干旱区研究 ›› 2025, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 312-320.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2025.02.11 cstr: 32277.14.AZR.20250211

• 植物生态 • 上一篇    下一篇


贾风勤(), 黄敏桃, 邓利, 李金玲, 梁梅华, 伊洪伟, 宋希娟()   

  1. 广西生态工程职业技术学院林业工程学院,广西 柳州 545004
  • 收稿日期:2024-05-16 修回日期:2024-10-10 出版日期:2025-02-15 发布日期:2025-02-21
  • 通讯作者: 宋希娟. E-mail: 119248283@qq.com
  • 作者简介:贾风勤(1973-),女,博士,教授,主要从事种子生态研究. E-mail: 1002249491@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Effects of drought, salt, and acidity stresses on Asclepias curassavica and Amaranthus tricolor seed germination

JIA Fengqin(), HUANG Mintao, DENG Li, LI Jinling, LIANG Meihua, YI Hongwei, SONG Xijuan()   

  1. College of Forestry Engineering, Guangxi Eco-Engineering Vocational and Technical College, Liuzhou 545004, Guangxi, China
  • Received:2024-05-16 Revised:2024-10-10 Published:2025-02-15 Online:2025-02-21


以药用植物马利筋和苋菜为材料,采用聚乙二醇(PEG-6000)、NaCl和pH梯度溶液模拟干旱、盐分和酸胁迫环境,研究两种植物种子萌发对环境胁迫的响应程度,为探讨其在干旱、盐碱地区的引种栽培和高品质药材生产提供理论依据。结果表明:不同浓度PEG和NaCl显著抑制马利筋和苋菜的种子萌发,总体表现为萌发率、发芽指数均随浓度的增加而降低;将经过14 d胁迫后的未萌发种子复水处理,出现快速补偿萌发;复水处理后仍未萌发种子TTC染色结果显示种子依旧保持活力,两种药用植物具活力种子占比均值分别为84%和90%,显著高于对照或未显著降低;pH值为3~6范围内,马利筋和苋菜种子萌发率均超过57%和83%,未萌发种子复水萌发和TTC染色结果表明胁迫处理造成约10%的马利筋种子和15%的苋菜种子死亡,两种药用植物具活力种子占比均值分别高达91%和87%。马利筋和苋菜种子在萌发过程中对干旱和盐胁迫具有一定的耐性,对酸胁迫具有较强的耐性,两种植物可采取提前、延迟或休眠的萌发策略以适应不同胁迫环境,本研究厘清了马利筋和苋菜种子萌发在3种非生物胁迫因子处理下的萌发特征及差异,为两种药用植物生产和品质提高提供了理论依据。

关键词: 药用植物, 马利筋, 苋菜, 种子萌发, 耐受性


The effect of environmental factors on the seed germination of two medicinal plants, Asclepias curassavica and Amaranthus tricolor, was studied using PEG-6000, NaCl, and pH gradient solutions to simulate drought, salt, and acidity stresses, respectively. The results provide the basis for their cultivation in arid, saline-alkali areas and the production of high-quality medicinal materials. The findings revealed that the seed germination percentage and index of A. curassavica and A. tricolor decreased with increasing PEG and NaCl concentrations. After 14 days of stress, the nongerminated seeds could rapidly germinate after rehydration and did not lose their vitality. TTC staining of the nongerminated seeds after rehydration revealed that the seeds remained active; the viable seed proportion of the two medicinal plants was significantly higher than in the control or did not decrease significantly, with mean values of 84% and 90%, respectively. At pH 3-6, the A. curassavica and A. tricolor seed germination percentages were 57% and 83%, while the nongerminated seeds of A. curassavica and A. tricolor lost their vitality. The percentages of dead seeds were 10% and 15%, and the proportions of viable seeds were 91% and 87%, respectively, for A. curassavica and A. tricolor. The two medicinal plants displayed a certain tolerance to drought and salt stress and a strong tolerance to acid stress during germination. The two plants can adopt different germination strategies, such as advanced or delayed germination or dormancy, to adapt to their environmental stresses. This study clarified the seed germination characteristics and differences of A. curassavica and A. tricolor under three abiotic stress factors. It provides a theoretical basis for producing and improving the quality of two medical plants.

Key words: medicinal plant, Asclepias curassavica, Amaranthus tricolor, seed germination, tolerance