›› 2012, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (2): 218-221.

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Preliminary Study on Leskeaceae (Musci) in Xinjiang, China

Mamtimin Sulayman, Anwar Abdurehim   

  1. College of Life Science and Technology, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China
  • Received:2011-01-26 Revised:2011-05-30 Online:2012-03-15 Published:2012-04-10

Abstract: This paper is based on 105 specimens collected from Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The classification results show that there are 8 species of Leskeaceae in Xinjiang. They are Lescuraea Bruch & Schimp. in B. S. G. [3 species: L. incurvata (Hedw.) Lawton, L. radicosa (Mitt.) Moeck. and L. saxicola (Schimp. in B. S. G.) Mol. in Lor.], Leskea Hedw. (1 species: L. polycarpa Hedw.), Leskeella (Brid.) Loeske (1 species: L. nervosa (Brid.) Loeske), Lindbergia (C. Müll) Broth. [1 species: L. sinensis (C. Müll) Broth.],  Pseudoleskeella Kindb. [2 species: P. catenulata (Brid. ex Schrad.) Kindb. and P. tectorum (Brid. )Kindb.]. Among them, the genus Leskea Hedw., Leskea polycarpa Hedw. and L. radicosa (Mitt.) Moeck. are newly reported in this region. According to the studied specimens, the habitat and the geographic distribution of these species are discussed. The studied specimens are stored in the herbarium of College of Life Science, Xinjiang University.

Key words: Leskeaceae, classification, geographical distribution, newlyrecorded species, Xinjiang