Arid Zone Research ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (4): 1056-1065.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.04.07
• Weather and Applied Climate • Previous Articles Next Articles
JIA Ce1(),CHEN Zhen2,3,HAN Mei4(
Mei HAN;
JIA Ce,CHEN Zhen,HAN Mei. Optimal time period for PM2.5 control based on decision tree model: A case study of Guanzhong, China[J].Arid Zone Research, 2022, 39(4): 1056-1065.
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Tab. 1
Classification for regional meteorological"
类别 | 气象参数 | 个数/个 | 占比/% | PM2.5平均浓度值/(μg·m-3) | |
区域一 | |||||
Ⅰ-2 | 日照时数≥7.88 h | 122 | 26.93 | 51.75 | |
Ⅰ-5 | 日照时数<7.88 h;最大风速≥3.72 m·s-1;日最低地表气温≥-0.10 ℃ | 65 | 14.35 | 58.73 | |
Ⅰ-7 | 日照时数<7.88 h;最大风速≥3.72 m·s-1;日最低地表气温< -0.10 ℃;平均本站气压≥919.53 hPa | 33 | 7.28 | 60.74 | |
Ⅰ-8 | 日照时数<7.88 h;最大风速≥3.72 m·s-1;日最低地表气温< -0.10 ℃;平均本站气压<919.53 hPa | 108 | 23.84 | 92.75 | |
Ⅰ-10 | 1.57 h≤日照时数<7.88 h;最大风速<3.72 m·s-1 | 75 | 16.56 | 87.85 | |
Ⅰ-11 | 日照时数<1.57 h;最大风速<3.72 m·s-1 | 50 | 11.04 | 128.20 | |
区域二 | |||||
Ⅱ-3 | 小型蒸发量≥0.96 mm;平均相对湿度<45.38% | 95 | 20.97 | 66.59 | |
Ⅱ-5 | 小型蒸发量≥0.96 mm;平均相对湿度≥45.38%;日照时数≥8.55 h | 52 | 11.48 | 77.44 | |
Ⅱ-7 | 小型蒸发量≥0.96 mm;平均相对湿度≥45.38%;日照时数<8.55 h;累积降水量≥0.11 mm | 39 | 8.61 | 77.82 | |
Ⅱ-9 | 小型蒸发量≥0.96 mm;平均相对湿度≥45.38%;日照时数<8.55 h;累积降水量<0.11 mm;平均风速<2.43 m·s-1 | 98 | 21.63 | 112.72 | |
Ⅱ-10 | 小型蒸发量≥0.96 mm;平均相对湿度≥45.38%;日照时数<8.55 h;平均风速≥2.43 m·s-1 | 90 | 19.87 | 142.18 | |
Ⅱ-11 | 小型蒸发量<0.96 mm | 79 | 17.44 | 171.26 |
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