›› 2014, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (4): 636-642.

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Response of Granularity Distribution to Wind Erosion in the Playa of the Ebinur Lake, Xinjiang, Northwest China


  • Received:2013-04-25 Revised:2014-01-19 Online:2014-07-15 Published:2014-08-11

Abstract: Wind erosion, especially in arid zone, is one of the basic geomorphologic processes that shapes different landscapes. The playa of the Ebinur Lake suffers from strong wind erosion, which may cause the occurrence of harmful sand (salt) storms. In order to understand the variation of granular distribution in the playa of the Ebinur Lake, the granular distribution parameters were used to characterize the response of granular distribution to wind erosion in the selected three regions in a bare desert including S1, S2 and S3, where [WTBX]Phragmites australis, Haloxylon ammodendron[WTBZ] and [WTBX]Halocnemum strobilaceum[WTBZ] are the dominant species. The results showed that the fraction content at the same soil depth was significantly different from the different sample sites due to the different time of the formation of deposits in different regions. Generally speaking, the study area S1 was mainly consisted of clay, silt and very fine sand, and the silt content was as high as 80.60%. In the study area S2, the sand content was as high as 87.71%, and the average particle size ranged from 2.25Φ to 3.54Φ. However, the study area S3 was consisted of silt, very fine sand, fine sand and midsized sand, and the average particle size varied from 3.38Φ to 5.65Φ. The response of fraction content and granular parameters of sediment from the three typical regions to wind erosion was different. The average particle sizes (0-10 cm) and granular distribution of sediment in the covered area were significantly different from that in the area without cover. Moreover, such difference was reduced with the increase of soil depth.