Arid Zone Research ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (6): 1717-1727.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.06.03
• Weather and Applied Climate • Previous Articles Next Articles
ZHANG Wenyu1(),REN Jing1,2(
),FU Danhong2,KONG Lingbin1,TIAN Shuo1
Jing REN;
ZHANG Wenyu,REN Jing,FU Danhong,KONG Lingbin,TIAN Shuo. Selection of cloud model simulation parameters and analysis of microphysical structure characteristics of the precipitation process in the Qilian Mountains[J].Arid Zone Research, 2022, 39(6): 1717-1727.
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Tab. 1
Model setup"
d01 | d02 | d03 | |
网格距 | 27 km | 9 km | 3 km |
格点数 | 115×91 | 154×124 | 235×220 |
垂直层 | 34 | 34 | 34 |
模式顶高 | 50 hPa | 50 hPa | 50 hPa |
积云参数化方案 | Grell-Devenyi | Grell-Devenyi | Grell-Devenyi |
边界层方案 | BMJ | BMJ | BMJ |
陆面过程方案 | RUC | RUC | RUC |
长波辐射方案 | RRTM | RRTM | RRTM |
云微物理方案 | Thompson Morrison2-mom WSM3 WDM6 | Thompson Morrison2-mom WSM3 WDM6 | Thompson Morrison2-mom WSM3 WDM6 |
表面层方案 | Eta | Eta | Eta |
短波辐射方案 | Goddard | Goddard | Goddard |
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