Relationship between the grassland and soil conditions in the Eastern Qilian Mountains

  • (College of Forestry,Gansu Agricultural University,Lanzhou 730070,Gansu,China)

Received date: 2019-06-21

  Revised date: 2019-10-12

  Online published: 2020-04-21


This study explored the relationship between the characteristics of the grassland and soil conditions in the Eastern Qilian Mountains.We selected grass and soil from five areas of the mountain valley:the upper shady slope,lower shady slope,upper sunny slope,lower sunny slope and level terraces.Results showed that each site harbored different dominating species;the sunny slope was dominated by Kobresia sedges and the shady slope was dominated by the Polygonaceae flowering plants.Total vegetation coverage was greatest on the sunny slope weakest on the shady slope;grassland height was tallest on the lower shady slope and shortest on the horizontal terrace;the number of genera and species on the lower shady slopes were higher than those on the upper sunny slopes.The biomass above the ground,from greatest to least,was as follows:bottom shady slope>upper sunny slope>upper shady slope>bottom sunny slope>horizontal terraces.Through an examination of 60 cm deep soil,the underground biomass was found to be:bottom shady slope>bottom sunny slope>upper shady slope>horizontal terraces>upper sunny slope.Both the biomass and soil conditions at each site significantly differed (P<0.05).There were significant correlations and interactions between characteristics of the soil (i.e.,moisture content,bulk density,porosity,and total nitrogen content) and the grassland (i.e.,total vegetation coverage,biomass above the ground,grassland heights,and number of genera and species present).Therefore,these results indicated that aboveground soil characteristics were key factors that affected the quality of the grassland.

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Relationship between the grassland and soil conditions in the Eastern Qilian Mountains . Relationship between the grassland and soil conditions in the Eastern Qilian Mountains[J]. Arid Zone Research, 2020 , 37(2) : 374 -381 . DOI: 10.13866/j.azr.2020.02.12


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