Comparative study on the reed rhizospheric microenvironment and reed rhizome growth and development in different habitats
Received date: 2020-05-11
Revised date: 2020-10-16
Online published: 2021-03-05
Comparative study on the reed rhizospheric microenvironment and reed rhizome growth and development in four different habitats were reported in this paper. The rhizome and reed rhizospheric soil in four habitats (sand dune habitat, transitional habitat from saline to sand dune, saline habitat, marsh habitat) were studied in Linze County. Relevant indicators, such as the growth and development indexes of the reed rhizome, quantity of microorganisms, soil water, and soil salt content, were determined in the rhizospheric soil of different habitats. Based on the analysis, the relationship between the growth and development of the rhizome and the quantity of microorganisms, water content, and salt content in rhizospheric soil in different habitats was elucidated. The results showed that: (1) There were significant differences in the biomass of the reed rhizome among the four habitats, among which the internodal length was largest in the four habitats. The pitch diameter, biomass, water content, and length of the rhizome as well as the number of adventitious buds were smallest under the salt habitat, which showed that the growth of the reed rhizome was inhibited by saline soil. Compared with the development of the rhizome in four habitats, from salt habitat to salt-dune transition habitat to sand dune habitat, and then to marsh habitat, which were manifested as a shortening trend of internodal length, thickening trend of pitch diameter, and increasing trend of rhizome length, adventitious bud number, rhizome water content, and rhizome biomass. (2) There were significant differences in the number of rhizospheric soil microorganisms among the four habitats; the highest salt content of reed rhizospheric soil, largest number of soil fungi, and smallest number of bacteria and actinomycetes were found in the salt habitat. The smallest number of fungi and the largest number of bacteria and actinomycetes existed in the marsh habitat. (3) A correlation analysis showed that the number of soil microorganisms in the reed rhizosphere had different driving effects on the number characteristics of reed rhizomes. The number of soil bacteria, actinomycetes, and B/F value are the main influencing factors of the reed rhizome length, rhizome node diameter, rhizome biomass, rhizome water content, plant height, and base diameter. Soil fungi are the main influencing factors of reed rhizome node spacing. Soil bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, and B/F were the main factors affecting the number of adventitious buds. Soil bacteria, actinomycetes, and B/F value were positive driving factors, whereas fungi were negative driving factors. The oil water content has the greatest direct effect on the number of soil bacteria in the rhizosphere, and the soil salt content has a negative direct effect on the number of soil bacteria. Soil salinity has an indirect effect on soil bacteria through the soil water content. Soil salinity has the greatest direct effect on soil fungi, and soil water content has a greater indirect effect on soil fungi through soil salinity. It has a negative direct effect on soil actinomycetes, and the soil salt content has a greater indirect effect on soil actinomycetes through the soil water content.
Key words: Phragmites australis; reed habitat; rhizosphere; soil microorganism; rhizome
Ting WANG , Chaozhou LI , Jian JIAO , Xianghong ZHI . Comparative study on the reed rhizospheric microenvironment and reed rhizome growth and development in different habitats[J]. Arid Zone Research, 2021 , 38(1) : 233 -240 . DOI: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.01.24
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