Ecology and Environment

Analysis of the spatiotemporal conversion between ecological land and production land in the farming-pastoral ecotone and the forces driving it: A case study in the Bashang region of Zhangjiakou

  • Yanjie QIN ,
  • Aibin WU ,
  • Yanxia ZHAO ,
  • Shoupu TANG ,
  • Xin LIU ,
  • Huitao SHEN ,
  • Shenghai ZHANG
  • 1. Institute of Geographical Sciences Hebei Academy of Sciences, Shijiazhuang 050011, Hebei, China
    2. Hebei Technology Innovation Center for Geographic Information Application, Shijiazhuang 050011, Hebei, China
    3. Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Center of Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang 050011, Hebei, China

Received date: 2023-02-02

  Revised date: 2023-03-02

  Online published: 2023-05-30


In farming-pastoral ecotone, coordinated development between ecological land and production land is of great significance. A land use transfer matrix was constructed in the Bashang region. We used the geographic concentration method and the geographic detector model to detect the spatiotemporal change, transformation characteristics, and its driving force between ecological land and production land. The results showed the following: (1) From 2000 to 2020, the ecological land area increased by 5.41%, although the trend appearedto decrease; meanwhile, the production land area decreased by 6.89%, although the trend appeared to increase. (2) The conversion between ecological land and production land occurred frequently. The area converted from production land to ecological land was 21.23×104 hm2, and the conversion amount decreased. These conversions were mainly distributed in regions with rich natural conditions (abundant rainfall, low altitude, and gentle slope). The area converted from ecological land to production land was 12.47×104 hm2, and the conversion amount increased. These conversions were mainly distributed in regions with poor natural conditions (low rainfall, high altitude, and steep slope). (3) In the single factors, soil organic matter, per capita cultivated land area, and slope arewere the main factors influencing the conversion from production land to ecological land. In the interaction factors, the interaction between soil organic matter and per capita cultivated land area was the most influential factor. The conversion from production land to ecological land usually occurred in the regions with low soil organic matter content, large per capita cultivated area, slope of 6°-15°, and annual average rainfall of <400 mm. Slope, annual average rainfall, and per capita cultivated land area were the main factors influencing the conversion from ecological land to production land. The interaction between slope and geomorphic agents was the most influential factor. The conversion from ecological land to production land usually occurred in the regions with a slope of 2°-6°, annual average rainfall of >400 mm, and small per capita cultivated land area. Attention should be drawn to the conversion between ecological land and productive land in the study area over the coming years.

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Yanjie QIN , Aibin WU , Yanxia ZHAO , Shoupu TANG , Xin LIU , Huitao SHEN , Shenghai ZHANG . Analysis of the spatiotemporal conversion between ecological land and production land in the farming-pastoral ecotone and the forces driving it: A case study in the Bashang region of Zhangjiakou[J]. Arid Zone Research, 2023 , 40(5) : 798 -807 . DOI: 10.13866/j.azr.2023.05.12


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