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    15 January 2018, Volume 35 Issue 01 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Global runoff field calculated by empirical runoff coefficient
    LIANG Shu-Min, YU Zhi-Yuan
    2018, 35 (01):  1-11.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.01.01
    Abstract ( 1293 )   PDF (2159KB) ( 1369 )  
    Abstract: This paper reviews 110 years’ history of global runoff estimation. By taking land slope and aridity index as independent variable, and employing the method of Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression on sample region’s runoff coefficient, the empirical formula of runoff coefficient is calculated for China. Based on the empirical formula and high-resolution precipitation grid data, by applying Grid and Spatial Analysis module in Geographic Information System(GIS), the high resolution spatial distribution field of global water resources are calculated. Main calculation results are that the total runoff volume in the world(not including Antarctic Continent) is 47,884 cubic kilometers, the average runoff depth is 359 mm, the average runoff coefficient is 0.462; the runoff depth in African is 230mm, its runoff coefficient is 0.345, both are the lowest in the 6 continents; the runoff depth in South America is 770mm, the runoff coefficient is 0.507, both are the highest; Asia’s runoff depth is 313mm, which is below the world’s average, while it’s runoff coefficient is 0.495, which is higher than the world’s average. The results are compared with relevant literatures. This study emphasis on the importance of groundwater runoff and groundwater increment in arid and semi-arid regions, and significantly increases the estimation value of runoff depth in these regions. The calculated runoff volume of Africa and Australia are 6944 cubic kilometers and 3026 cubic kilometers respectively, which is obviously higher than the average of 24 estimations between 1973 and 2014 by literatures. Moreover, the authors also calculated the detail runoff pattern of all the 31 inner flow areas in the world. The total area of the world’s inner flowing regions is 28.47 million square Km, the total runoff volume is 1,663 cubic kilometers, the average runoff depth is 58.4 mm, and the average runoff coefficient is 0.252. The runoff depth of Oceania’s inner flowing region is 35mm, and its runoff coefficient is 0.129, both are the lowest in the world. Case studies of inner flow area show that the runoff depth field calculated by the empirical formula is in accordance with the actual runoff distribution pattern in Africa, Oceania, and 4 regions of Asia, including Nura River in Kazakhstan, Hexi Corridor and western Inner Mongolia Plateau in China, Southeastern Mongolia and China’s central and eastern Inner Mongolia Plateau, and Arabian Peninsula’s inner flow region. The theoretical hypothesis is confirmed for the inner flow sub-regions, the higher is the spatial resolution; the larger is the calculated runoff values. Main conclusions of this study are as follows: the spatial resolution of this study is 0.1667 degrees, which is 3 times as much as the majority resolution used in the runoff calculation; the runoff volume is calculated from the high spatial resolution runoff field in this study, which includes the runoff in inner flow watersheds and the runoff consumed in the outflow watersheds before it inflows to the oceans; the difference between the runoff of this study and the actual measured runoff at river mouth to the oceans or inland lakes should be the intermit consumption of the evaporation of on natural water surface, wetlands, the net water consumption of agricultural irrigation, and the net dissipation of artificial water usage at urban and industrial regions in the watershed; the underground runoff, the increment of groundwater, and the increment of soil available water are the main forms of runoff in arid and semi-arid climate zones. Current literature’s underestimation on water resources mainly lies in ignoring the evaporation of natural water body and wetland, the net dissipation of artificial water usage.
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    Comparative research on Chinese continental glacier and temperate glacier changes:Taking Urumqi glacier No.1 and Baishui glacier No.1 as example
    LI Kai-Ming, CHEN Shi-Feng, KANG Ling-Fen, LI Zhong-Qin, LI Sheng-De, WEN Qiang
    2018, 35 (01):  12-19.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.01.02
    Abstract ( 1245 )   PDF (1288KB) ( 826 )  
    There are great scientific significances and realistic values by comparative researching on continental glacier and temperate glacier change. As an indicator of climate change, studying different types of glaciers’ change has attracted researcher’s attention for a long time past. In this paper, taking Urumqi river glacier No.1 and Yulong mountain Baishui river glacier No.1 as example, continental glacier and temperate glacier changes are comparative studied under global warming since 1950s. The results show that mass loss, equilibrium-line altitude ascending, activity layer temperature rising, glacier depth thinning, flow velocity slowing, terminus retreating, area and volume reducing are the major trends of two type glacier change. The change rates of continental glacier increased or greater than temperate glacier, and the change gaps of two type glacier have been gradually reduced or stabilized. Further analysis shows that the main reason of the ablation and retreat of two type glacier is the rise of temperature, an important factor is the reducing of the ice-surface albedo, and the differences between two type glaciers is because of the climatic environment, the sensitivity of response to climate change, and the mechanism of accelerated ablation, and others.
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    Characteristics of the Photosynthetically Active Radiation in the Alpine Wetland, Qinghai lake watershed
    GAO Li-Ming, ZHANG Le-Le, CHEN Ke-Long, MAO Ya-Hui
    2018, 35 (01):  50-56.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.01.07
    Abstract ( 1008 )   PDF (1116KB) ( 647 )  
    Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) is an important parameter in the process of ecosystem. However, there are few reports on the changes of PAR in alpine wetland. Based on the radiation data from the Xiaobohu and Wayanshan wetland meteorological stations in the Qinghai Lake basin, this paper analyzed the characteristics of PAR variation in the alpine wetland. The results showed that the annual total global radiation (Q) and PAR in the Xiaobohu are 6711.6 MJ?m-2 and 2888.3 MJ?m-2 respectively, but 5963.4 MJ?m-2 and 2527.5 MJ?m-2 respectively in the Wayanshan station. The values of Q and PAR in the Wayanshan station are significantly smaller than that in the Xiaobohu station. Both of the Q and PAR values in the two sites had obvious diurnal and seasonal variation, the maximum value of Q and PAR occurred in the afternoon around 13:00. In one year, the maximum Q and PAR value appeared in June, and the minimum value in December. The average annual photosynthetically active radiation coefficient (ηPAR) in the Xiaobohu and Wayanshan were 0.43 and 0.44 respectively. The ηPAR also exist obvious seasonal variation characteristics in the both sites, the maximum value appeared in July, and the main reason was the water vapor content was largest during this periods in the Qinghai Lake basin. Finally, in order to estimate the PAR value in the whole Qinghai Lake basin, a statistical model was constructed based on the clearness index (Kt) and total solar radiation (Q) data in the Wayanshan station. The model was also verified in the Xiaobohu station, the results showed that the model can meet the requirements for estimating the PAR under different weather conditions in the Qinghai Lake basin.
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    The temporal and spatial characteristics of Temperature and Precipitation in Northwestern China in Recent 54 Years
    SHANG Sha-Sha, LIAN Li-Shu, MA Ting, ZHANG Kun, HAN Tuo
    2018, 35 (01):  68-76.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.01.09
    Abstract ( 1156 )   PDF (1801KB) ( 1036 )  
    Based on the data of temperature and precipitation observation collected from 191 surface meteorological stations in Northwest from 1961 to 2014,using many methods such as linear trend, running means, the accumulative anomalies and IDW to study the temporal and spatial characteristics of temperature and precipitation of Northwestern China. The results showed that the average temperature appears rising trend and the rate of rise is most significant in winter. The trend of maximum temperature extremes and minimum temperature extremes are the same as average temperature which are manifesting rising trend. The amount of precipitation also increasing and the trend is more significant in recent years. Precipitation mainly occurs in summer ,in particular ,the winter rainfall has been increasing rapidly since enter into 21st century. The high annual temperature is concentrated on southern Xin Jiang,southeast of Qilian Mountains .What’s more,the most significant warming areas are located in Junggar Basin and the southwest of Tian Shan . Precipitation showed a decreasing trend from east to west. Abundant precipitation concentrate on the northeastern Qilian Mountains while there is little precipitation in the South Xinjiang and the western Tarim Basin and north Xin Jiang are the most significant wetter areas. From the temporal and spatial characteristics of temperature and precipitation, the northwest of china is translating into warm and wet.
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    Responses of grassland productivity to climate variability at Yunwushan during the past 20 years
    LUO Rui-Min, GUO Liang, Cheng-Ji-Min
    2018, 35 (01):  77-84.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.01.10
    Abstract ( 1111 )   PDF (1483KB) ( 642 )  
    Studying the relationship between grassland productivity and climate variation plays an important role on the countermeasure draft, and vegetation and ecological restoration at Yunwushan. Based on long- term climatic data and productivity records of Yunwushan grassland on the Loess Plateau during 1992-2011, grassland productivity, potential climate productivity trends and their correlations with climate variation were analyzed. The results indicated that: 1) During the past 20 years, annual mean temperature increased significantly, with higher increases of temperature in winter and early spring than in summer. Annual precipitation did not show a statistically significant trend, however, rainfall decreased significantly in July. 2) Warming and drought in summer decreased the productivity and potential climate production of grassland, while temperature increases in winter also decreased them. 3) The ratio between grassland productivity and potential climate productivity was 53% which indicated another half increasing chance for grassland production. Proper use and improvement of natural grassland, and development of artificial pastures will further increase the productivity for grassland on the Loess Plateau.
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    Time series lake area changes of Ayakul Lake and its responses to climate change
    Li-Jun-Li, BAI Jie, WANG Ya-Jun
    2018, 35 (01):  85-95.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.01.11
    Abstract ( 1734 )   PDF (6473KB) ( 1060 )  
    In order to analyze the annual, monthly and spatial characteristics of arid lake extent changes under the impacts of climate change, Ayakkul lake in the Alkin mountains is selected as an example to map the lake area changes and level changes with time-series Corona and Landsat imagery in the last 50 years. The results showed that, Ayakkul lake changes are presented as 3 stages: 1964—2004, 2005—2010 and 2011—2014, and the annual area changing rates are -0.012km2/a, -0.256 km2/a and -4.798km2/a, respectively. The overall lake area shrinking mode is from gentle to significant, and the lake water was firstly found extinct on September 25th, 2014, and its ecological function is weaker and weaker. The seasonal characteristic of Chaiwopu lake extent changes are showed as, lake water extent reach its peak in spring and touch its valley in autumn, and the seasonal changes becomes more obvious when the drastic water area changes happen after 2005. Monthly lake area curves showed that Chaiwopu lake is losing its area rapidly year by year. When it comes to lake water level and spatial boundary, their changes match well with the Chaiwopu lake basin topography, which is represented as “rock-ribbed shore and flat bottom”. Before 2005, water area changes are insignificant while lake water level is significant when lake water volume is decreasing. After 2005, lake water boundaries are shrinking. When they are shrinking to the lake bottom in 2012, the underground water levels have high correlations with water area changes. In the wet years between 1999 and 2004, lake shrinking rate is decreasing and Chaiwopu lake keep its dynamic water balance during that period. Exceeding groundwater exploitation after 1993 is the main reason of lake extinction, leading to ecological disaster in this region
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    Analyze on Water Use Process of Constructive Plants in Desert Riparian Forest in the Lower Reaches of Inland River
    CHEN Ya-Ning, LI Wei-Hong, CHEN Ya-Peng, ZHOU Hong-Hua, HAO Xing-Ming, ZHU Cheng-Gang
    2018, 35 (01):  130-136.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.01.16
    Abstract ( 916 )   PDF (1813KB) ( 815 )  
    Desert riparian forest is an important component of the ecosystem in arid areas. The study on the water use process of constructive plants of desert riparian forest is of great significance to formulate countermeasures for ecological conservation restoration in arid area. Taking two rivers in the arid regions of northwestern China, the lower reaches of Tarim and Heihe River as the research target regions, In this study, the plant water resources and root hydraulic lift process of desert riparian forest plants were explored, and the water use processes of Populus euphratica and Tamarix ramosissima grown under drought stress conditions were analyzed. The results indicate that water use pattern and survival strategy of desert riparian forest plants is various under different groundwater depths and drought stress conditions in the lower reaches of Tarim and Heihe Rivers. In plant water acquire, Populus euphratica and Tamarix ramosissima mainly use deep subsoil water and groundwater, but their water absorption is more diversified in the lower reaches of the Tarim River than in the lower reaches of the Heihe River; In water distribution, Populus euphratica grown in the lower reaches of the Tarim River generally has a more strong hydraulic lift capacity and significant ecological effect on water redistribution. The essential reason for differences in plants water using strategy is groundwater depth, the deeper the groundwater tables (within 7 m), Populus euphratica suffered the greater the drought stress, and the hydraulic lift capacity of Populus euphratica root system is also stronger. The ecology in the lower reaches of the Heihe River has been in balance in the maintenance and development stage, while desert riparian forest plants in the lower reaches of the Tarim River are still in severe drought stress.
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    Plant Functional Traits and Interrelationships of Dominant Species on Typical Grassland in Horqin Sandy Land, China
    ZHANG Jing, ZUO Xiao-An, 吕Peng , YUE Xi-Yuan, ZHANG Jing
    2018, 35 (01):  137-143.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.01.17
    Abstract ( 989 )   PDF (1502KB) ( 688 )  
    Base on the nineteen dominant species in Horqin sandy land under enclosure, five functional traits of height (Height), specific leaf area (SLA), leaf dry matter content (LDMC), leaf carbon content (LNC) and leaf nitrogen content (LNN) were measured. The functional traits differ in two kinds of life forms (annual/biennial plants, perennial plants) and two kinds of photosynthetic pathways (C3 plants and C4 plants). We compared and analyzed the discrepancy in functional traits between different life forms and photosynthetic. Furthermore, the inter relationship of functional traits and their adaptability to the environment in typical grassland were discussed. The results showed that the LDMC of perennial plants was significantly higher than that of annual/biennial plants. Regarding to the perennial plants, the Height of C3 plants was significantly higher than that of the C4 plants. For the annual/biennial plants, the LNC of C3 plants was significantly higher than that of the C4 plants. Relative to the C4 plants, the LDMC and LNC of the perennial plants were significantly higher than that of the annual/biennial plants. Correlation analyses showed that SLA and LDMC were extremely significantly negatively correlated, while, LNC and LNN were extremely significantly positive correlated. Based on the above results, we concluded the following conclusion: there are obvious discrepancy in the plant functional traits between different life forms and photosynthetic in enclosure grassland ecosystem. Perennial C4 plants have stronger adaptability to drought environment.
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