Weather and Climate

Temporal and spatial pattern characteristics of potential evapotranspiration in Tibet and its influencing factors

  • Jiqing SHI ,
  • Yongli DOU ,
  • Feiyun YANG ,
  • Rui DAI ,
  • Jun HU
  • 1. Tibet Climate Center, Lhasa 850000, Tibet, China
    2. Information and Internet Center of Tibet Meteorological Bureau, Lhasa 850000, Tibet, China
    3. China Meteorological Administration Training Centre, Beijing 100081, China

Received date: 2020-03-12

  Revised date: 2020-05-16

  Online published: 2021-06-17


This study estimated potential evapotranspiration (ET0) from 38 meteorological stations in Tibet. We collected the data from daily observations from 1981 to 2018 and analyzed it using the FAO’s Penman-Monteith formula. The temporal and spatial patterns of ET0 and its influencing factors were analyzed separately from trend, sudden change, and periodicity. This study showed that within the time frame, ET0 in Tibet decreased and then increased, and there was a significant decrease (except winter) and increase (except spring and summer). Spatially, there was a significant decrease during spring and summer, while in autumn, winter, and interannual, there was a significant increase. The mutation sites were mainly in the South-Central and North Eastern regions, and the time concentration was in the 1980s. The first major cycle of annual average ET0 change may be 33 a(2013 year). Also, average wind speed and relative humidity were the dominant ET0 factors in the years and seasons. Simultaneously, the influence trend of average wind speed, relative humidity, and maximum temperature on ET0 was consistent.

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Jiqing SHI , Yongli DOU , Feiyun YANG , Rui DAI , Jun HU . Temporal and spatial pattern characteristics of potential evapotranspiration in Tibet and its influencing factors[J]. Arid Zone Research, 2021 , 38(3) : 724 -732 . DOI: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.14


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