Weather and Climate

Spatio-temporal characteristics of climate change in China-Pakistan Economic Corridor from 1980 to 2019

  • Zhixiang YU ,
  • Xiaojing YU ,
  • Fan YANG
  • 1. Urumqi Meteorological Satellite Ground Station, Urumqi 830011, Xinjiang, China
    2. State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China
    3. University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
    4. Institute of Desert Meteorology, Chinese Meteorological Administration, Urumqi 830002, Xinjiang, China

Received date: 2020-10-10

  Revised date: 2020-12-14

  Online published: 2021-06-17


The China-Pakistan economic Corridor (CPEC) runs through Kashi, Xinjiang, China, and Pakistan; it is the flagship project of one belt and one road. This region has varied topography, complex and changeable climate, and frequent extreme events. Especially regarding global warming, climate change research has been closely linked to environmental and development issues. It is important for project implementation and security to better understand the spatio-temporal characteristics of climate change in this region. Using the monthly Climatic Research Unit Time Series v. 4.04 (TS v. 4.04), the detailed climatology and change in temperature, precipitation, and dry-wet condition over CPEC during 1980-2019 were analyzed. The results showed that temperature has a significant increasing tendency with the highest rate in the central CPEC than the two ends. The rate of minimum temperature [0.37 °C·(10a) -1] is higher than the mean temperature [0.32 °C·(10a) -1] and maximum temperature [0.29 °C·(10a) -1]. There were larger regional differences in precipitation change, wet days, and dry-wet situations. Precipitation is considerably decreasing in the southwestern CPEC with a maximum rate of -20 mm·(10a)-1. It is getting dry, while the wet days significantly increase in the central CPEC with a maximum rate of 4 d·(10a)-1.

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Zhixiang YU , Xiaojing YU , Fan YANG . Spatio-temporal characteristics of climate change in China-Pakistan Economic Corridor from 1980 to 2019[J]. Arid Zone Research, 2021 , 38(3) : 695 -703 . DOI: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.11


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