干旱区研究 ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (8): 1215-1228.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2023.08.02 cstr: 32277.14.AZR.20230802

• 天气与气候 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.新疆大学生态与环境学院绿洲生态教育部重点实验室,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830046
    2.新疆天山森林生态系统国家定位观测研究站,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830063
    3.新疆林科院森林生态研究所,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830063
    4.中国气象局乌鲁木齐沙漠气象研究所,新疆树轮生态重点实验室,中国气象局树木年轮理化研究重点实验室,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830002
  • 收稿日期:2023-01-13 修回日期:2023-05-06 出版日期:2023-08-15 发布日期:2023-08-24
  • 作者简介:周小东(1996-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事森林生态方面的研究. E-mail: 1106437442@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Radial growth response of Picea schrenkiana to climate change in the middle section of the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains

ZHOU Xiaodong1,2(),CHANG Shunli1,2(),WANG Guanzheng1,2,ZHANG Yutao2,3,YU Shulong4,ZHANG Tongwen4   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecology under the Ministry of Education, College of Ecology and Environment, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, Xinjiang, China
    2. Tianshan Forest Ecosystem National Station, Urumqi 830063, Xinjiang, China
    3. Institute of Forest Ecology, Xinjiang Academy of Forestry, Urumqi 830063, Xinjiang, China
    4. Key Laboratory of Tree-Ring Physical and Chemical Research of China Meteorological Administration, Xinjiang Laboratory of Tree Ring Ecology, Institute of Desert Meteorology, China Mateorological Administration, Urumqi 830002, Xinjiang, China
  • Received:2023-01-13 Revised:2023-05-06 Published:2023-08-15 Online:2023-08-24


分析树木径向生长对气候变化的响应,有利于准确预测未来森林的动态变化。天山北坡中山带广泛分布着以雪岭云杉(Picea schrenkiana)为单优树种的温带针叶林,本研究采集该处高海拔雪岭云杉树芯样本,用树木年轮学方法探究雪岭云杉径向生长对气候因子及干旱事件的响应特征。结果表明:(1) 1960—2020年,雪岭云杉树轮宽度指数呈极显著上升趋势,未出现生长衰退现象,表明近期雪岭云杉生长状况良好。(2) 雪岭云杉树轮宽度主要与当年6—8月气温,4月降水及除当年7月外的各月scPDSI显著正相关;滑动相关显示,雪岭云杉树轮宽度与气候因子的关系不稳定,1991年后,云杉对气候因子的正响应进一步加强。(3) 雪岭云杉径向生长变化百分率在1879—1880年低于-25%,表明其在1879—1885年发生了生长衰退;随干旱频率和强度的增加,雪岭云杉应对干旱事件的抵抗力和恢复力下降,当云杉长时间处于水分较充足的环境而遭受突发干旱事件时,会导致其抵抗力严重下降,易发生生长衰退。综上所述,在气候变化背景下,升温在近期仍有利于该区域高海拔雪岭云杉径向生长,但升温过程中伴随着干旱频率和强度的增加,将使雪岭云杉的抵抗力和恢复力进一步下降,生长衰退风险升高。即在近期,雪岭云杉会在升温促进生长和干旱抑制生长间不断博弈,最终产生何种影响需进一步观察研究,未来应采取多种手段密切监测其生长动态。

关键词: 雪岭云杉, 树木年轮, 径向生长, 气候变化, 抵抗力, 恢复力, 天山北坡


Analyzing the response of tree radial growth to climate change is crucial for accurately predicting the dynamic changes in forests in the future. The temperate coniferous forest, dominated by Picea schrenkiana, is widely distributed in the mid-mountain zone on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains. In this study, core samples of high-altitude Picea schrenkiana were collected, and the response characteristics of Picea schrenkiana radial growth to climatic factors and drought events were explored using tree-ring analysis. The results showed the following: (1) From 1960 to 2020, the tree-ring width index of Picea schrenkiana showed a significant upward trend without any growth recession, indicating favorable growth conditions in recent years. (2) The tree-ring width of Picea schrenkiana was mainly positively correlated with temperature from June to August, precipitation in April, and scPDSI in all months except July. Sliding correlation analysis showed an unstable relationship between tree-ring width and climatic factors. After 1991, the positive response of spruce to climatic factors was further strengthened. (3) The percentage of radial growth change in Picea schrenkiana was less than -25% from 1879 to 1880, indicating a growth decline from 1879 to 1885. An increase in drought frequency and intensity resulted in a decrease in the resistance and resilience of Picea schrenkiana to drought events. When Picea schrenkiana was in a relatively sufficient water environment for a long time and suffered from sudden drought events, it exhibited a significant decline in resistance and was prone to growth decline. In summary, under the influence of climate change, warming is still expected to promote the radial growth of high-altitude Picea schrenkiana in the region in the near future. However, the increase in the frequency and intensity of drought events during the warming process will further reduce the resistance and resilience of Picea schrenkiana, posing an increased risk of growth decline. In the near future, Picea schrenkiana will face the challenge of balancing growth promotion due to warming and growth inhibition due to drought. Further observation and research are required to understand the ultimate impact. In the future, various methods should be implemented to closely monitor the growth dynamics of Picea schrenkiana.

Key words: Picea schrenkianan, tree ring, radial growth, climate change, resistance, recovery, northern slope of Tianshan Mountains