干旱区研究 ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (2): 235-246.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2023.02.08 cstr: 32277.14.AZR.20230208

• 植物生态 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.西安科技大学地质与环境学院,陕西 西安 710054
    2.西安科技大学煤炭绿色开采地质研究院,陕西 西安 710054
    3.陕西省煤炭绿色开发地质保障重点实验室,陕西 西安 710054
  • 收稿日期:2022-04-16 修回日期:2022-10-14 出版日期:2023-02-15 发布日期:2023-03-08
  • 作者简介:毛正君(1983-),男,博士,副教授,主要从事地质环境保护与国土空间生态修复研究. E-mail: zhengjun_mao@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Study on tensile mechanical properties of alfalfa roots and the influencing factors

MAO Zhengjun1,2,3(),GENG Mimi1   

  1. 1. College of Geology and Environment, Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Xi’an 710054, Shaanxi, China
    2. Geological Research Institute for Coal Green Mining, Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Xi’an 710054, Shaanxi, China
    3. Shaanxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Geological Support for Coal Green Exploitation, Xi’an 710054, Shaanxi, China
  • Received:2022-04-16 Revised:2022-10-14 Published:2023-02-15 Online:2023-03-08


为分析草本植物单根的抗拉力学特性及其影响因素,以紫花苜蓿为研究对象,选取不同根系直径、根系长度的紫花苜蓿根系在不同加载速率下开展室内单根拉伸试验,定量分析紫花苜蓿单根抗拉力学特性及其在不同影响因素下的变化规律。结果表明:加载速率对紫花苜蓿根系抗拉力和抗拉强度具有极显著影响(P<0.05),且在根系直径<3 mm时,加载速率为500 mm·min-1时根系抗拉力和抗拉强度最大,而当根系直径相对较粗时,加载速率为100 mm·min-1时根系抗拉力和抗拉强度最大;根系长度与紫花苜蓿根系抗拉力、抗拉强度之间没有显著差异(P>0.05);紫花苜蓿根系直径对根系抗拉力和抗拉强度具有显著影响(P<0.001),其与根系抗拉力呈幂函数正相关关系(R2=0.380,P<0.001),与抗拉强度呈幂函数负相关关系(R2=0.363,P<0.001);通过对紫花苜蓿根系抗拉力学特性的影响因素进行多元线性回归分析,根系直径是影响植物根系抗拉力学特性的最主要因素。

关键词: 紫花苜蓿, 抗拉力学特性, 加载速率, 根系长度, 根系直径


We analyzed the tensile properties and its influencing factors of a single root of the pioneer herbaceous plant alfalfa (Medicago sativa Linn.). Alfalfa roots with different root diameters and lengths were selected for indoor single-root tensile tests under different loading rates. The tensile force and tensile strength of a single root were estimated quantitatively for different root diameters, root lengths, and loading rates. The results showed loading rate had a significant effect on the tensile force and tensile strength of alfalfa roots (P<0.05). For a root diameter less than 3 mm, the tensile force and tensile strength reached their maximum at the loading rate of 500 mm·min-1. However, when the root diameter was relatively thick, the tensile force and tensile strength of alfalfa roots reached their maximum at the loading rate of 100 mm·min-1. No significant difference between root length, tensile force, and tensile strength of alfalfa root was observed (P<0.05). The root diameter of alfalfa showed a significant influence on root tensile force and tensile strength (P<0.001). The root diameter was positively correlated with root tensile strength by a power function (R2=0.380, P<0.001) and negatively correlated with root tensile strength by a power function (R2=0.363, P<0.001). The regression model about the impact of various factors on the alfalfa root tensile force and tensile strength showed that root diameter was the main factor affecting the tensile properties.

Key words: alfalfa, tensile mechanical property, loading rate, root length, root diameter