Rainfall response of soil water content on a slope of Larix principis-rupprechtii plantation in the semi-arid Liupan Mountains
Received date: 2022-02-28
Revised date: 2023-02-05
Online published: 2023-04-28
In the semi-arid zone of the Liupan Mountains in Ningxia, soil water content is a key factor affecting the survival and growth of trees, and it is necessary to understand the differences in soil water content on different slope positions of forested slopes and their response to different rainfall amounts. For this purpose, a typical slope covered by Larix principis-rupprechtii plantations was selected in the small watershed of Diediegou in the Liupanshan Mountains. From May to October 2021, meteorological conditions (such as precipitation) and changes in soil water content on this slope were continuously monitored with automatic weather stations and soil moisture meters to analyze the differences in soil water content on the slopes and their response to the depth of individual rainfall events. The total precipitation depth during the monitoring period was 443.7 mm, which was close to the long-term annual average, but with severe drought in summer. The results showed the following: (1) The soil water content varied significantly within the growing season; the overall level first decreased and then increased, being the lowest in August (0.112 m3·m-3). (2) There were clear differences in soil water content among slope positions, generally in the order upper slope [(0.191 ± 0.044) m3·m-3] > middle slope [(0.158 ± 0.045) m3·m-3] > lower slope [(0.146 ± 0.034) m3·m-3]. This indicated that the main factor influencing the differences in soil water content along slope positions is the amount of evapotranspiration by forest/vegetation, rather than the redistribution of rainwater along the slope by slope runoff in this dry year. (3) To the same rainfall depth, the response of soil water content on the middle slope was the most sensitive, followed by that on the upper slope, and the lower slope was the least sensitive, owing to the integrated effects of soil porosity, water-holding capacity, and understory vegetation. (4) At the study site, rainfall was dominated by small rainfall events below 10 mm, with 7 mm representing the threshold for effective rainfall, above which the rainfall is likely to alleviate the soil dryness and recharge the soil moisture in the soil layer of 0-20 cm. The results of this study can aid understanding of the variation and spatial distribution of soil water content on forest slopes in semi-arid mountainous areas and help determine the water-carrying capacity of forest/vegetation and integrated
Jianzhou SHI , Xiande LIU , Qing TIAN , Pengtao YU , Yanhui WANG . Rainfall response of soil water content on a slope of Larix principis-rupprechtii plantation in the semi-arid Liupan Mountains[J]. Arid Zone Research, 2023 , 40(4) : 594 -604 . DOI: 10.13866/j.azr.2023.04.08
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