Arid Zone Research ›› 2021, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 1674-1682.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.06.19
• Plant and Plant Physiology • Previous Articles Next Articles
LIU Lin1,2,3(),XIONG Donghong1,2(
),ZHANG Baojun1,2,YUAN Yong1,2,3,ZHANG Wenduo1,2,3
Donghong XIONG;
LIU Lin,XIONG Donghong,ZHANG Baojun,YUAN Yong,ZHANG Wenduo. Litter storage and its water-holding capacity of Populus plantations in Lhasa River Valley[J].Arid Zone Research, 2021, 38(6): 1674-1682.
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Tab. 1
General characteristics of sample plots"
林龄/a | 龄组 | 主要树种 | 经纬度 | 海拔/m | 平均树高/m | 平均胸径/cm | 平均冠幅/m | 林分密度/(株·hm-2) |
12 | 中龄林 | 银白杨 | 29°25'N,90°46'E | 3842 | 8.2±0.6 | 12.3±3.2 | 2.2±0.3 | 2550 |
15 | 中龄林 | 北京杨 | 29°28'N,90°57'E | 3588 | 12.4±2.5 | 8.60±1.5 | 1.5±0.4 | 6500 |
19 | 近熟林 | 北京杨 | 29°40'N,91°15'E | 3611 | 9.2±1.8 | 8.85±1.7 | 2.0±0.4 | 3000 |
27 | 成熟林 | 北京杨 | 29°41'N,91°25'E | 3705 | 20.1±2.3 | 20.9±6.7 | 3.4±0.8 | 2700 |
32 | 过熟林 | 北京杨 | 29°53'N,91°48'E | 3720 | 21.5±1.7 | 25.1±5.6 | 3.1±1.1 | 1300 |
Tab. 2
Thickness and total litter storage capacity of litter in different stand ages"
样地 | 林龄/a | 厚度/cm | 蓄积量/(t·hm-2) | 自然含水率/% |
1 | 12 | 5.72±0.46a | 8.32±1.35c | 6.88±0.53b |
2 | 15 | 3.72±0.25b | 13.89±2.05b | 7.21±0.78b |
3 | 19 | 3.56±0.10b | 10.50±1.65bc | 6.59±0.82b |
4 | 27 | 6.06±0.25a | 26.12±0.45a | 9.97±0.40a |
5 | 32 | 5.89±0.51a | 12.74±2.69b | 5.86±0.75b |
Tab. 3
Relationship of water-holding capacity, water-holding rate and water soaking time in five stand ages"
林龄/a | 持水量 | 持水速率 | |||
关系式 | R2 | 关系式 | R2 | ||
12 | y=2.29ln(t)+18.25 | 0.97** | υ=18.48t-0.83 | 0.99** | |
15 | y=2.92ln(t)+25.51 | 0.99** | υ=22.09t-0.81 | 0.99** | |
19 | y=2.45ln(t)+21.14 | 0.97** | υ=26.73t-0.82 | 0.99** | |
27 | y=4.99ln(t)+47.01 | 0.99** | υ=48.92t-0.84 | 0.99** | |
32 | y=2.86ln(t)+21.50 | 0.98** | υ=22.41t-0.80 | 0.99** |
Tab. 4
Relationship of water loss capacity, water loss rate and water dehydration time in five stand ages"
林龄/a | 失水量 | 失水速率 | |||
关系式 | R2 | 关系式 | R2 | ||
12 | y=9.62ln(t+10.51)-22.65 | 0.99** | υ=22.98t-1.04 | 0.99** | |
15 | y=10.82ln(t+6.82)-19.13 | 0.99** | υ=29.95t-1.06 | 1.00** | |
19 | y=8.59ln(t+13.45)-21.76 | 0.99** | υ=25.33t-1.04 | 1.00** | |
27 | y=15.94ln(t+9.77)-33.51 | 0.99** | υ=54.89t-1.03 | 0.99** | |
32 | y=9.79ln(t+8.08)-19.47 | 0.99** | υ=26.50t-1.05 | 1.00** |
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