Dynamic simulation and carrying capacity analysis of a water resource system in Kubuqi Desert
Received date: 2021-10-14
Revised date: 2022-03-05
Online published: 2022-09-26
Based on the integration of water resources and socio-economic data in the Kubuqi Desert from 1999 to 2019, this paper used the system dynamic model to simulate the water resource-society-ecological system of the Kubuqi Desert. In addition, a multi-scenario parameter control model was established to comprehensively simulate the changes in the total water demand of water resources in the region under the influence of different parameters. Results show that if no other measures are taken (conventional development mode), then the total water demand in 2035 will reach 11.90 per one hundred million cubic meters, which is greater than the total water supply in the region, showing an overload state. After adjustment for different parameter schemes, the planting area and current irrigation method remain unchanged, and the water demand is 9.76 per one hundred million cubic meters. In addition, the penetration rate of drip irrigation exceeds 50% (S3), showing a loadable state, and the water demand will drop to 7.80 per one hundred million cubic meters, which alleviates the contradiction between the supply and demand of desert water resources. Therefore, during ecological restoration of the Kubuqi Desert, emphasis should be placed on the promotion of drip irrigation to save water, rational use of local water resources, and sustainable ecological development.
Key words: water resources carrying capacity; system dynamics; desert; arid area; Kubuqi Desert
Fangyuan LU , Debin JIA , Ruizhong GAO , Wenxu SU , Hang ZHAO , Li’na YANG . Dynamic simulation and carrying capacity analysis of a water resource system in Kubuqi Desert[J]. Arid Zone Research, 2022 , 39(4) : 1102 -1111 . DOI: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.04.11
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