β diversity and interpretation of plant communities in Beishan and Manongshan areas of Dunhuang
Received date: 2022-02-14
Revised date: 2022-06-28
Online published: 2022-10-25
β diversity reflects the different composition of species between communities and is prevalent topic in ecological research. Based on the community survey sites in Beishan and Manongshan areas of Dunhuang of Bray-Curtis index of 79 plants, this study analyzed the relationship between community and climatic factors, soil factors and geographical distance. The results showed a geographical decay pattern of plant communities in the Beishan and Manongshan areas of Dunhuang, and the β diversity was dominated by βsim. The β diversity and its turnover components were significantly affected by climate, soil, and geographical distance. Multiple regression analysis (MRM) showed that climate, and soil factors and geographical distance affected β diversity and its turnover components differently, and the effects of climate and soil factors were more important than the geographical distance. These results indicated that β diversity of plant community species in the Beishan and Manongshan areas of Dunhuang resulted from habitat filtration and dispersal restriction. Species composition of communities differed greatly, and habitat filtration accounted for a large proportion of species turnover.
Xing LI , Zhiming XIN , Xue DONG , Yonghua LI , Ruibing DUAN , Yuan MA , Xing LI , Kuan LI . β diversity and interpretation of plant communities in Beishan and Manongshan areas of Dunhuang[J]. Arid Zone Research, 2022 , 39(5) : 1464 -1472 . DOI: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.05.11
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