梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron); 白梭梭(H.persicum);光合作用; 气体交换; 环境因子; 古尔班通古特沙漠," /> 梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron); 白梭梭(H.persicum);光合作用; 气体交换; 环境因子; 古尔班通古特沙漠,"/> 梭梭与白梭梭气体交换特征对比分析

干旱区研究 ›› 2014, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (3): 542-549.

• 植物与植物区系 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1. 新疆大学资源与环境科学学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830046;
     2. 中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所, 荒漠与绿洲生态国家重点试验室,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830011;
    3. 中国科学院阜康荒漠生态系统研究站,新疆 阜康 831500;
    4. 新疆大学绿洲生态教育部重点实验室,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830046
  • 收稿日期:2014-03-28 修回日期:2014-04-02 出版日期:2014-05-15 发布日期:2014-05-30
  • 作者简介:田媛(1983-),女,博士研究生,主要从事干旱区植物研究.E-mail: tiany@ms.xjb.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:

    国家自然科学基金(41130531);教育部长江学者和创新团队(IRT1180);国家国际科技合作项目(2011DFA31070);西部之光  (XBBS201001)

Gas Exchange of Haloxylon ammodendron and H. persicum

TIAN Yuan1,2,3,TAXIPLAT Teybay1,4, XU Gui-qing2,3   

  1. 1. College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China;
    2. State Key Laboratory of Desert and Oasis Ecology, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, 
    Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, China;
    3. Fukang Station for Desert Ecosystem Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fukang 831500, Xinjiang, China;
    4. Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecology of the Ministry of Education, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China
  • Received:2014-03-28 Revised:2014-04-02 Published:2014-05-15 Online:2014-05-30

摘要: 梭梭[WTBX](Haloxylon ammodendron)与白梭梭(H.persicum)[WTBZ]是古尔班通古特沙漠植物群落2个最主要的建群种。通过对梭梭与白梭梭光合特性及相关环境因子的同期观测,探讨其光合响应特征及其与环境因子关系的异同。结果表明:梭梭对弱光的利用能力大于白梭梭,而白梭梭利用强光的能力大于梭梭。梭梭和白梭梭净光合速率[WTBX](Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)的日变化特征均为“单峰”型,但Pn、Gs峰值出现时间略有差异,Tr的峰值出现时间为16:00。根据梭梭和白梭梭Pn、胞间[WTBZ]CO2浓度[WTBX](Ci)及气孔限制值(Ls)的变化方向,推测梭梭光合“午休”主要由气孔因素引起。白梭梭日平均Pn、Tr和WUE(水分利用效率)均高于梭梭,说明白梭梭是一种高光合、高蒸腾、高水分利用效率的物种。相关分析表明,对梭梭、白梭梭的Pn影响最显著的环境因子是光量子通量密度(PPFD)。

关键词: font-size: 10.5pt, mso-bidi-font-family: 宋体, mso-font-kerning: 1.0pt, mso-ansi-language: EN-US, mso-fareast-language: ZH-CN, 梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron); 白梭梭(H.persicum);光合作用; 气体交换; 环境因子; 古尔班通古特沙漠')">mso-bidi-language: AR-SA">梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron); 白梭梭(H.persicum);光合作用; 气体交换; 环境因子; 古尔班通古特沙漠

Abstract: Haloxylon ammodendron[WTBZ] and [WTBX]H.persicum[WTBZ] are two main edificators in the Gurbantonggut Desert, Xinjiang. Based on the simultaneous observations of photosynthetic characteristics and related environmental factors affecting the growth of H.ammodendron and [WTBX]H.persicum[WTBZ], different photosynthetic responses of the two species to environmental factors were studied. Results showed that H.ammodendron was better in using lowlight than [WTBX]H.persicum[WTBZ], but it was contrary in using highlight. The curves of daily variation of net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate were all unimodal, the time of occurring the peak values of net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance was slightly different, and the peak value of transpiration rate occurred always at 16:00. According to the variation of photosynthetic rate, intercellular CO2 concentration and stomatal limitation of H.ammodendron and [WTBX]H.persicum[WTBZ], it was considered that the “midday depression” of photosynthesis was mainly caused by stomatal factors. The daily averages of photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and water use efficiency of [WTBX]H.persicum[WTBZ] were higher than those of H.ammodendron. Correlation analysis revealed that the photon flux density was the most significant environmental factor affecting the photosynthetic rate of H.ammodendron and [WTBX]H.persicum[WTBZ].

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