干旱区研究 ›› 2019, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (6): 1457-1465.

• 应用气候 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.中国气象局乌鲁木齐沙漠气象研究所,中国气象局树木年轮理化研究重点开放实验室,新疆 乌鲁木齐,830002; 2.甘肃省武威市气象局,甘肃 武威 733000
  • 收稿日期:2018-09-14 修回日期:2018-12-26 出版日期:2019-11-15 发布日期:2019-11-15
  • 作者简介:李玲萍(1977-),女,甘肃定西人,高级工程师,主要从事天气气候变化研究.E-mail:wwqxjllp@163.com
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金面上项目( 41975015); 中国沙漠气象科学研究基金(SQJ2017003)共同资助

Sandstorm and Its Affecting Meteorological Factors in East Hexi Corridor

LI Ling-ping1, 2, LI Yan-ying2, SUN Zhan-feng2, WANG Rong-zhe2   

  1. 1. Institute of Desert Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration/Key Laboratory of Tree Ring Physical and Chemical Research of China Meteorological Administration, Urumqi 830002, Xinjiang, China;
    2. Wuwei Meteorological Bureau, Wuwei 733000,Gansu, China

  • Received:2018-09-14 Revised:2018-12-26 Published:2019-11-15 Online:2019-11-15


利用1961—2015年河西走廊东部民勤、凉州和永昌逐小时沙尘暴资料以及代表站民勤逐日气温、地温、降水、最大冻土深度、积雪日数、积雪深度、平均风速、平均大风日数和近10 a逐小时气温、地温和风速资料,运用常规的气候统计方法,对河西走廊东部沙尘暴特征进行研究, 并采用相关系数(Pearson)法进一步分析沙尘暴的影响因素。结果表明:河西走廊东部沙尘暴频次下午到傍晚出现最多,凌晨最少,沙尘暴频次春季上午开始增多,秋、冬季中午开始增多,夏季下午开始增多。河西走廊东部持续60~180 min沙尘暴频次最多,夏季持续1~30 min频次最多,长持续时间的沙尘暴上午开始增多,而短时间的沙尘暴基本出现在下午到晚上。沙尘暴频次月、季变化4月和春季出现最多,9月和秋季最少;近55 a沙尘暴频次呈减少趋势,主要是由大风日数减少、风速减小,地温、气温升高、降水增多、下垫面生态环境改善等因素造成。


关键词: 沙尘暴, 地面气象要素, 河西走廊东部


Change characteristics and mechanism of sandstorm frequency in east Hexi Corridor during the period of 1961-2015 were analyzed using the meteorological and sandstorm data from Minqin, Liangzhou and Yongchang. The meteorological data, including the monthly air and ground temperature, precipitation, maximum frozen soil depth, snow cover duration and depth, wind speed and gale days, were from representative Minqin Meteorological Station. The results showed that there were the obvious daily, monthly and seasonal variations in sandstorm frequency and occurrence time. Sandstorm occurred mainly in April and spring and was the least in September and autumn, and its occurring frequency was the highest in the afternoon and evening but the lowest in the early morning. The spring sandstorm frequency began to increase in the morning, the autumn and winter one began to increase at noon, and the summer one began to increase in the afternoon. The sandstorm frequency with 60-180-min duration was the highest in east Hexi Corridor, and it with 1~30-min duration was the highest in summer. The long-duration sandstorm began to increase in the morning, and the short-time one occurred mainly in the afternoon and evening. The monthly and seasonal variation of sandstorm frequency was the most significant in April and spring, and it was the lowest in September and autumn. In recent 55 years from 1961 to 2015, the sandstorm frequency was in a decrease trend due to the reduction of gale days and wind speed, increase of ground temperature, air temperature and precipitation, and improvement of ecological environment of underlying surface.

Key words: sandstorm, meteorological factor, temperature, precipitation, east Hexi Corridor