Ecology and Environment

Study on main aeolian sand environment characteristics and formation mechanism in Wuzhumuqin Sandy Land

  • Hao ZHANG ,
  • Xiaohong DANG ,
  • Zhongju MENG ,
  • Yong GAO ,
  • Yang LIU ,
  • Qingchuan QIN
  • 1. School of Desert Management, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018, Inner Mongolia, China
    2. National Positioning and Observation Research Station of Hangjin Desert Ecosystem, Ordos 017400, Inner Mongolia, China
    3. Baotou Forestry and Grassland Bureau, Baotou 014030, Inner Mongolia, China
    4. Key Laboratory of “Sandstorm Physics”, A Characteristic and Advantageous Discipline Jointly Built by the Central and Local Governments, Hohhot 010018, Inner Mongolia, China
    5. Research Institute of Water Resources of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Hohhot 010020, Inner Mongolia, China
    6. Dongwuzhumuqin Banner Water Conservancy Development Center, Xilinhot 026300, Inner Mongolia, China

Received date: 2023-05-11

  Revised date: 2023-08-07

  Online published: 2023-11-01


Mastering the regional wind sand movement environment and sediment particle size characteristics is the key to studying wind sand flow, and is of great significance for the prevention and recovery of regional wind sand disasters. Based on the wind regime data of Wuzhumuqin Sandy Land, this paper studies the variation characteristics of sand driving wind regime and sand transport potential, and reveals the spatial differences of sand environment in this area by combining with the sediment particle size data. The results show that:(1)The annual average frequency of sand blowing in the Wuzhumuqin sandy land is 33.8%, with an average wind speed of 3.34-5.40 m·s-1, and an average sand blowing wind speed of 6.46-8.49 m·s-1. The frequency and wind speed of sand blowing in the north of the sandy land are greater than those in the south, and those in the west are greater than those in the east. (2)The overall annual frequency and wind speed of sand storms are the highest in spring. The wind direction of sand storms is mainly in the southwest direction, and the frequency in the WSW direction is the highest.(3)The sand transport potential in the sandy land is 19.2-193.7 VU, which is generally a low wind energy environment. The wind conditions are mostly sharp bimodal wind conditions. The sand transport potential in the north of the sandy land is greater than that in the south, and that in the west is greater than that in the east. Throughout the year, sand material is transported to the east and northeast, and spring is the most important period of wind sand activity.(4)The sandy land is mainly composed of coarse and medium sand components, with soil particle sizes in the south and west being coarser and finer in the east. The sorting of sediment in the northern and eastern parts of the sandy land is poor, and the particle size components are greatly influenced by external factors. Overall, the sandstorm activity in the northern part of the sandy land is the strongest, making it suitable for artificial planting or laying sand barriers to fix sand. Protection forest is planted in the east of the sandy land to avoid the continuous eastward movement of sand.

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Hao ZHANG , Xiaohong DANG , Zhongju MENG , Yong GAO , Yang LIU , Qingchuan QIN . Study on main aeolian sand environment characteristics and formation mechanism in Wuzhumuqin Sandy Land[J]. Arid Zone Research, 2023 , 40(10) : 1687 -1697 . DOI: 10.13866/j.azr.2023.10.15


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