›› 2014, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (4): 665-671.

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Status and Quality of Water Sources in the Kalamari  Ungulate Nature Reserve]—A Case Study in the Released Area of Equus przewalskii


  • Received:2013-11-12 Revised:2014-02-17 Online:2014-07-15 Published:2014-08-11

Abstract: Water and water quality are the important factors for the survival of wild animals in arid area. In this study, three types of water sources, [WTBX]i.e.[WTBZ] the reconstructed water sources (RW), artificial water sources (AW) and natural water sources (NW) in the released area of [WTBX]Equus przewalskii[WTBZ] in the Kalamari Ungulate Nature Reserve, were systemically surveyed, the water samples were collected, and their quality was measured so as to scientifically assess water quality and conserve and manage the local wild animals in the nature reserve. ICP and IC were used to analyze water quality. High concentrations of Na, F- and SO2-4 were found in the local water sources, and their overstandard rates were 60%, 24% and 28% respectively. Na and SO2-4 concentrations in perpetual NWs were higher than their standards. Most ionic concentrations in the temporary NW were lower than those in the perpetual NW, except F- concentration which was 80% higher than the standard and much higher than that of other water sources. Except Mg and Fe, most ionic concentrations in the RW were similar to those in the perpetual NW. Compared with AW, the ionic concentrations in the RW were decreased except F- concentration. Holistically, the ionic concentrations were in an order of AW>NW≈RW. The results revealed that the F- concentration was high in the temporary NW, so it should be paid great attention to removing F- when reconstructing water sources. The volume and quality of RW are improved, and the RW are the most important water sources for wild animals in the nature reserve. So reconstruction of water sources is advantageous for wild animals, and it is suggested to do it from the extensive way to the intensive way so as to reduce the formation of AW.