Temperature in different climate states and their influence on climate evaluation in the Hexi Corridor Eastern
Received date: 2024-02-18
Revised date: 2024-05-12
Online published: 2024-08-01
Hexi Corridor Eastern is an area sensitive to changes in climate and climate states, greatly affecting climate evaluation. Using the monthly temperature data of five national meteorological stations in Hexi Corridor Eastern from 1961 to 2022, differences in the average temperatures of four climate states, including 1961-1990, 1971-2000, 1981-2010 and 1991-2020 were compared, and their influence on the climate assessment business was analyzed. The results showed that the annual temperatures of the four climate states increased in various and whole regions, most notably in the P2 (1971-2000) and P4 (1991-2020) states. The temperature differences in the climate states revealed the following: (1) the monthly, seasonal, and yearly temperatures consistently warmed up in the whole basin and various regions, and (2) except for the P3 (1981-2010) to P4 climate states, others showed maximal and minimal elevation in winter and summer, respectively. The monthly variations in enhanced temperatures were apparent, and the growth rate demonstrated obvious spatial differences in the same season and month. After the replacement of the climate state means, the conspicuous characteristics of temperature variations were weakened in the Hexi Corridor Eastern, and their grades were adjusted from positive to negative; temperature rating was as high as 56%-87% to a lower level; the cold winter years increased by 17-28 years, and the warm winter years reduced by 15-23 years from P1(1961-1990) to P4 climate states. This study can provide a reference for understanding temperature changes, climate business, decision-making service, and meteorological science research in Hexi Corridor Eastern.
YANG Xiaoling , ZHOU Hua , CHEN Jing , ZHAO Huihua , WU Wen . Temperature in different climate states and their influence on climate evaluation in the Hexi Corridor Eastern[J]. Arid Zone Research, 2024 , 41(7) : 1089 -1098 . DOI: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.07.01
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