile of the relative humidity (unit: %), divergence field (unit: 10-5 s-1) with wind field (unit: m·s-1) and pseudo-equivalent potential temperature (unit: K) with vertical velocity (unit: m·s-1) of control tests (a, b, c) and reduced jet stream tests (d, e, f), where W*10 at 15:00 on June 4, 2017"
Tab. 2
Water vapor flux budget at each boundary /(kg·m-1·s-1)"
个例 | 急流类型 | 试验名称 | 东边界 | 西边界 | 东-西 | 南边界 | 北边界 | 南-北 | 净输入 |
“7·18”过程23:00 | 偏南急流 | CTL1 | 38.77 | 15.64 | 23.13 | 102.66 | 44.99 | 57.67 | 34.54 |
EXP1 | 31.84 | 12.80 | 19.04 | 58.23 | 34.58 | 23.65 | 4.61 | ||
“6·04”过程13:00 | 东南急流 | CTL2 | -18.00 | 1.92 | -19.92 | 23.55 | 23.98 | -0.44 | 19.48 |
EXP2 | -13.22 | 8.08 | -21.30 | 11.99 | 15.19 | -3.20 | 18.10 |
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