›› 2013, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (6): 1129-1135.

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Identification and Screening of Salt Tolerance of Main Cotton Varieties in Xinjiang

YANG Shu-ping1,2 ,WEI Chang-zhou2,3 ,LIANG Yong-chao2,3,4   

  1. (1. Teachers Training College, Shihezi University, Shihezi 832003, Xinjiang, China;2. Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecological Agriculture of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Shihezi University, Shihezi 832003, Xinjiang, China;3. College of Agriculture, Shihezi University, Shihezi 832003, Xinjiang, China; 4. Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition and Nutrient Cycling of Ministry of Agriculture, Institute of Agricultural Resources and Agricultural Regionalization, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100008, China)
  • Received:2012-08-21 Revised:2012-10-31 Online:2013-11-15 Published:2013-12-12

Abstract: Germination experiments and hydroponic experiments were carried out to identify the salt tolerance of 30 cotton varieties planted in Xinjiang. The results revealed that, in the 30 cotton varieties, proportion of the cotton varieties with high salt tolerance (at level Ⅰ) at their bud stage was 16.67% only, that with certain salt tolerance (at level Ⅱ) was 43.30%, and that sensitive to salt and with moderate salt tolerance was 40.00%. At seedling stage, there was no any cotton variety with high salt resistance, there were 8 cotton varieties with salt tolerance at level Ⅱ, and the proportion of cotton varieties with salt tolerance at level Ⅲ was 63.30%. At bud stage, there was an extremely significant positive correlation between the relative bud length and the relative root length, but a significant negative correlation between the relative bud length and the saltharmful index. At seedling stage, there was a significant positive correlation between the rootshoot ratio and the saltharmful index, and the salt tolerance at bud stage could be used to indirectly reflect the salt tolerance at cotton seedling stage.

Key words: cotton, bud stage, seedling stage, salt tolerance, Xinjiang