花岗岩石林; 类型; 特征; 成因分析; 巴彦淖尔; 内蒙古," /> 花岗岩石林; 类型; 特征; 成因分析; 巴彦淖尔; 内蒙古,"/> Features and Formation Causes of Granitic Stone  Forest in Bayan Nur, Inner Mongolia

›› 2014, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (3): 578-584.

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Features and Formation Causes of Granitic Stone  Forest in Bayan Nur, Inner Mongolia

WANG Lu-lin, WU Fa-dong   

  1. College of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geoscience, Beijing 100083, China
  • Received:2013-04-06 Revised:2013-06-08 Online:2014-05-15 Published:2014-05-30

Abstract: Based on the field investigation on the granitic stone forest in Bayan Nur, Inner Mongolia, in this paper the features and formation causes of the granitic stone forest were discussed in detail. The granitic stone forest was divided into five types, i.e. the stalagnate, talus cone, stone egg, mushroom stone and stone row. According to the morphologic features of the granitic stone forest, it was considered that the stone forest is a kind of special landform and formed from the Late Paleozoic granodioritebiotite monzonitic granite under the effect of external forces, such as gravitational collapse, weathering, water erosion and wind erosion. The formation and development of the stone forest are affected by lithology, geological structure, climate conditions, etc.

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