Analysis of spatial and seasonal variations in climate warming and humidification in Northwest China
Received date: 2022-02-02
Revised date: 2022-12-09
Online published: 2023-04-28
Further exploration of trends in climate warming and humidification in Northwest China can deepen our understanding of important scientific issues regarding the responses to global warming of arid and semi-arid regions of the Northern Hemisphere in mid-and high latitudes. Using statistical methods such as linear trend, Kriging interpolation, and non-parametric Mann-Kendall test for temperature and precipitation data from 127 stations in Northwest China from 1961 to 2021, we show the following: (1) In the last 60 years, Northwest China as a whole has undergone significant warming and humidification. The regional warming trend was relatively consistent [0.32 ℃·(10a)-1], while there was a clear regional imbalance of humidification, with the humidification in the west of Northwest China increasing earlier, more steadily, and more significantly than in the east. (Increases in the west were mainly distributed in Northwest Xinjiang, while those in the east were mainly in the Qinghai region). (2) There were pronounced interdecadal fluctuations of warming and humidification, and paradigm shifts in temperature and precipitation trends of Northwest China occurred in 1993 and 2010, respectively, after which the rates of warming and humidification were 0.08 ℃·(10a)-1 and 37.60 mm·(10a)-1 higher than beforehand. Warming and humidification were more prominent after these paradigm shifts, with the eastward expansion of warming and humidification being the main feature. (3) The seasonal imbalance of warming and humidification also showed that the warming was most significant in winter in western Northwest China, followed by that in summer; winter precipitation increased significantly in western Northwest China, while spring and summer precipitation increased significantly in eastern Northwest China. These results can provide a theoretical basis for formulating climate change countermeasures in Northwest China.
Key words: Northwest China; warming and humidification; temperature; precipitation
Hongli ZHANG , Fuqiang HAN , Liang ZHANG , Lixia WANG , Yuan SUN , Fumin LI . Analysis of spatial and seasonal variations in climate warming and humidification in Northwest China[J]. Arid Zone Research, 2023 , 40(4) : 517 -531 . DOI: 10.13866/j.azr.2023.04.01
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