Influence and prediction of land use change on the space of arable land in arid zones: Taking Changji City as an example
Received date: 2024-05-28
Revised date: 2024-07-24
Online published: 2024-11-29
This study aimed to explore the impact of land use change on the space of arable land and provide a reference to optimize the land use pattern and strengthen arable land protection. Based on five periods of land use data from 2000 to 2020, the framework of land use change intensity analysis, PLUS model, and spatial autocorrelation analysis method were introduced to explore the impacts of future land use changes on the space of arable land in Changji City. The study found that land use types in Changji City were dominated by grassland, arable land, and unused land; arable and construction lands displayed a changing trend of continuous growth, and the conversion of forest and grassland to arable and construction lands and of arable land to construction land was the main feature of land use change in Changji City. Regarding conversion intensity, apparent differences were observed in the conversion intensity of each type of arable land, and the intensity of transferring in and out of the conversion intensity between arable and construction land was higher than the average. Regarding the conversion intensity, evident differences were observed in the conversion intensity between each category and arable land, and the conversion intensity between arable and construction lands was higher than the average conversion intensity; the conversion of its land use will have a more significant impact on the regional land use cover structure. The simulation results of the PLUS model indicated that the area of arable land in the natural development, arable land protection, and sustainable development scenarios decreased by 36.21 km2, increased by 28.19 km2, and decreased by 25.66 km2, respectively; the sustainable development scenario was more able to consider the dual demands of economic development and arable land protection. Changes in the pattern of arable land have prominent spatial agglomeration characteristics; they are dominated by high-high agglomeration, mainly distributed in Yushugou Town, Erliugong Town, Daxiqiu Town in the central part of the city and Sanguo Town in the southwestern part of the major city. The spatial distributions of high-high agglomeration are basically similar in different scenarios, but differences exist in the number of types. Finally, relevant suggestions were made to coordinate the protection of arable land with economic development and optimize the spatial layout of land use. The results can provide a reference for balancing the relationship between financial development and arable land protection in oasis cities in arid zones.
SU Zechen , SHAO Zhanlin . Influence and prediction of land use change on the space of arable land in arid zones: Taking Changji City as an example[J]. Arid Zone Research, 2024 , 41(11) : 1936 -1945 . DOI: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.11.13
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